A Message from Our Senior Pastor,

Rev. Carolyn Stephens

Friday, February 24, 2023

Dear Saint Mark Family,


A Holy and Blessed Lent to each of you.


This past Wednesday was the beginning of Lent. We have now entered into the season of reflection, self-examination, and repentance. During these 40 days, we should be mindful to focus on our relationship with God, making every effort to deepen our faith and commitment in our walk with Christ. Our Lenten theme for this year is “Journeying with Jesus,” and we will be going with his as he sets his face towards Jerusalem.


There are a number of transformative practices you can participate in as we journey together in this season. Some are spiritual disciplines that have been historically practiced by the early church and great men and women of the Christian faith. Prayer, fasting, study, meditation, service, and simplicity are just a few of the practices you can engage in to be more intentional about growing as disciples of Jesus Christ, and to growing deeper in your relationship with God.


Take the time to pray. Fix the hours of the day you will commit to praying. It could be at 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, and at 6 pm, whatever time you choose, use it to pray. At the first set time, you can take 5 minutes to pray for yourself, your family, and your friends. At the second set time, you can pray for those on the prayer list. At the third, you can pray for your church. At the fourth, you can pray for our elected officials. You can create whatever pattern that will work best for you, but whatever you do just pray.


If you have never fasted before, give it a try. Fast even once throughout the season. It could be not to eat breakfast one morning. It could be to forego lunch. Whichever meal you choose not to eat, use that duration to pray, to read a particular passage of Scripture, or simply to say “Lord have mercy.” Fasting tempers and grounds us.


You could also take on the practice of simplicity. Forego the western way of consumerism. Lessen your spending. Buy only what you need. Use only what you need. Give from your abundance. Declutter your home of things you planned on using, but have not touched in the past 5 years. Give clothes to Goodwill or the Salvation Army you have not worn in 2 years. Simplicity reorients us to what is truly important.


Read our Lenten Devotional Daily. Mediate on the Scripture passage for each day. Think on the devotion written by your Saint Mark family. Consider what implications it has for your life. Use the devotional as your guide throughout the season.


Whatever practice or action you take during this season, I pray you will live mindfully and intentionally throughout these days.

On a final note, I hope you will be in worship this Sunday as we begin our sermon series, Journeying with Jesus. When you enter the sanctuary this Sunday, you should notice that there is a difference, depending on the weather. Yesterday, the protective covering that was over the Rose Window because of the construction was removed. The sunlight will now be streaming through into the sanctuary, casting its rays all around. I am told it is a sight to behold I am looking forward to seeing it, and I hope you are too.



Pastor Carolyn.

Saint Mark United Methodist Church

Rev. Carolyn Stephens, Senior Pastor

781 Peachtree St NE

Atlanta GA 30308-1205



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