Thursday, March 30, 2023
A summary of appropriations for
the City portion of the budget
The single largest component is the Personal Services section of the budget. The total increase in the Personal Services section of the General Fund budget represents $1,809,583 or 5.7%. Other operational costs make up a decrease of $227,484 or -1.7%. These two components make up departmental operations and maintenance with a net increase of $1,582,099 or 3.5%.

The next single largest component is Debt Service, with an increase of $511,891 or 8.2% for this proposed budget. Capital Outlay has an increase of $142,061 or 3.0%.

The table below shows the components of City appropriations.

An in-depth discussion of cost drivers for each section of the city portion of the budget is included in the Fiscal Year 2024 Proposed Budget, beginning on page 15 of the detailed budget document and page 9 of the FY2024 Budget Summary document. Both are available here.
The fiscal year and the budget

The City's fiscal year begins on July 1 of each year and ends the following June 30. The City's budget process begins each fall with the Capital Improvements Program (CIP). All capital spending of $25,000 or more for items with useful lives of three years or longer is included in this budget. Based on the City Council's financing policy, items are identified for bonding, appropriation in the annual operating budget or other types of financing. The City Council adopted the six-year CIP plan and authorized appropriations and bonding for fiscal year 2024 projects at its Oct. 26, 2022 meeting.

Items identified for the annual operating budget are included in the City Manager's proposed annual budget. Departments are responsible for submitting their annual budget request to the City Manager. After reviews with the departments, the City Manager makes any final adjustments to his proposed budget. The City Manager's proposed annual budget for the next fiscal year, including the School Board request, is due annually to the City Council by February 15. (In previous years, the deadline was April 15; however, the City Council updated the budget schedule through an ordinance change in August 2022.)

The City Council may add to, or cut from, the Manager's proposed annual budget by majority vote; however, the City Council must pass the budget by April 15 after separate public hearings for the City and School budgets. The budget becomes effective July 1. If the City Council does not adopt the budget by April 15, the City Manager's proposed budget takes effect July 1.

After the original budget is adopted, the City Manager may make appropriation transfers within a non-school department or transfer between non-school departments with City Council approval. After initial adoption, the City Council may amend the budget by a two-thirds vote.

The annual budget process is detailed in each proposed budget. Find it on page 7 of the Fiscal Year 2024 Proposed Budget and page 3 of the Fiscal Year 2024 Proposed Budget Summary, both available here.
Want to know more? In addition to the online resource for this fiscal year's budget, check out Budget Revealed for more information about the budget process, including previous budgets, insight into the budget cycle, and additional multimedia content.

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