Dear Skalleagues,
The 2018 World Congress will be taking place between October 17-21, 2018 in Mombasa, Kenya. Skål Kenya has just launched the website for the SI 2018 World Congress. Please take a moment to review the site The website is well prepared with program details, visa information, pre & post FAM tours, airline & hotel promotions secured for the SI Congress participants and online registration platform.
The SKÅL International World Congress is a great opportunity to meet Skålleagues from around the globe in person. The congress offers the opportunity to see old friends, make new friends and do business among friends!
As your Skål USA President, I will be attending the SI World Congress with SKÅL USA ISC Holly Powers, representing the Skål USA EC. With Skål USA being the largest National Committee in the Skål International World, we are hoping to have a large presence again at this year's Skål International World Congress. We are looking forward to your participation and to travel together as a group to this year's SI World Congress.
The Congress details and link to the official congress website is also available at under upcoming events.
As always please do not hesitate to contact me or anyone on your Skål USA EC for any questions, suggestions and feedback.

Yours in Friendship & Skål!

Burcin Turkkan
Skål USA President - 2018

Skål International USA | ph: ( 202) 898-4690 | | 111 K Street NE, 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20002