Thank you from our adopted family (translated)
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We received all of the gifts. Thank you very much. Blessings to everyone. We are very grateful for everything. The children had a very good Christmas. We thank you for everything that you have done for us.
Reengaging Parishioners
There were several new faces at our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses- but many of them were familiar to some of you, because they were parishioners who haven't been attending in-person worship for a while. I am asking your help in identifying the names of these parishioners, so that I and others can reach out to them and invite them to consider being more engaged in parish life, now that we are "reopened". If you remember the names of anyone that you saw at a Christmas liturgy who hasn't been to church for a while, please send Father Rob an email with their names. Thanks for your help.
Epiphany House Blessings
It is traditional to have homes blessed during the season of Epiphany. This blessing may occur in one of two ways:
Option One: You and your family may bless your home by inscribing an Epiphany blessing on the lentil of your door with blessed chalk. The blessing uses the initials of the names of the three wise men (Casper, Melchior, and Balthasar) to create an anagram which represents a latin prayer, Christus Mansionem Benedicat- which means "Christ bless this house." The blessing is written as: 20+C+M+B+22
Blessed chalk will be available in the narthex on Sunday and a simple liturgy for the house blessing will be posted on the website.
Option Two: You may make an appointment with Father Rob to come to your house blessing at your home during the season of Epiphany. The season of Epiphany begins on January 7, and ends on Mardi Gras, March 1. The cycle of Christmas ends on the feast of the Presentation, also known as Candlemas. The greens will be removed from the church after the end of the 12 days of Christmastide, but the creche will remain throughout the season and will be removed after Candlemas (February 2).
Parishioner in Need of Transportation
Linda Virtue is in need of some help with transportation to her health/ recovery facilities. She needs someone who might be able to provide transportation once a week. Could be any time of the day but would be a commitment of at least an hour. The facilities are maybe 20 -30 minutes away depending on whom she’s seeing that day. Please call her at 732-271-8026 for more details.
Upcoming Dates
January 23, 2022 - Annual Meeting - There will be a joint Mass at 10:30 am on that weekend, and the meeting will follow the Mass.
Summer Mission Opportunity
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in New Providence is sponsoring a work mission trip in the summer and inviting all parishes in our convocation to participate. It is a trip similar to an ASP trip, where those who participate will be working on light construction projects to improve the lives of the poor in Connellsville, PA. There will be opportunities for fun and recreation on the weekend and evenings, including white water rafting and possibly a visit to Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water.
The trip is open to anyone in 8th grade and older. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to do a mission trip together. The cost is $450-$650 per person.
To learn more about the trip and requirements for participating, please plan to attend a zoom meeting on Sunday, January 25 at 7:30 pm. You can also see Fr Rob+ for an information sheet.
Meeting ID: 329 858 9321
2021 Giving Statements
2021 Giving Statements were emailed on Tuesday, January 18. If we don't have an email address for you, your statement was sent by US Mail today, Wednesday, January 19. Please contact the church office by email if you have any questions. Jane will be back in the office Monday, January 24 to address any issues. Thank you for your patience!
Diocesan Convention 2022
The diocesean convention is scheduled for March. Information will be forthcoming regarding whether it will be in person, via zoom, or hybrid. Participating in the diocesan convention is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other Episcopalians in our diocese and to see the inner workings of the church. Because the Episcopal Church values the voice and discernment of all the people of God, the diocesan convention allows delegates from various parishes to participate in prayerfully discerning God's desires for the church in this place.
Perhaps you would like to be a delegate to Convention? If so, send Father Rob an email and let him know. A slate of names will be presented at our Annual Meeting on January 23 for election. In order to serve as a delegate, one must be a Confirmed Episcopalian in good standing.
Prayer Requests
- Keep Mike, Christine Kellam's dad in your prayers.
- The family of Sam Kearton, who passed on December 15th in Florida.
- Juanita asks for prayers for the family of Gloribel Ayala who passed away.
- Marilyn has requested prayers for Andrea, Stephanie, Alex, and Kelsey.
Please send your prayer intentions to Philip at