A weekly newsletter for all University of Kentucky College of Public Health faculty, staff, and health champions in Kentucky and beyond!

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UK alum Nicole Barber-Culp hired

to expand workforce development initiatives

Nicole Barber-Culp recently joined the University of Kentucky College of Public Health’s (CPH) team as the Workforce Development and Public Health Practice Program Manager. Originally from Frankfort, Nicole plans to expand CPH’s capacity to invest and diversify the current and future public health workforce through training, experiential learning, professional development, and collaboration. She brings a strong combination of project management, community engagement, and partnership building skills to the team.

CPH Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame 2023 now

accepting nominations

CPH's 2023 Hall of Fame event on Oct. 12 will honor promising and distinguished public health alumni and leaders across different award categories. Have a nomination for the Promising Leader, Distinguished Leader and/or Hume Medallion Award? Nominations will be accepted until Friday, Aug. 11, at 5PM. Contact Anna Hallahan with questions.

In the News

CPH faculty to serve on

University Senate Committees

Dr. Marc Kiviniemi (HBS) has been selected to serve a one-year term as a representative to the Undergraduate Committee of the University Senate. Dr. Sarah Wackerbarth (HMP) has been elected to serve a three-year term as a representative to the Health Care Colleges Council (HCCC). Dr. Ketrell McWhorter (EEH) has been elected as an alternate to HCCC. Dr. Amanda Ellis (BST) has been elected to serve a three-year term on the Graduate Committee. Congrats!

Small Business Toolkit for Hiring Employees in Recovery

Nationwide, 70% of all adults with an alcohol or illicit drug use disorder (about 13.6 million people) are employed. To address the significant number of workers in recovery from substance use disorder, the KOSHS program at Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center has developed a toolkit to assist small businesses in hiring and retaining this significant segment of the population.

Upcoming Events

CPH presents “Pump It Up" 2023

You are cordially invited to the next “Pump It Up” celebration and semester kick-off event. On Tuesday, Aug. 22, all CPH faculty, staff, and students (along with friends, family, local alumni, and other community partners) are invited. At this event, you will experience a new appreciation for becoming a pumped-up public health champion!

Virtual Kentucky 2023 Fall and Osteoporosis Prevention Summit

Hosted by the Kentucky Safe Aging Coalition, Kentucky Department for Public Health, Kentucky Department for Aging and Independent Living, Kentucky Safety and Prevention Alignment Network, and Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center, the summit will take place virtually on Aug. 16, 10AM-3:35PM.

SAVE THE DATE: Public Health Showcase 2024

Public Health Showcase 2024, sponsored by CPH, is a unique opportunity for sharing innovative work in public health research, community practice, teaching, and workforce development. Save the date for March 25, 2024.

Research Publications

"Creating the necessary infrastructure for a trauma-informed system of care for children and youth," John S LyonsApril D Fernando

Abstract: Understanding and addressing the impact of adverse life events is an important priority in the design of helping systems. However, creating trauma-informed systems requires efforts to embed effective trauma-informed work in routine practice. This article discusses a model for developing trauma-informed systems using the Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) framework, a strategy for engineering person-centered care.

"Comparison of primary care prescriptions for old and very old hypertensive patients," Selcan Tülü ÇolakCaner VızdıklarMert KaşkalVolkan AydınÖmer AtaçAhmet Akıcı

Abstract: Elderly and very elderly individuals might be subject to different approaches for the treatment of hypertension. We aimed to compare drug utilization in hypertensive old patients and very old patients in primary care, along with the evaluation of potentially inappropriate drug prescribing.

"Corrigendum to "Extent and implications of omitted ties on network measures in a longitudinal social network survey of people who use drugs" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 238 (2022) 109554]" Elizabeth M UptonAbby E RudolphPatrick J WardJennifer R HavensApril M Young

Additional News/Events

Taking care of our people: How the UK International Center supports UK employees’ global work

UK HealthCare physician explores new pediatric care protocols in developing nations

2023 Howard L. Bost Memorial Health Policy Forum, Oct 11

Volunteers still needed for Big Blue Move-In

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