May 3, 2024



Dear Centenary Family,


There’s a lot going on in the Church! There’s a lot going on in our church and in the United Methodist Church.


  • I hope you’ll look over all the opportunities for growth and service in our newsletter below. 
  • I hope you’ll plan to come at 9:30am this Sunday morning and meet Adella Barrett, our new Coordinator of Ministry to Senior Adults. 
  • I hope you’ll make plans to take part in the new study Rev. Pat Shipley is leading beginning on Sunday, May 12. 
  • I certainly hope you will plan to be here for our Serving Fair on Pentecost Sunday, May 19.


Please read the article about our new website below. We’re all so grateful to our Administrative Assistant, Laura Nealley, for all she has done to make this happen for us! Please thank Laura for all her hard—and creative—work!


And there’s a lot going on in the United Methodist Church. Our General Conference concludes today and much has been accomplished for which we are grateful. The measures proposed for regionalization, changing language in our Book of Discipline, and a new, more globally sensitive version of our Social Principles are among the accomplishments for which we are very grateful. Here is a summary from May 1 published by Virginia Methodists for a New Thing:


The postponed 2020 General Conference voted today, May 1, to remove The United Methodist Church’s ban on the ordination of clergy who are “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” — a prohibition that dates to 1984.

The vote on the consent calendar was 692-51, with approval at 93%. Also on the consent calendar, delegates voted that superintendents are not to penalize clergy or churches for holding— or refraining from holding — same-sex weddings. Learn more in this UM News article...

Following the vote, Bishop Sue said, “I am grateful that The United Methodist Church has removed provisions from church law that have done great harm to a group of people made in the image of God and called by God to ministry. I am also grateful that our Book of Discipline is now written in a way that includes and welcomes all people, whether they characterize themselves as progressive, centrist, or traditionalist. We remain one in service to Christ, sent forth in mission in his name, as agents of his amazing grace and sacrificial love.”


Please read the bullet points included in the remainder of this article that highlight the way a new, more inclusive United Methodist Church, is emerging in light of the actions taken at General Conference. Talking Points related to General Conference (


There were other historic actions taken by this General Conference including the adoption of a full communion agreement with the Episcopal Church and the extension of sacramental authority to ordained deacons. (More on this to come).

If you’d like to learn more about General Conference 2024, there is a wealth of information and many helpful links here: General Conference 2024 | VAUMC


The Virginia Annual Conference will host a post-General Conference Zoom webinar on Thursday, May 9 at 7:00pm. The panel will include Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson, Rev. Lindsey Baynham-Freeman, head of the Virginia delegation, and delegates Rev. Mark Ogren, Marshall Bailey, and Rev. Dr. Jonathan Page. Interested persons can register for the event now. The webinar will be recorded for later viewing. And look for a time for conversation for us as a church family about the impact of General Conference 2024 in the next couple of weeks led by Rev. Kathy Talley.


Many people have worked very hard for many years to bring the church to this new place. Much work remains for all of us to do to advance the reign of God in our city and in our world. But this Sunday, we will have much to be thankful for as we continue our own mission in downtown Richmond as Virginia’s first Reconciling Congregation. 


I look forward to continuing to follow God’s call to worship, grow, and serve a God whose grace and mercy knows no boundaries.






Worship jpg.jpg

Sundays at 10:30am

In person and online.


Click here to watch at Church Online

Who is Jesus? 

There are many historical, doctrinal and cultural answers to this question, but for most of us who call ourselves Christian the important answer relates not to doctrine or history but to how we experience Jesus in our own lives. In her book Freeing Jesus: Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way, and Presence, Diana Butler Bass shares her personal experiences of Jesus and invites us to reflect on and perhaps enlarge our understanding of Jesus in our own lives. You are invited to share in this journey in a six week class facilitated by Pat Shipley on Sunday mornings, beginning at 9:00 am on Sunday, May 12


Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers to serve ice cream at the Mission Fair. 11:15-12:30.

Please contact the church office to volunteer to help.

Mission Opportunity

The Doorways

The Serving Team would like to invite the congregation to bring donations of non-perishable food items in support of The Doorways. The Doorways provides lodging and support for patients and their families who need to be close to hospitals but not far from the feeling of “home.”  For a complete list of items they can accept, click here.

Donations will be accepted until May 19.

Welcome Adella Barrett!

We invite you to join the Staff Parish Relations Team in a warm welcome to Adella Barrett, our new Coordinator of Ministry to Seniors, on Sunday, May 5 at 9:30 am. We plan to gather in the Fellowship Hall before the service to “meet and greet” Adella and to enjoy a light continental breakfast. This is a wonderful opportunity for the entire congregation to extend its hospitality to Adella.


United Women in Faith

Join Us!

Tuesday, May 7 at 12:30pm

Mary E. Vetrovec's home (6404 Westchester Circle)

Pot Luck: Quiche, Salad & Dessert luncheon! This is open to all women of the church & will replace our May C/GP UWF meeting. Please contact the church office to let us know you plan to join us! We look forward to seeing you at this fun get-together!

This will be our last meeting til September! Enjoy your summer!

A New Website Is Here!

We have a new website! Same address - - but a brand new look. It is a work in progress as we strive to keep it updated and add more information. You can still watch our Sunday morning services and find archived services here. You can take a look at the web version of newsletters here. And so much more. Take a look around! If you have any questions - please contact Laura in the church office.

Zoom Bible Study

Wednesdays at 10:00am

Join us as Pastor Matt leads us through a look at the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday. Contact the church office to be put on the Bible Study email list and have a reminder email with Zoom information in your email inbox every Tuesday!


Sunday, May 5

9:30am - Welcome Adella Barrett

10:30am - Worship Service - In person and Online

Monday, May 6

5:00pm - Change the World/RVA

Tuesday, May 7

Noon - AA - Room 106

Wednesday, May 8

10:00am - Bible Study - Zoom

7:00pm - Choir Rehearsal

Friday, May 10

10:30 am - Walk-In Lunch

Noon - AA - Room 106

Sunday, May 12

9:00 am - Freeing Jesus Class

10:30am - Worship Service - In person and Online

Online Giving Made Easy

Use the QR code to quickly get to

our online giving page.


cumc map.png


Rev. Matt Bates -

Carina Brackin -

Adella Barrett -

Office/Laura Nealley -


Our mission is to change the world through love.

To acknowledge God’s love is, for each of us, a life-changing event.

As followers of Jesus, we share God’s love for all people, and work together to make our world a better place, one life at a time.