You're Saving America's One and Only Flagship.
While we continue to advance plans for the SS United States’ revitalization with our development partners, we are navigating some challenging headwinds that only your support can help us overcome. 

A dispute with our current landlord over a sudden and unexpected doubling of our rent has emerged, which we are urgently working to resolve. We have also been informed that Pier 82, along with several others along the Philadelphia waterfront, have been slated for redevelopment. These challenges are making it increasingly likely that the ship will need to be moved for the first time in over 25 years. Read more in our 2022 annual appeal.

Please make your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE CHARITABLE DONATION to the Conservancy today for the 2022 tax year and help us save an American icon.*
Thanks to your continued support of our efforts, interest in the SS United States has never greater. Our celebration of the 70th anniversary of the ship’s record-breaking maiden voyage increased the size of our global community. This year we reached more than 2.5 million people with exciting videos, images, and digital programming about America’s Flagship.

There's still time to renew your membership or make a donation and claim it for the 2022 tax year.*

Because of your generosity, people around the world know America’s Flagship endures as a powerful symbol of the nation’s strength, resiliency, and our potential to unify in the face of adversity.

Please donate today and recommit to being a part of her story. This coming year will present challenges that require us to redouble our efforts. Special member-only, in-person events will resume in 2023, and we hope you will join us! Thank you for all you have done for the SS United States. You’re saving America’s one and only Flagship.
*As a national 501(c)(3), all contributions to the SS United States Conservancy are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. We encourage you to consult your tax professional for further information and guidance.