A Pain in The Neck...

Neck pain issues are a common complaint at the Acupuncture by Andrea clinic. The human head weighs around 11 pounds, and is held upright and stable by about 20 muscles. These muscles have a big job to do in keeping our heavy cranium aloft and sometimes they have unexpected and painful failures.

Most people live with symptoms of compromised neck and shoulder muscles until it disrupts normal daily activities, sleep is disturbed and a bad mood becomes a way of life.

Learn more about neck pain and how acupuncture can help in our latest blog article.
Help for Headaches
Everyone everywhere dreads getting a headache. Whether migraine or stress-induced, a headache can ruin your day. In the West, to get up and running when challenged with a headache, we pop an Advil or an aspirin, drink a caffeinated beverage or take a prescription medication. This approach does work because these substances are anti-inflammatory vasodialators or vasoconstrictors that reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to the head. But wouldn’t you prefer to throw out the medications and treat the underlying problem, ridding yourself of headaches forever?
To treat your headache we need to determine where it is located and target treatment to relieve your pain.
  • A back of the neck headache in the occipital region is often related to internal wind issues like high blood pressure. This type of headache is directly related to both short term and long-term stress that has fatigued your kidneys and resulted in adrenal burnout (kidney qi deficiency)
  • Headache pain in the forehead is often caused by stomach or bowel issues. This headache probably occurs alongside constipation and long-term heartburn.
  • A headache on the sides of your head sits on the gallbladder meridian and may be rooted in digestive problems caused by too much fatty or fried food.
  • Top of the head headache that feels like you've been stabbed with a sharp point is a vertex headache, caused by insufficient blood to the upper part of the body.
  • A pain wrapping around your head like a wet towel is a dampness/phlegm caused headache related to spleen qi deficiency, and is often accompanied by insufficient digestion and stress.
During your treatment session, I will choose points based on your headache location and pulse rate, and I will visually examine your tongue to determine your general health and any related health concerns.
Along with acupuncture to treat your headache, I may prescribe an herbal formula. One of the best overall formulas is Cordyalin from Evergreen Herbs. I have prescribed this formula for many of my clients suffering from headaches with much success. For some types of headaches including hormone-related or dehydration- caused, other formulas would be recommended.
If you are suffering from any type of headache, I can help relieve the pain while treating all of your underlying conditions. Find relief at Acupuncture by Andrea and get headache free!
Asthma and Allergies?
Acupuncture is the Answer!
Did you know that humans can survive up to 40 days without food, 2 weeks without water but only 2 minutes without air? Breathing is so automatic that we don’t usually think about it. For those suffering from asthma and allergies, with swelled sinuses and blocked airways, breathing is always on their mind. Not being able to take a deep breath is panic inducing and can cause complications with heart rate and anxiety levels. Most of my patients with allergies and asthma use steroid inhalers and usually a daily antihistamine. These over the counter and prescription medications are helpful but come with a cost to your health. They are severely drying to the mucus membranes in your nose, mouth, stomach, and intestines. When these areas become too dry, asthma and allergic reactions increase and rebound effects occur, causing a dependence on the same medications that were supposed to help the problem!
Acupuncture to the rescue! My patient Elana suffered from severe allergies and asthma, taking medications for allergies and breathing issues for over ten years. When she came to the clinic for acupuncture for other health issues, I added treatment points targeting underlying problems that had caused her sinuses to swell and diminish her breathing.

Elena was determined to completely wean herself off of all medications. Finding herself breathing easier with each weekly acupuncture treatment, Elena began to slowly reduce her daily dosage of allergy pills. Along with acupuncture, I prescribed several herbal formulas to help her transition away from her medications. The herbal formulas helped her mucous membranes and sinuses readjust, and after several weeks she was able to eliminate these as well.
Because allergy and asthma medications have a drying effect throughout the body, Elena had suffered for years with dry eyes, dry mouth and dry skin. The lack of moisture in her body also affected her sleep. The blood coursing through your liver cleanses and renews your entire body and helps to provide restful sleep. After 10 years of daily medications, Elena’s sleep had suffered. When the effects of the medications had left her body and it was reaching a healthy balance, Elena was ecstatic! For the first time in a decade she didn’t have to take any daily medication to breathe normally! As if that wasn’t enough to celebrate, she was also relieved of the dry mouth, eyes and skin and her sleep greatly improved.
Elena’s positive outcome is so wonderful, but it’s not unique. My patients are consistently surprised and delighted at the healthy results they have achieved after a few weeks of treatments. The foundation of Chinese Medicine is balance—maintaining or regaining balance throughout the body and mind to obtain optimal health. Through an individualized process of eliminating harmful substances and actions, and adding beneficial treatments like acupuncture, massage, herbal medicine and cupping, you, like Elena, can overcome illness and begin to live a healthier life.
If asthma and allergies are compromising your health, come in for a consult and treatment at the Acupuncture by Andrea offices today. You’ll breathe easier in no time!
Respiratory Health and Wildfires
In Florida this year we are so grateful to be spared from wildfire season. However the northern part of the nation is covered in wildfire smoke from Canada. You may encounter this smoke during your summer vacations in the U.S. and abroad, so let’s prepare to stay healthy if we find ourselves in an area of dense smoke this summer.
Your first defense when confronted with a smoky environment is avoidance. Try to stay indoors and limit exposure—cut down or eliminate outdoor physical activity until the smoke has cleared. Smoke irritates your eyes, nose, throat, and lungs, and small particles travel deeply into the lungs causing problems including respiratory irritation and shortness of breath.
If you’re in an active forest fire zone, drink plenty of fluids to keep the respiratory passages moist and facilitate the removal of mucus. If you are suffering ill effects of wildfire smoke with breathing impairment, try diaphragmatic (belly) breathing exercises, such as inhaling through the nose, and exhaling through pursed lips. This will improve lung volume and oxygen transport. Abdominal breathing can improve lung function in those living with asthma and COPD, and also help control stress and anxiety, while regulating digestion.
Learn more about the benefits of diaphragmatic breathing and how to do it right in this educational video.
Life's a Peach
Enjoying seasonal, fresh food is one of my greatest pleasures. We are in peach season, and it is such a delightful time. The smell, of course the taste, and just the feel of a juicy, ripe peach in your hand brings joy.
In Chinese medicine, the peach is considered not only delicious, but also a beneficial medicine. Called Longevity Fruit, it moistens the intestines, skin and organs, promoting blood circulation and bowel movements. Peaches are great for immune boosting and can help with recovery from illnesses as they are rich in vitamin B and C and the minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. Also known as Fairy Fruit, all the parts of a peach are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine: the fruit benefits the lungs, the kernels are prescribed for coughs, rheumatism and worms, and the flowers are used as a laxative.
I did a little research into this powerful fruit, and I am even more pro-peach—what a long and interesting history it has had. Peaches were first cultivated in China around 2000 BC. During wars with Persia, the peach was brought to the Middle East. Sometime around 300 BC, Alexander the Great defeated the Persians and amongst the spoils of war was the peach which he introduced to Europe. The fruit was brought to America in the 16th century by Spanish explorers, and we are so glad they did! The southern United States is renowned for delicious peaches, with Georgia and South Carolina producing amazing fruits since the 1700s.
The Peach Truck tours the U.S. selling fresh-grown peaches and I just bought a box. They took about four days to ripen, and then oh my, were they delicious! Get some fresh peaches this summer and taste the healing goodness.
Move Heaven and Earth
Nothing is impossible in this world. Firm determination, it is said, can move heaven and earth.