Family Promise of Grayson County Newsletter April 2022
Our mission is intersecting faith and community to empower
Grayson County families to end child homelessness.

Message from our Executive Director
What an active month we had at Family Promise!

In March, we added 20 families to our Family HOPE (homelessness prevention) program, bringing the total number of families served in that program in the first quarter of 2022 to 55. That surpasses the number of families served through the Family HOPE program (54) in all of 2021! We are so grateful to be able to help these families (including more than 100 children) to remain in their homes.

We also served three single mothers and 10 children in our rotation program during March. One of these moms "graduated" from the program and now has a job she loves and a home for herself and her baby girl. The other two families had been on waiting lists for transitional housing, and both were called with the good news that it was their turn. While they were in our program only a brief time, we wish them success in the future. Special thanks to Covenant Presbyterian church for hosting these two families!

Read ahead to learn about big grants, new Board members, and upcoming events. Wishing you a blessed and holy Easter!

Independent Financial and BancorpSouth hosting budgeting classes
Last month, we hosted a Fraud Prevention class at the Family Promise Day Center. The lively discussion was lead by Larsha' Thomas from Independent Financial. Everyone learned a lot and enjoyed it so much that we have scheduled a series of financial literacy classes!

On Tuesday, April 12 from 6:30-7:30 PM, Independent Financial will host a class on, "Your Spending and Savings Plan". Ms. Thomas, Assistant Vice President and Senior Community Development Officer (pictured), will be the presenter again.

In May and June, BancorpSouth will host classes on budgeting and avoiding harmful pitfalls that can impact credit negatively. Rebecca Aros, Assistant Vice President and Retail Manager at BancorpSouth, is coordinating these classes. They will be held Tuesday, May 17 from 6:30-7:30 PM and Tuesday, June 21 from 6:30-7:30 PM.

Classes are open to all who are interested. Snacks, child care and door prizes will be provided. Please let us know if you plan to attend, so we can plan accordingly.

RSVP: 903-771-0322
Please leave your name, phone number, the number of adults attending, and the number of children needing childcare. Hope to see you there!

Note: Child care assistants are needed during the classes. If you are a trained Family Promise Volunteer and would like to help out on any of these dates, please let Leigh know (903-271-1088).

Get to Know the Board!
Janis Fletcher is our newest Board member! She is a 40+ year resident of Sherman with her husband David. She recently retired from the City of Sherman after 15 years of service in the Municipal Court. Janis enjoys being involved in the community and loves spending time with their two grandsons. She likes to watch them play hockey, golf, and baseball. We are so happy to have her join our Family Promise Board! Welcome, Janis!
Family Promise VolunteerTraining
Family Promise of Grayson County has nearly a dozen newly trained volunteers! Three training sessions were conducted last month for new Board members and members of Grace United Methodist church in Sherman, Grace Lutheran church in Denison, and First United Methodist church in Whitesboro. Training is scheduled for Sunday, May 15 from 12:15 - 2:15 at Georgetown Baptist church in Pottsboro. Anyone desiring to become a Family Promise volunteer may attend or may call Leigh at 903-771-0322 to schedule another training session.
Emergency Food and Shelter Program Award
During Commissioners Court on March 29, Lander Bethel, Chairman of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) Local Board in Grayson County, presented a giant check in the amount of $192,417 to be divided among EFSP grant recipients. Family Promise of Grayson County was one of six local nonprofits that received the award. Lauryn Wise is the Community Impact Coordinator and EFSP Administrator through United Way of Grayson County. Family Promise of Grayson County will use its allotted amount to assist families with rent, mortgage, or utility bills through our Family HOPE homelessness prevention and diversion program. We are so happy for all the families we will be able to serve with these funds!
Family Promise Board members Kelly Reed, Tyler Lewis, Becky Frank, and Michael Flanagan (not pictured) joined Executive Director Leigh Walker for the award presentation.
An Easter Prayer
Lord, as we celebrate the hope and joy of Your resurrection, help us share that hope and joy with others. May we remember to give out the grace and forgiveness that You freely have given us, and may we always give thanks for Your sacrificial love. Help us to share that love with others, especially with those who need it most. Amen.
If you would like to learn more about Family Promise of Grayson County including:

  • How to participate
  • How to volunteer
  • How to support through donations

Please visit or contact Executive Director, Leigh Walker at

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