Northwood School Laker

April 1, 2022

Back to Normal!

We are looking forward to returning to eating breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria and having PE classes in the gym beginning on Monday! Please remember that students will need a pair of gym shoes before their PE class next week. If this requirement presents a financial hardship for your family, please contact Lynda MacDonald at

State Testing

Every year, the state of New Hampshire requires students in grades 3-8 to participate in standardized state-wide testing, the New Hampshire Statewide Assessment System (NH SAS).

Students in grades 3-8 at Northwood School will be taking NH SAS tests beginning in early May. Teachers have been working hard all year to prepare students for these tests. You may hear your child talking about practice tests or "modules" that teachers are administering to help get students oriented to the format of the test.

The New Hampshire Department of Education's website provides additional information:

Annually, New Hampshire school districts and public charter schools are required by state law (RSA 193-C) and federal accountability laws (Every Student Succeeds Act) to assess students using a standardized assessment. Several assessments, outlined below, are utilized in order to comply with these requirements.

Statewide assessments are an important part of a student’s core educational program by providing:

  • An evaluation of student mastery of content and skills in various academic areas
  • Serve as one tool for measuring the degree to which students are on track to graduate high school and are college- and career-ready
  • Help inform future instruction in the classroom

Along with student work on classroom assignments, projects, essays and local assessments, state assessment results give teachers, parents, and the community important information about where students are on their path toward academic success.

New Hampshire students participate in the NH SAS, the general statewide assessment, for English language arts (ELA), mathematics and science in the following grades and content areas:

  • Grades 3-8 students are assessed in English language arts and mathematics
  • Grades 5, 8 and 11 students are assessed in science

We will provide more information regarding the administration of NH SAS testing in the next few weeks. Enjoy the weekend!

~ Jocelyn

Kindergarten Screening/Registration

May 18, 2022

News from Sixth Grade

This week sixth grade math students reviewed the concept of volume as it applies to prisms. We completed six centers focusing on the conceptual understanding of what volume is. Some centers had students figuring out real world problems, others had them filling various prisms with cubic inches, one even had them catching the errors of a fictional math student! We had a great time remembering what we learned and reinforcing a skill needed to access the sixth grade standard next week! 


News from Kindergarten

A very strange white box appeared in our kindergarten classroom. We have no idea what it is. Twenty-four eggs were placed inside the box. We’re not sure what is inside the eggs, as they are different colors and sizes. Lots of things hatch from eggs…they could be turtles, snakes, chickens, or even a few platypuses. Hopefully we will figure it out soon. For now we will keep on turning the eggs, even though we don’t know why. Any guesses as to what we are hatching?

From the Sunshine Committee

Meals Information

School & Community News


Important Dates

April 6 - Spring picture day

April 13 - School Board meeting, 6:30

April 25 - 29 - April vacation

April 27 - School Board meeting, 6:30

May 11 - School Board meeting, 6:30

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