GPL's Spring 2022 Newsletter
Letter to the Community
Spring is a time for growth and renewal. Along with the warmer weather and sun, we are finally coming out from under the shadow of COVID. The library is now open its full complement of hours, The Friends of the Library are once again collecting book donations, and in-person programming has commenced. This does not mean that the library is not taking precautions. In-person programming has limited seating, the 6-foot rule still applies, curbside pickup is available when the library is open. We are also recommending staff and patrons continue to wear masks in close proximity to others. 

A major area of the library that is also seeing a renewal is the library’s strategic plan. The last plan created in 2016, was a wonderful road map and guide to library offerings. Currently, we are 6 years into this plan, and it is time to reinvigorate and look toward the future. In the coming months, library staff and Board Trustees will be meeting with community members and area leaders to discuss library programs, resources, and services. Along with engaging in dialogue with the community, the library is conducting a new community survey. We are looking for input from all corners of the Greenburgh community to contribute and give us feedback on what the library is presently providing and what trends and resources we should be focusing on for the future. The survey is only 15 questions and will take 5-8 minutes to complete. Please consider adding your voice to the discussion of how the library will grow and move forward over the course of the next 5 years.

Happy Spring and see you in the library!

Christina Ryan-Linder
Library Director
Library Programming–YOUR Way!
As COVID cases continued their decline, March marked a month of transition for the Library as the Town of Greenburgh relaxed its mask requirement and we resumed in-person programs.

Staff and patrons alike were delighted to enjoy each other’s company in person for the full complement of Children’s programs for infants, preschoolers, and school-age children, as well as Magic: The Gathering Club and Yu-gi-Oh! for teens

Stitchfest, our casual meetup for knitters and crocheters met in person in March for the first time since early 2020 and will meet regularly on the second Thursday each month. We started and closed the month with the sizzle of Sunday afternoon jazz as "Straight Ahead Jazz with a Twist" with the Victor LaGamma Jazz Quartet and Joe Boykin and Friends entertained full houses in our Multipurpose Room. 

In-person program registration is limited in order to provide physical distancing among attendees and we continue to recommend masks, resuming a sense of normalcy while being mindful of COVID health concerns.

Virtual programs continued to be popular in March for their convenience, as well as accommodation for those who preferred to attend virtually due to health concerns. Programs included standing favorites such as film and book discussions, Opera Talk and Jazz Conversations, language conversation groups, Learning to See poetry workshops, meditation practice, navigating the college process, cooking for kids, as well as new additions: vegan cooking and birding for adults, talking to children and teens about race and other social justice educational programs and conversations. We even celebrated the popular ancient Hindu spring color festival of Holi virtually with Ajna Dance Company!

Hybrid programs (in-person with simultaneous virtual delivery) made their entrance to GPL’s programming complement in March, made possible by the recent purchase of a conference speakerphone and the technical prowess of our newest librarian, Justin Sanchez. Hybrid versions of Creative HeARTS and American Association of University Women (AAUW)’s, “How Isolation Impacts the Brain” were successfully delivered simultaneously to in-person and virtual attendees and will be offered in hybrid format in April.
Check out our Recorded Events page to view select programs you may have missed. New programs are added weekly. 
Learn about our upcoming virtual, in-person, and hybrid programming on our
Changes & Renewals
At Greenburgh Library, we decided that the library should be more convenient and accessible. We have improved the library user experience in the following ways:

Renewing your card:
Call Circulation at (914) 721-8204 and verify some contact information and we will renew your card by phone.

The system will attempt to auto-renew all eligible items checked out from Greenburgh. (Not technology, Express books or DVDs, magazines, or other things that are not usually renewable). Unfortunately, some reserved items that come from other libraries will not renew automatically, but you can check your account online or see staff to set up email notifications.

When you borrow an eligible item* from Greenburgh Library, the system will automatically attempt to renew it at the end of the loan period. You still only get one renewal. Ask a staff member to enable your account with an email address and you’ll get updates and reminders about your due dates. (The email notifications system is MUCH better than the phone system in general).

Fine-free Checkout*:
Books, magazines, DVDs, and CDs checked out from Greenburgh Library will NOT accrue fines, no matter where they are returned.
Fine-Free Check-in*:
Items returned to Greenburgh are checked in using Amnesty Mode. Accrued fines will be cleared regardless of where they were checked out.

Curbside Pickup:
We still offer this convenient service. You can call the Circulation Desk (721-8204) from the circle, and we'll bring your holds out. Please refer to our Curbside pickup instructions for more information.
Book Bundles:
You can request a librarian-curated selection of titles for adults, teens, and children.

Higher Checkout Limit:
The maximum number of checkouts has increased from 50 to 75 items (not including digital loans).

And ALL items are assumed LOST 30 days after the due date and you will be billed for the replacement cost of the item borrowed. However, you can clear the bill by returning the item.

And remember, digital loans are ALWAYS fine-free!

*Some items are still subject to overdue fines. These items are in high demand or are particularly time-sensitive:

** Interlibrary loans (ILLs), lost and damaged books are excluded from fine free check-in.
New Additions to the Library of Things
The Greenburgh Public Library has more to offer its patrons than books. We have take-home technology, such as Windows 10 laptops, Chromebooks, and mobile WiFi hotspots. Greenburgh cardholders are eligible to borrow a laptop, bundled with a hotspot, for up to three weeks at a time. These laptops can be for anything you need - working from home, completing homework, studying, or streaming video and audio content from our Library apps such as CloudLibrary, Hoopla, Libby, Kanopy and Medici TV. Bundled with a hotspot, you can connect a wireless device almost anywhere.
Greenburgh cardholders also have access to popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney+, and AcornTV by reserving an Amazon Fire TV Stick. Amazon Fire Sticks work on most TVs, and do not require your TV to be a Smart TV. Fire TV Sticks plug into the HDMI input on the side or back of your TV and require a nearby power source. Once plugged in, patrons can browse thousands of hours of their favorite shows. Fire TV Sticks also come with a plethora of free apps, including Kanopy and Hoopla using your library card, MoviesAnywhere and Vudu, IMDbTV, Crackle, and Pluto TV. Don’t have wireless internet at home? That’s fine! Fire TV Sticks can be bundled with a mobile WiFi hotspot. Fire TV Sticks can be borrowed up to two weeks at a time.
Like to explore the outdoors? Don’t forget to borrow one of our Mr. Lunetta’s Explorer Bags, provided by Central Westchester Audubon and Bronx River Sound Shore Audubon. Explorer Bags are bird watching kits with everything you’ll need for outdoor bird watching - two binoculars, bird identification card set, tree identification card set, a large magnifier, magnifying bug boxes, and an activity card. Greenburgh patrons can bundle the Explorer Bag with one of our newest museum passes, the New York State Empire Pass. The Empire Pass permits the cardholder free entry to most NY State Parks and some Department of Environmental Conservation sites. Explorer bags can be borrowed for three weeks and while the Empire Pass has a one week borrowing period. 
With support from the Friends of the Greenburgh Library, the Library added more museum passes to our collection for our patrons. In addition to the Empire Pass, Greenburgh patrons can reserve a museum pass to the following cultural institutions: The Frick Collection, The Guggenheim Museum, the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum, Museum of the City of New York, Museum of Modern Art, Westchester Children’s Museum, Storm King Art Center, Hudson River Museum, and the Jewish Museum. In addition to free admission to ten cultural institutions, the Greenburgh Library also offers a discount code for 20% off the price of admission to any of the five Wildlife Conservation Society wildlife parks. Take advantage of this program by reserving a pass up to 90 days in advance with your Greenburgh library card. 

The Library of Things is available for all Greenburgh Public Library cardholders in good standing. Don’t have a library card yet? Sign up here!
Friends of Greenburgh Library Book Spring Mini-Sale and Donation Guidelines
Next time you are in the Library, visit the Friends of the Greenburgh Library Books & More Store. You'll be amazed by the low prices ($2 for hardcover books and $1 for everything else!) and diverse selection of great books and materials available for purchase.

Look out for the Spring Mini-Sale, which begins on Friday, May 27 for members and on Saturday, May 28, 2022 for non-members from 9:30 am - 4:30 pm. Membership subscriptions will be available for purchase at the door. The money raised through book donations and sales helps to fund programs and resources like our Museum Pass Program, Amazon Fire TV Stick Lending Program, Virtual and In-Person Concerts, and other Library programs.

The Friends of the Greenburgh Library accepts donations of up to five grocery-sized bags/boxes of books, CDs, and DVDs, which may be dropped off in the designated donation bins under the staircase in the Library lobby during library hours. Materials must be in good condition. Unfortunately, the Friends do not accept magazines, encyclopedias, or textbooks.

Contact the Friends of the Greenburgh Library at (914) 574-6582 to make a large donation appointment or to become a member! Volunteer opportunities are available. 
The Greenburgh Library Guild is now accepting registration for the Renaissance Gala. The Gala will take place on Thursday, May 12 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm and will include
music by Victor LaGamma! Tickets are free but must be presented at the Gala.
Staff Picks for Spring Reading
This book lives up to the hype! Beautiful and disturbing story about an Indigenous teenage girl coming of age in a community torn apart by drug use, abuse, racism, and domestic violence, plus a thrilling mystery and love story.
-Emily, Youth Services
An inspiring memoir with simple tools that we all can use and practice to build the loving community we seek.
-Janet, Adult Services
A suspenseful and twisted tale with characters that are caught up in unfortunate circumstances revealing unreliable information.
-Christina, Administration
Murder mystery fans and anglophiles will delight is this creepy, well-paced thriller available as an audiobook on Cloudlibrary.
-Nicole, Adult Services

Twisty thriller set in the early days of the COVID lockdown. She nails the uncertainty of those days.
-Laura, Circulation & Tech Services
The book feels like a collection of essays although it is more or less a chronological story of growing up in Queens as a girl/woman of color. The audio book narration is reminiscent of spoken word and is absolutely riveting and engaging. Those who grew up in or near Queens will find many familiar places and situations in the storytelling and those who did not will gain insight into the location and the people. I loved it and highly recommend it.
-Melissa, Youth Services
Murder, monsters, politics, math-magic, battle-rigs galore!
-Adriana, Circulation & Tech Services

For lovers of families with secrets.
-Laura, Circulation & Tech Services

This has all the ingredients of a great book -- family secrets, mystery, romance and a fascinating look at Caribbean culture. Readers who like a lot of intrigue, but who also want a beautifully written work of literature will enjoy it most. It will leave them hungry for a piece of Eleanor's famous black cake!
-Susan, Youth & Adult Services
Spring eResource: Consumer Reports
The website includes unlimited digital access to ratings and reviews for 8,500+ products and services, plus valuable tools to help you stay safe and informed. The website offers more products and more in depth comparisons than the traditional paper version. A Greenburgh Library card is required.
Come See Us!

The Library is open to the public without occupancy restrictions or appointments:

Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays: 9:30 am - 5 pm

Tuesday & Wednesday: 9:30 am - 8:30 pm 

Sunday: 1 pm - 5 pm

Masks are recommended for all patrons two years old and older. Curbside pickup remains available throughout the day; please refer to our Curbside pickup instructions.
This newsletter is made possible through the valuable contributions of the entire library staff. Editorial and layout contributions by Nicole Guenkel, Christa O'Sullivan, Justin Sanchez, Janet Heneghan.
March 2022