Calendar of Events

May 18, 2023

Vol. 23 Issue 21

COVID Policy as of 10/25/2022

In This Issue

-COVID Policy

-Upcoming Service

-Nursery Care 

-Spring Property Work/Fun Day

-Children and Youth News

-Annual Meeting

-Adult RE Needs You!

-Third Sunday Class

-Summer Solstice Service

-Implicit Bias Exhibit

-May Fellowship Dinner

-Calendar of Events

-Little Food Pantry

-In Case You Missed It

-Donate Online or

by Text

-Submit to the Newsletter

-Minister Info

-UUCH Board Members

-Church Info

Upcoming Service

What is our Mission?

Rev. Jaimie Dingus

10:45 AM, Sunday, May 21, 2023

In May of 2010, the members of UUCH voted to approve our church Mission. Since then, these 4 pillars--Foster lifelong spiritual growth, Strengthen our bonds of community, Support strong social justice action, & Let people know “We are here” and that we welcome diversity--have guided our community. Is this still who we are? Is this the mission that will carry us into the future? Join us as we reflect on our mission and imagine what might guide us into the next era of our community.

Worship Zoom Link

This Sunday Events Following Service

Coffee Hour

Fellowship Hall

Choir News

Celebration Through Song

Mark your calendar for May 28, a Sunday when music will be the message. We will wrap up our month-long showcase of creativity by singing and playing together, and sharing how by making music, we lift one another up. Join us to celebrate our singers and instrumentalists who regularly dedicate their talents and artistry in the service of their church!

Music Committee will meet this Sunday at 9:45 and choir will rehearse after church at 12:10.

Nursery Care

Nursery care will be available during the service
from 10:30-12:15.

Little ones can be signed in and out upon arrival and departure in the RE wing.

Spring Property Work/Fun Day

It has been a while since we've had a Property Work/Fun Day and the church needs some TLC. So, on Saturday, May 20, 2023, you can join with other UUCHers to help maintain the church building and grounds. We'll start at 9am and go until around noon/early afternoon. For many tasks no special skills are needed, just willing hands. Outside tasks include trimming shrubs, planting/weeding flower beds and the community garden, and general cleanup. Indoor tasks include replacing burned out light bulbs, HVAC filters, and tidying up, so even if the weather doesn't cooperate for the outdoor tasks, there are still things to do. Even if you can help for only an hour, that would be a valuable contribution to the church. So, mark your calendars for May 20 to help keep UUCH beautiful! Contact Paul at for more information.

Sponsored by the Property Committee

Children and Youth Education News

Preschool-5th Grade & 6th-12th Grade

Come join us as we delve into May’s theme of Creativity and learn to harness and practice originality. We are asking ourselves how to look at the ordinary and discover what lies beneath the surface as we reimagine reality.


Mark your calendars for May 27th for our CYRE celebration at Stars and Strikes from 3PM-4:30PM. There will be bowling (bring socks), video games, and pizza for everyone! Please RSVP by 5/23 at


Rocket City Pride is hosting an inclusive prom for teens on June 3rd from 4PM-7PM at Campus 805 (cafeteria). Tickets are available online here. Please do not let price be an issue. See Rev. Jaimie if you need help with tickets.


In order to deliver the wonderful CYRE program that your children deserve, we need a few minutes of your time to collect some information. If you could register your child by following this link, we would greatly appreciate it.   

Save the Date

Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on June 11. Please put it on your calendar.

Sponsored by the Board

UUCH Represented at Rally Opposing Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation

UUCH was represented at the recent Liberate not Legislate Rally in Huntsville to oppose the anti-LGBTQ bills proposed in Alabama. Rev. Jaimie was a speaker at the event who reminded the enthusiastic crowd that we honor the “inherent worth and dignity of all people” and that we will work to make sure rights for all are respected.

Right now, three bills are coming in front of the Alabama House that would harm LGBT youth and adults, and strip away their rights.

“HB354 extends the “don’t say gay” bill up to 12th grade. This effectively bans GSAs (Gay-Straight Alliances) in schools and prevents students from creating and joining spaces where they will be safe and receive support from students, faculty, and staff.

HB401 seeks to ban drag events from public spaces, which objectively targets and discriminates against the LGBTQ+ community. This legislation would silence queer Alabamians, denying their right to freedom of expression.

HB405 imposes a bathroom ban for transgender individuals. This discriminatory law would limit transgender individuals from using bathrooms that match their gender identities and would put them at risk of harassment and violence.”

If you would like to use your voice to support LGBTQ people, please consider writing your state legislators here.

Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee

Adult Religious Education Needs You!

The Adult RE Committee serves to provide lifespan religious education programs designed to deepen and enrich our emotional, spiritual, material, and/or intellectual lives. Please join me for a discussion of how we can implement activities in the church to achieve these ideals. We will meet in the Adult RE room on Monday, May 22 at 6 p.m. Please drop me an email if you can attend. I’d like to get a head count.

Teri Thomas

Chair, Adult RE

Sponsored by the Adult RE Committee

Third Sunday Adult RE

On the third Sunday of every month, we will be exploring the media content that has been supplied with our monthly Soul Matters packets. You do NOT have to be a member of a Soul Matters group to participate. Come and join us at 9:30 for viewing and discussion in the ARE room of our education wing. The topic for May 21 is Creativity. While I am facilitating this, I am looking for another person to assist. Please contact me if you’re willing.

Teri Thomas,

Chair, ARE

Sponsored by the Adult RE Committee

Summer Solstice Service

Do you love the UUCH tradition that is our Winter Solstice Service? Do you love the darkness, the ritual, the music, but wish it happened more than once a year? Well you are in luck. This year on Sunday June 18th, we will be celebrating the Summer Solstice as our Sunday morning service. We need a team of 3 or more lay leaders to plan and lead this service. Please reach out to Rev. Jaimie at to be a part of this team!

Implicit Bias Exhibit

The downtown location of the Huntsville Madison County Public Library is hosting a special exhibit on implicit bias. “The Bias Inside Us” is a traveling exhibition that explores the social science and psychology of implicit bias, the impact of this bias, and what people can do about it.

Through compelling images, hands-on interactives, and powerful testimonials and videos, the exhibition unpacks and demystifies the concept of bias. The community engagement project from the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) features six sections: Introduction, The Science of Bias, Bias in Real Life, Serious Consequences—Bias is All Around Us, #RetrainYourBrain, and Personal Reflection.

The exhibit will be open to visitors during regular Downtown operating hours from now through May 21st:

Monday-Thursday 9:00 - 8:00 pm

Friday-Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sunday 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

This exhibit will only be in town for a few weeks, so go see it before May 21st!

More information here.

Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee

Dinner at G's Country Kitchen

It's time for some good ol' country cookin' with your good 'ol (and young) UU family. Please join us on Thursday, May 25 @ 5:30 pm for a dinner of Meat + 3. Or Catfish. Or anything else on their large menu.

When: Thursday, May 25 @ 5:30pm

Where: G's Country Kitchen. 2501 Oakwood Ave NW #5, Huntsville, AL 35810

Please sign up so we know how many to expect. SignUp Genius link here.

Money will never be a barrier to participating in Fellowship at UUCH. If you need financial assistance to participate, please contact Rev. Jaimie at

Contact Sarah Rody ( or Steve Rittenberg ( if you have questions. Thanks!

Sponsored by the Fellowship Committee

Circle of Candles

Jes Zelaya lit a candle of Sorrow: "My mother, Sandy Bell, passed away a few weeks ago. This Mother's Day and child dedication is bitter sweet."

The Delacey Family lit a candle of Joy: "Our Deepest Gratitude to this incredible community for your support, love, and affection toward us as Benjamin marches toward health."

Will, Emily, & Magnolia Garrison lit a candle of Joy: "We brought our 'forever' family home!"

Upcoming Events
Click the calendar to see all of our upcoming events!
Little Food Pantry

The food pantry is a huge success, being utilized by numerous people!
If you are able to pick a day to re-stock the pantry, please do so, using the Sign-Up Genius link below.

There are also baskets in the Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary entry foyer for food collection. The collected food will ultimately be used to fill the pantry on days not chosen on the sign-up genius.

Canned meats, soups, veggies, mac-and-cheese, bread, fruit, fresh veggies--all kinds of foods are welcome.

Thank you for being so generous. We are making a difference!
Sign-Up Genius
Submitted by the Social Justice Committee

In Case You Missed It

We love when you can join us at Service but we know that life can throw curveballs! Click below to view the past 4 services:





Donate Online

via CDM+ Engage


Like our other online and mobile giving options, this option is through CDM+ Engage, is secure, and has a good option for "plate" donations as well as "pledge".


Submit to the Newsletter

Do you have news to include in the newsletter next week? Please submit your article to the newsletter through our request form no later than 10:00 am each Wednesday. Please make sure to complete a new request form each time you make a submission to the newsletter.

Rev. Jaimie Dingus

Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday by appointment.
Make an Appointment with the Minister

UUCH 2023-24

Board Members



Betsy Applegate


 Vice President:

Brad Korb


Nancy Finley


David Bollinger


Will Garrison

Shalin Mody

Nancy Pettus


Rev. Jaimie Dingus

Do you have an agenda item for the Board? 

The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President Betsy Applegate via email no later than one week prior to the meeting (i.e. the Tuesday before). The next board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023, at 6:30 pm.

Office Administrator

Ryan Vidal Gonzales

Main Office Hours:

​ Mondays 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Tuesdays through Thursdays 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM

or by appointment.

*Please call/email the office in advance if you need building access.




For more info on any event, contact the church office or visit our website.

Contact the Office
Visit the UUCH Website

UUCH News is a publication of The Unitarian Universalist Church,

3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810


Laurel Bollinger

Copy Editor:

Ryan Vidal Gonzales

Subscribe to Our Newsletter
PO Box 5545
Huntsville, AL 35814
(256) 534-0508
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