Another great weekend and another incredible winter series at Scarborough Fish & Game. The 2022-23 Frozen Five series closed out with some perfect spring weather, some fantastic food, and several people leaving with some great prizes. We are happy to say this was one of our best attended series so far (we were back to pre-covid numbers on some of the shoots), and we owe it all to all of you shooters that came out and supported our club. Thank You.
There has been some confusion around the date for our next shoot, Trap-a-palooza! The dates are April 1 & 2, so mark your calendars and please help spread the word. Registration opens next Monday, March 20, 2023, and we'll send out an email with event info. If you aren't on our email list, go to our webpage and click the button to get added to our list.
Since we are expecting heavy snow on Wednesday, we will be closed on Wednesday. However, Bill has agreed to come in and open up 5-Stand on Thursday this week, instead. Come on out and have some fun with his 5-Stand targets this THURSDAY.
Frozen Five #5 was quite a bit more challenging than our previous winter series shoots. We saw very few 90s and many people in the 70s and low 80s. The targets were more technical and had more distance than the previous shoots in the series. We had a new name at the top with Vinny Lambiase (from AA Class) winning with a impressive 94. He was followed closely by David Obolewicz with a 93...congratulations to both. The 5.5 event was more shooter friendly of the two events, with higher scores throughout the classes. Dan Warner took HOA with a 97. Chris Schwarzer was runner up with 95...congratulations to both!
The winter series prize winners were draw at noon on Sunday. Congratulations to the following winners:
$500: Travis Powell
$300: Sevan Demirdogen
$200: Steve Card
$200: Nathen Mateus
Rugged Gear Shooting Carts: Mark Schreyer & Gary Fernald
$500 LL Bean Gift Card: Steven Baglione
5 Flats of Ammo: Steve Brann
Beretta A400: Steven Baglione
Thank you to Greg and Sharon Berry for preparing great food all weekend. Thanks to Lisa and Bill for registration and scoring...Sunday got a little busy, so thanks for keeping up with all the new registrants and all those scorecards. Thanks to Jim, Bill, and Tom for filling and stocking all those traps. This month we want to give special thanks to two guys that work almost every event, and never get noticed, Andy Robidoux and Chuck Giftos. They are the guys that quietly keep the traps full and the shoot running smooth. It takes a dedicated course crew to make these events run so well, and we have some of the best.
Thank you, again, for your continued support of our sporting clays program. Next up will be be Trap-a-palooza! Hope to see you all on the range.