Christ Episcopal Church

Seeking Christ in all people through the four cornerstones of Christ Church:

Worship, Education, Outreach, and Hospitality.

409 East High Street

Springfield, Ohio 45505


Facebook page:

Christ Church's YouTube

Phone: (937) 323-8651

Monthly Newsletter: March's Clarion

Dear Friends,

Please join us on Sunday, March 12th, for a Rite I service at 8 am with Holy Eucharist and/or for the Rite II service at 10 am with Holy Eucharist and Music. If you cannot attend the 10 am service, join us virtually on Facebook Live as it is live-streamed. Those that do not have a Facebook can find the services on the Christ Church's website at All of Christ Church's media links are above on the right-hand side. 

Day of Change-March 12th, 2023

As our clocks "spring forward," we will once again collect loose change (bills gladly accepted, too!) to support our Christ Church Food Pantry. Use your change to make a change in the lives of the hungry. Special Baskets will be passed during the 8 am and 10 am services on March 12th. If you would like to mail in an offering, please send it to Christ Church, 409 East High Street, Springfield, Ohio, 45505. 


Palm Sunday-April 2, at 10 am ~ On this first day of Holy Week, Christ Church will Welcome our new rector, The Rev. Dr. Michelle Boomgaard, for The Liturgy of the Palms. We will begin in the Narthex for a brief Liturgy of the Palms and procession into the church. There will be a reception for The Rev. Dr. Michelle Boomgaard after the service!

Maundy Thursday- April 6th, at 7 pm ~ we remember Jesus's mandate to break the bread and drink the cup together as we remember his life, death, and resurrection. 

Good Friday~ April 7th, at 7 pm. On this most somber occasion, we recall the day of our Lord's execution. The Good Friday liturgy includes the full Passion Gospel, the Solemn Collects, and the Veneration of the Cross. 

The Feast of the Resurrection~ April 9th, an 8 am quiet Rite I service and 10 am festive Rite II service with the Choir and Brass on this holiest day of the Christian year, we rejoice at Christ's victory over the powers of death.

March Lunch Bunch~ March 14th at 11:30 am

Lunch Bunch will be at 11:30 am at Studebaker’s Country Restaurant (formally Collier’s Family Restaurant) on State Route 41 in Springfield, Ohio. All parishioners available during the day are invited to a pleasant luncheon together on Tuesday, March 14th. Please let Anita Beardsell, 937 390-6548, know if you are planning to come so she can make plans with the restaurant.

Christ Church Food Pantry~Thank you!

Thank you to all that volunteered for February's Food Pantry! The March Drive-thru Food Pantry will be on March 15th, 2023, starting at 10:30 am. Volunteers are needed to help unload food, pack food and help with customer service. Please contact either Brian Shelburne, or Kelly Zeller at, or Anne Randolph at annejrand@aol.comto volunteer.

Easter flowers~ Deadline is March 28th ~Easter can be a wonderful time to remember loved ones with a gift to Christ Church for flowers. 

2023 Altar Flower Dedication Chart- Altar Flowers

If you would like to sponsor the Altar flowers for 2023 in memory of or thanksgiving for someone, please email Kelly Zeller at Please be very specific in what or to whom you are dedicating the altar flowers and if you have a particular choice of flower. The suggested donation is $45. The following dates are still available:

April 30th

May 7th

June 25th

July 9th, 16th, and 23rd

August 6th  and 20th

September 3rd and 17th

October 1st

November 5th and 26th

African Bible Study Tuesdays at 12 pm!

African Bible Study or Sacred Reading (Lectio Divina) is on Tuesdays at noon, and we use the below Zoom link:

This Bible study is a structured, meditative approach to learning about our Christian faith from scripture. It not only discourages but also disallows crosstalk during the collective reading. It encourages self-reflection as well as listening to others. 

We hope people who are interested will join us in this empowering group study of scripture. If you have questions, write Pat Cary at or Keith Doubt at Each week we will read the Lectionary reading for the forthcoming Sunday.  We hope you consider joining us!

Wednesday Chapel Service

Just in case you missed the Noonday Prayer service this past Wednesday, here it is!

Our worship will begin at 10 am on Sunday mornings on Facebook. Here is the link to the church's Facebook page:

Christ Church's Facebook page

March ministries