BALOO and IOLS training, Den Leader Experience training, Buy a Pie to Keep Them Dry... and more!
The PINTwood Derby, presented by Midas of Richmond and hosted by Hardywood Brewery, was a great success! Check out our PINTwood Derby photo album.
September 17th, 2021
Now through the end of October, our Scout Shop will have extended Saturday hours. Come shop with us from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm!
Adult Leadership Outdoor Skills Training
There are several upcoming outdoor skills training opportunities coming up this fall. The Battlefield District is offering BALOO and IOLS the weekend of October8th - 10th at Camp T. Brady Saunders. This and other courses, including Range Master and Den Chief training, are open for registration using the links below.
The DenLeader Experience is a companion app to Scoutbook that helps Den Leaders plan their curriculum, prepare for meetings, track Cub's progress, and keep parents informed. Join our FREE DLE App class on October 14th to learn how to use this important Scoutbook tool. [Register]
Creepy Hollow & Creepy Forest
Once a year, the horseman rides, and this night he could be looking for you! Registration remains open for Creepy Hollow and Creepy Forest overnight family camping events at Cub Adventure Camp and Albright Scout Reservation. Choose from the weekends of October 16th - 17th, October 23rd - 24th, and October 30th - 31st, and register below... if you dare!
Earn your Engineering Merit Badge on November 6th at the Beach Community Grange 958 Building in Chesterfield. Scouts (7th grade and higher) are invited to attend this special course presented by Clover Motor Co. Racing from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. There is a limit of 30 Scouts, and at only $5.00 per participant, those spots will fill up fast. [Register Today]
Buy a Pie to Keep Them Dry
The Thanksgiving holiday is fast approaching, and we all know the best part of our family gatherings is the dessert. Stock up on the favorites like pecan, pumpkin, and apple pie, and be everyone's holiday hero when you show up with fruit, French Silk Cream, or Boston Cream pies. Better yet, buy one of each! Your order supports local Scouting by providing new tents for the youth attending programming at T. Brady Saunders.