Because Lutherans love to stop by for a visit. How fun to have former Emanuel's staff and family (from Australia!) on campus this Thursday for a peek at our recent renovations. Pastor John Guilfoyle (1989-1992) and Administrative Secretary Jeannie Hall had stories to share at every turn. Pictured here are Aaron, Jeannie, Charis, Tom, Brenna, Annie, Leonie, and Pastor John. We are better together.


Please join us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

In-person, online on YouTube, and on radio KWED AM 1580.

April 28, 2024 Worship Bulletin 

MISSION TRIP CELEBRATION & STORIES, April 28. On Sunday we will hear the stories and share in the work of our Puerto Rico Mission Team. Their work is featured on our Facebook page, website (soon!) and a video presentation uploaded to our YouTube channel following worship. Thank you for all your support and prayers during their time away!

SYNOD ASSEMBLY WEEKEND, May 3-5. Our voting members, Susan Yeatts, Darlene Zies, Paul Sims, and Pastor Marcus will make their way to Corpus Christi next weekend to undertake the work of our Synod. They will hear reports and updates from staff and ministries, approve budgets and mission plans, and hear from ministry partners near and far. Additionally, this weekend will also play host to the election of the next bishop of our Synod, please hold all of these leaders in your prayers.

GRADUATE & CONFIRMATION SUNDAY, May 19. We thank God for our high school, college, and post-graduate graduates and the beginning of their new chapters in life. During this special service, we will pray for and bless each of our graduates. Tables in the Narthex will feature memorabilia of each’s story and future. We will also have a special moment to celebrate our 8th grade confirmand as she affirms the promises of her baptism. AND it’s Pentecost! (Wear red!) You won’t want to miss this wonderful Sunday!

WELCOMING SUNDAY, May 26. If you are interested in joining the mission and ministry of Emanuel’s, then this Sunday is for you. For months now, our Council has prayerfully received numerous new and returning faces to our congregation. This unique service will center on the liturgy of welcome and affirmation and will be the time we formally receive all of these new and renewed faces. Please email Pastor Marcus, or fill out a blue card, if you would like to be a part of this “Welcoming Sunday!”



Raffle proceeds for a queen size handsewn and hand quilted quilt by Darlene Z. will provide supplies for Emanuel’s Lutheran World Relief Quick Quilters. Our quilters make hundreds of quilts each year that go across the globe to people in need. Tickets are $1 each or $5 for 6 tickets. Drawing will be May 5th. Please see a quick quilter or inquire in the church office. 


Thursday, May 9

The Senior Social Club is heading to the Hill Country! We will gather at the church and board a chartered bus for the day. Donna has an array of activity options to include shopping, sightseeing, and the National Museum of the Pacific War. Sign up sheets are in the narthex on Sunday mornings or you can give Donna a call at 830-379-5046. Space on the bus is limited, so RSVP ASAP!

Making Your Grief Count is a three-week grief program for those who have experienced loss of any kind to work though their grief, learn about healthy coping tools, and discover a path to healing in a supportive environment. Pastor Darwin Huartson facilitates this program at Emanuel’s in the Family Life Center on Sundays, May 26, June 2, and June 9 from 2-4pm.  


June 6-9, 2024

Come for the entire time, for just the weekend, or even just a single evening. Individuals, groups, and families are all invited to call Pioneer Beach RV Resort in Port Aransas, 361-749-6248, which has cabins or RV slots, or local hotels or AirBnB for lodging. Once you have made your reservation or if you have any additional questions, please email or call Pastor Marcus so that future planning information can be shared.

Learn More Here



CHILDREN'S CHURCH for our PK to 5th grade learners meets every Sunday. During worship the Vicars lead students to designated classrooms, just down the hall from the sanctuary, as we begin the "Gathering Hymn" and then guide them back as we "Share the Peace." We hope you will make this a part of your family's weekly worship rhythm!

THE COMPASS COOPERATIVE weekly gathering at Spirit of Joy on Sundays @6pm for 6th to 12th grade students, hosted by our four church partners - Emanuel's, St. Andrew's, Spirit of Joy, and Friedens Church- and held on Spirit of Joy's campus. We eat, worship, play games, and enjoy each other's company.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AT FRIEDENS: “SCUBA: diving into friendship with God” Emanuel’s is partnering again this year with Friedens Church, Spirit of Joy Lutheran, and St. Andrew’s Episcopal where kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about. Get it on your calendar now: June 17-20 from 6-8:30pm with a light dinner 5:30pm, Friedens Church, 2555 Friedens Church Rd, Seguin, TX 78155.

Register here beginning May 5

GOD’S EXPLORERS is an upcoming, epic adventure for 3rd through 8th graders! Our exploring takes place July 15-18 from 8:30 – 3:30 where we will head underground touring four of God’s most beautiful cave system creations in Texas. Each day will feature a Bible study, games, activities, food, and, of course, an awesome cave tour! Registration closes Sunday June 30.

Register Here


THE HERITAGE CLASS meets at 9:15 am Sunday mornings on the 3rd floor in room 307. December, January, and February's study is Faith That Glorifies God. Participants explore the deeper meaning found in the Bible and seek to unlock its wisdom through fellowship and robust group discussion. The aim is to make the Bible relevant and applicable to daily life. 

THE JOY CLASS: Bible stories and songs for adults with intellectual disabilities. Gathers at 9:15 on the First Sunday of the month in the Women's Ministry Room.

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE LUTHERAN? (Family Life Center): 9:00am. April 7 - May 12. Take a dive into the Reformation, the writings that shape our Lutheran witness, the people that wrote them, and the events that changed the world.

Online giving is safe, simple, and quick to do through our giving link. One time or recurring donations can be indicated. You can still mail in your offering to the Church by sending a check to: Emanuel's Lutheran Church, 206 N. Travis Street. Seguin, Texas 78155

Access Online Giving Here

Year to Date Giving comparison:

Jan 1- April 23, 2024

 Church Offering Receipts: $ 151,733.85

Budgeted Church Offering Receipts: $ 130,263.88

Operating Expenses: $ 123,062.13 *

* These figures do not include Forward In Faith remodel expenses or In-Kind Gifts

Jan 1- April 23, 2023

Church Offering Receipts: $ 143,296.32

Budgeted Church Offering Receipts: $ 125,555.54

Operating Expenses: $ 127,841.16 *

* These figures do not include Forward In Faith remodel expenses or In-Kind Gifts


Emanuel's regular office hours are Monday - Thursday from 8-5. However, if the office is understaffed, you may find the answering machine catching your call or a "Gone Fishing" sign on the door. Please know that we will get back with you as soon as possible. We encourage you to call before stopping by. Everyone is also accessible via email.

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