Indiana Healthcare Executives Network

April 2022

news & updates

Chair Report

Hello Corey Jose,

Spring - What a lovely time of year that brings newness in so many ways. Trees and bushes that have lost their leaves begin to bloom again. Flowers start to blossom. The weather starts to warm, and the snow melts. We see sprouts of grass that had laid dormant in the cold winter months that will hopefully turn into a luscious green color soon. This all reminds us of newness. 

And so it is with iHEN as well, as we continue to pursue innovative ways to invest in our membership. We have a brand new podcast with two finished episodes. We also have a new Diversity Committee that will ensure our chapter reflects our stated Diversity goals in all facets of our chapter's activities. Yes indeed, I am reminded of newness. But not everything is new, as our chapter has a rich tradition of offering valuable programming at a low cost to our members and has been awarded for this by ACHE. We will continue on this, and we look forward to seeing you virtually and in-person, and will be sure to let you know as soon as we offer in-person programming. We hope you will join us for the Indiana Rural Health Association's Spring Rural Summit on April 12th, our RN & Clinical Staff Retention and Turnover program on April 26th at 3:30pm, and Parts 2 and 3 of our Career Development Series that will occur on April 12th and May 12th. These and other programs are listed in our Program Updates section of this newsletter. 

Lastly, I want to take a moment to thank Chad Dilley for his service as iHEN President and continued service in his new role as Indiana Regent, and Kelly Braverman for her service as Indiana Regent and other iHEN roles over the years. It is through their leadership that our chapter has earned ACHE’s Award of Chapter Merit based on our chapter performance last year, per ACHE's Chapter Management and Awards Program. I also want to send a special Thank you to our volunteer Board and committees who worked hard to earn us this recognition.

I wish you a fantastic spring season, and hope you will partake in the newness of iHEN while also continuing to benefit from that which has made us a great chapter!

Rodney Hollis, MHA, FACHE

Rodney Hollis, MHA, FACHE

Chair, IHEN Board

Healthcare Law Update

Limitations on COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates in Indiana

Tami A. Earnhart

On March 3, 2022, Governor Holcomb signed into law House Bill 1001, which addresses employer vaccine mandates in Indiana. The new law was an emergency action that took effect immediately. It adds a required exemption for immunity, in addition to accommodations for medical and religious reasons. The law also limits an employer’s ability to ask questions about an employee’s exemption. Employers with employees in Indiana who have a policy requiring COVID-19 vaccinations need to become familiar with the new law and consider how it impacts their current policies and practices.

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Authorized Electronic Monitoring: New IDPH Regulations Create Additional Requirements for Long-Term Care

Jason Lundy

Illinois was one of the first states to explicitly allow authorized electronic monitoring (AEM devices, or so-called ‘granny cams’) to record residents in long-term care facilities. The Authorized Electronic Monitoring in Long-Term Care Facilities Act (the “Act”) was enacted effective January 1, 2016. Although the Act required IDPH to write rules for AEM devices, IDPH did not roll out those rules until January 27, 2022. Found at 77 Illinois Administrative Code, Part 389, the rules largely copy-and-paste the Act, but there are five important additions.

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Supreme Court Lifts Injunctions on CMS Vaccine Mandates

Tami A. Earnhart, Paul H. Sinclair

On January 13, 2022, the Supreme Court issued an opinion lifting the remaining injunctions of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) vaccine mandate, finding that the federal government was likely to prevail in the challenges to the mandate. More on the details of the CMS mandate and the states in which the mandate had been enjoined can be found here. As a result of this decision, CMS can proceed with enforcement of the vaccine mandate for new and current staff working for certain Medicare- and Medicaid-certified providers in all states. 

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Federal Agencies Issue New Guidance on Health Plan Coverage Requirements For At-Home COVID-19 Tests

Tara Schulstad Sciscoe, Christopher S. Sears, Shalina Ann Schaefer, Melissa Proffitt

On January 10, 2022, the U.S. Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and the Treasury (together, the "Departments") jointly released a new set of frequently asked questions ("FAQs") primarily intended to address President Biden's December 2, 2021, announcement that individuals may receive health plan reimbursement for the purchase of over-the-counter COVID-19 diagnostic tests ("OTC COVID-19 tests"). The FAQs clarify that health coverage provisions under existing federal legislation related to COVID-19 apply to require first dollar coverage of OTC COVID-19 tests for the duration of the public health emergency, with or without an order or individualized clinical assessment by an attending health care provider.

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Ice Miller’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center

COVID-19 and the current concerns of community spread have raised novel issues for us and many other businesses. Given the fluid nature of this global health crisis, Ice Miller has organized a COVID-19 Task Force and Resource Center to help educate our clients about their risks and their companies’ risks due to COVID-19. Updates related to Medicare telehealth services, COVID-19’s impact on HIPAA requirements and more can be found here.

IHEN Board of Directors

2022 Executive Committee

Rodney Hollis, FACHE, MHA - Board Chair

Shaun O’Brien, CP, MBA - Chair Elect

Sheila Kelty, MBA, DHA, FACHE - Treasurer

T. Randal Pritchard, MBA - Secretary

Chad Dilley, FACHE - Immediate Past Chair

2022 Members At Large

Alexander S. Choi, MD, MPH

Michael Kuhn, MBA, MHA, BA, RN, FACHE

Monte Spence, MHA, FACHE

David Blish, FACHE

Taryn Stone, Partner

Alex Simonton, MHA


Angie Stevenson, MHA, FACHE, FACMPE

Joseph Primavera, MHA

Andrew VanZee, FACHE

Welcome New Members!

Crit A. Fisher, BS

Lisa R. Foreman

Lisa Goans

Tara L. Holloran

Chase Miller

Laura Murphy, MHA

Noah Schrader

Meg Zakrzewski

Larry Zhao, MD

Annalise Cavanaugh, MBA

Michael V. Estep

Lindsay Hamilton

Candace Hattabaugh

Rebecca Lynch, MD

Darrin Miller

Erica L. Wehrmeister

Lisa M. Wine

Chris Wright

Peter Bischoff

Jennifer A. Case

David Hall

Jami E. Herring

Amy Hock

Amy Hughes

Sharon Johnson, MBA

Julie McCormick

Rachel Mullins

Abby L. Todt, PharmD

Victoria O. Spencer, MD

Amy Hock

Amy Hughes

Congratulations to Advancing & Re-certified Members

New Fellows

Tara Williams, MBA, MSN, RN, FACHE

Bradley M. Goshorn, MSL, CMPE, FACHE

Jennifer L. Hindman, FACHE

Janette Helm, FACHE

Re-Certified Fellows

Stephen J. Bardoczi, FACHE

E. Kyle Bennett, FACHE

Richard M. Hubner, FACHE

James R. Porter, MD, FACHE

Larry A. Tracy, Jr., FACHE

Brian M. VanHall, MBA, MHA, FACHE

Steven J. Berkhouse, FACHE

Julie M. Carmichael, FACHE

Terrance E. Wilson, FACHE

2022 ACHE Chapter Awards

We are proud to have earned the Award of Chapter Merit as part of the 2022 ACHE Chapter Management and Awards Program!

Thank you to our Board of Directors, Volunteers, and Chapter Members.

Upcoming Programs

Earn Qualified Education Credits at the Indiana Rural Health Association's Spring Rural Summit.

Register Here

Join this experienced panel for our first virtual F2F credit event of 2022.

Register Here

Attend one or both of our remaining career development sessions with Rachel Gregoire. Qualified Education Credits are available and no prior attendance to previous sessions is required.

Register Here
Register Here


The iHEN members podcast is here! Our podcast is a quarterly feature aimed at connecting key figures of our membership with one another to share updates, ideas and expert research. Please watch and/or listen to our two podcast episodes below.

The Value Of ACHE & iHEN Memberships

In this first episode, recorded Q3 2021, we’re joined by three prominent voices in our organization.

Together, they take the time to discuss, in-depth, the value that the Indiana Healthcare Executive Network and American College of Healthcare Executives have brought to their lives and careers. They share their experiences that brought them to where they are today.

Watch and/or Listen

Advice & Insight For Leaders Growing Their Careers

Ryan Fier and Sara Johnson sit down to give guidance to leaders throughout the organization. Together, they discuss what great leaders do to grow their careers, as well as what value iHEN and ACHE often bring to them. It's important to understand personal purpose and values, invest in yourself, and expand your network through both diversification and seeking mentorship—either as a mentor or as a mentee. Throughout this episode, Ryan and Sara share advice and experiences navigating all of these facets of personal development within the medical field.

Ryan is a Practice Administrator in the Division of Pediatric Critical Care at the Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health.

Sara Johnson is a Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Executive Education at the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs and the Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health.

Watch and/or Listen

Career Development

We now have a designated Career Resources page on our website. You can browse local opportunities and resources.

iHEN Career Development Page


Employers, we would love to feature your opportunities on our website. Send us an email to find out more.

Email Us


Read your ACHE Q1 2022 News Here

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