April events are heating up!
Dear International Slugs,

We hope you enjoyed the warm weather last week. Just like the sun here in Santa Cruz, our events calendar is heating up! There are events every week for the rest of April, including our Spring Global Gathering, Resilience and Resources series, and Story Circles. We hope to see you there!

There are also several upcoming religious holidays celebrated by many in our global campus community. Global Programming would like to wish Ramadan Mubarak, Happy Passover, and a Happy Easter to those who observe and celebrate.

As a reminder, the on-campus mask rules have changed. As of April 10, masks are not required for most indoor settings at UCSC. You can learn more here.

If you're already looking forward to the next school year, and are wondering how you can help new international students, consider applying to be a Global Leader! You can find more information about the job and application process below, along with information about the rest of our events and resources.

Best wishes,
The Global Programming Team
Are you interested in welcoming new international students to UCSC? Apply to be a Global Leader!

Global Leaders (GLs) serve an integral role in the successful transition of incoming international students starting from summer engagement and culminating in International Student Orientation.

We are looking for enthusiastic, dedicated student leaders who have strong interpersonal skills and a genuine desire to help new international students.

The deadline to apply is Friday, April 29, 2022.
Interested applicants must apply through ERS #8351 and fill out the supplemental application.

You can find more information about the position here, or contact us at with your questions.
Global Engagement Events & Resources
Spring Global Gathering
Date: Wednesday, April 13
Time: 18:00 Pacific Time
Location: Namaste Lounge

Global Engagement invites you to join us for a global dinner gathering for all international students and scholars.

You will have an opportunity to meet other members of our international community and staff in person and continue building connections.

Dinner will be provided.
International Students: Resilience and Resources
Global Programming and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) invites all international students to join us for good conversations and food.

This event will provide a space for international students to engage in reflective discussion with peers about their experience thus far at UC Santa Cruz. We hope to create a community of support for all students to engage in dialogue about their successes, challenges, and hopes for their time as students.

Please note we will have separate sessions for graduate and undergraduate students:

Graduate Student Session: Monday, April 18 @ 16:30 Pacific Time in the Graduate Student Commons.

Undergraduate Student Session: Tuesday, April 19 @ 12:00 Pacific Time in the Namaste Lounge (Subject to Change).
Story Circles
Date: Wednesday, April 27
Time: 19:00 - 20:30 Pacific Time
Location: Namaste Lounge

Story Circles is in person again! Come to meet, share, learn, and form connections with fellow banana slugs of different backgrounds. Bring your friend, classmates, or roommates!

Story Circles is an event designed to facilitate conversations between people of different cultural backgrounds. We talk to explain and listen to understand.

Refreshments will be provided.
Host a Global Heritage Night!
Are you interested in sharing your culture through food, crafts, dance, or other aspects of culture of your choice? We are looking for students who want to partner with us to host a Global Heritage Night in spring quarter.

Our team would help support through funding, guidance, space, and marketing. Click below to learn more.
Campus Events & Resources
Necessary Trouble Event Series
Ready for some necessary trouble?

In anticipation and in honor of the dedication of John R. Lewis College at UC Santa Cruz, the Division of Social Sciences, Colleges Nine and Ten, the Institute for Social Transformation, and the Center for Racial Justice are organizing events centered on topics exemplified by the life of Representative John Lewis.

Events are on Wednesdays at 16:00 Pacific Time. All are welcome!
  • Students as Agents of Transformative Change - April 13
Survivor Circles Spring 2022
Date: Wednesdays during Spring Quarter
Time:14:00 - 15:30 Pacific Time
Location: via Zoom

Join CARE for online Survivor Circles.

Survivor Circles are an online weekly space to learn healing, self-care, and interpersonal skills. These are closed spaces specifically for undergraduate survivors of sexual assault and interpersonal violence and the space is moderated by CARE Advocates.

Groups are private and CARE staff will be exempted from mandated reporting responsibilities.
Comedy Night: Maysoon Zayid
Date: Saturday, April 30
Time: 17:00 Pacific Time
Location: via Zoom and in the C9/ JRLC MPR

Ready to laugh? Join us for the 8th annual AA/PIRC Comedy Night featuring Maysoon Zayid!

This FREE event will be held both in person at the C9/JRLC MPR and live on Zoom.
Environmental Sustainability Survey
PoCSC needs your help!
Our third, triennial campus-wide sustainability survey is now live! If you’re an undergraduate, filling out your responses can help us better understand student perceptions, experiences, and behaviors related to campus environmental efforts.

Please support our research goals by completing this short survey, forwarding it to folks in your UCSC network, and encouraging your friends to take it as well. This survey is open to all UCSC undergraduates, and it will only take 5-10 minutes of your time.

Additionally, we have set aside $1000 total in prizes as an incentive: 10 x $50 gift cards and 2 x $250 cards that support local, green businesses. Students who complete the survey and are selected can choose to receive a gift card for food, books, home goods, apparel, or coffee.
Redwood Free Market
Location: Rachel Carson College Cafe (College Eight Cafe)

Hours (Food Distributions): Mondays 17:00 - 18:00, Tuesdays 17:00 -19:30, Thursdays 18:00 - 20:00, Saturdays 12:00 -15:00 Pacific Time

Hours (Food Distributions for Graduate Students Only): Wednesday 14:00 -17:00 Pacific Time

Hours (Coffee Time): Tuesdays and Wednesdays 8:30 -10:30 Pacific Time

We are a choice-based no limits pantry so take what you need with your Student ID! No appointments are needed but masks and social distancing are required.
UCSC Summer Session
It's not too early to start planning for summer! Enrollment for summer classes opens on Sunday, May 1.

Check out information regarding dates, courses, and fees on the Summer Session website.
Apply for Graduation!
Attention graduating UCSC students, If you haven't already, you need to apply to graduate!

Make sure to visit the Office of the Registrar's website for more information.

The deadline to apply is April 29.
Crossing Cultural Borders: CUHK Master Class Series 2022 - The Reality of Online Dating
Date: Thursday, April 21
Time: 18:00 Pacific Time
Location: via Zoom

Is looking for love online as promising as it is advertised? In this Master Class, we will uncover the secrets of online dating with tips and tricks for you to avoid scams and mishaps, and (hopefully) leads you onto a successful path of love.

Speaker: Prof. Lik Sam CHAN
Professor Chan is an Assistant Professor at the CUHK School of Journalism and Communication. He has been researching online dating and hookup cultures since 2013. His research areas include motivations behind dating app use, gender, and queer politics embedded in dating app cultures, and, more recently, political expression in online dating.

This event is sponsored by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and is open to students from all APRU Universities.
Trivia Time!
We will have a different trivia question in each newsletter. For each correct answer, your name will be entered into a drawing for a prize at the end of spring quarter.

Question: When is the application deadline to be a Global Leader?
Global Programming is on Discord!
Build community with fellow international banana slugs and stay up-to-date on Global Programming events.
Global Programming
Classroom Unit, Room 103, Santa Cruz
CA 95064 United States