Daily Mass Schedule (during the School-Year):
6:30am and 8:00am
6:30am and 9:00am
8:00am and 9:00am (9:00am Mass is at St. Patrick's)
6:30am and 8:00am
6:30am and 8:00am
Saturday: 8:00am
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, NOON & 6:00pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday: 8:30am or by appointment with a parish priest
From the Desk of Fr. Mike Nacius, Pastor
In the book,
Connecting the Pulpit and Pew: Breaking Open the Conversation About Catholic Preaching,
Karla J. Bellinger writes of her research on the topics of the "new evangelization" and preaching as a means to deepening ones faith. This week I share Part 1 of a two part article for the parishioners and the faithful of St. Mary's.
When presenting questions for personal evaluation of a preacher, she listed eight series of questions:
How do people see you? Your message?
On a scale of 1 - 10, how much does your homily preparation matter in terms of your time commitments? How much do you think that it matters to your people?
What is going on in the minds of your hearers when you are preaching? What will they already give you?
When a person in your pew thinks of people of deep faith, are you among the top ten that he or she thinks about?
When a young man is considering his vocation in life, do you stand out as a vibrant representative for what he aspires to be?
What image springs to mind when your people hear your name? Are there any obstacles that pop up when they hear your name?
Do you have a reputation for treating your people with caring, kindness, and love? What memories of "church" and "priest, deacon or bishop" do you give them?
Is your preaching creating "buzz" in your local community (of an uplifting kind)? What do people value most in your preaching?
Every week the priests or deacons take time in preparing their homilies with the hope that the homily offered will touch the hearts and guide the spirits of all who worship with us. Pray that we preach the gospel so that all of us can live the gospel, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in our lived faith. Next week, in Part 2, in the chapter titled, "The World of the Listener" I will share the authors questions for personal evaluation for a pew-sitter.
You are invited to help support and stock the shelves of the
Most Blessed Trinity Food Pantry
. We are targeting a goal of 300 bags to kick off the 2018/2019 campaign! The next Food Drive will be held next weekend,
October 27th & 28th
. Working togeth
er in Respect Life Month we will be able to care for those in need, feeding the hungry at our door. For the October Food Drive we are particularly looking forward to collecting the following items:
a) Toiletries
b) Canned vegetables (green beans, corn, and mixed vegetables)
c) Ramen soup
d) 1 pound bags of rice
e) Canned tomato sauce or spaghetti sauce
Please drop off your bag of donations at the Parish Center during office hours if you are unable to drop off during the collection weekend.
All funds collected in the Baby Bottle Project support the important ministry of Aid for Women in their 40
th year of care and service. Visit Aid for Women for more information,
or send an email to
. Thanks for your generous support to this appeal. If by chance you left your contribution on the counter in your home, please bring it to the Parish Office at your earliest convenience.
Today is World Mission Sunday. The second collection is for the Propagation of the Faith, believers praying and supporting the worldwide mission of Jesus. Thanks for your generosity shown in the second collection.
I am away from the parish this week, on my annual retreat at Eastern Point Retreat House in Gloucester, MA. I look forward to praying with and being back at the parish later this week.
God bless you with an
Alleluia heart
this day
TODAY - Friday, October 19
Parish Ministry at the Soup Kitchen
St. Mary's helps provide food and staff for the Most Blessed Trinity Soup Kitchen in Waukegan (914 8th Street Waukegan). Come and go when you can between 4:00 - 7:15pm.
Foods needed: meats, potatoes, pastas, vegetables, fruits, salads & casseroles.
Please leave contributions at the Parish Center until 3:00pm Friday. For information, please call Ellen Tierney at
The Respect Life Ministry is inviting you to participate in the Baby Bottle Project. Baby Bottles are available at the entrances of the church or at the Parish Center. All funds collected support the important ministry of Aid for Women in their 40
year of care and service.
We are asking that the bottles be returned to St. Mary's THIS weekend, October 20 and 21. Thanks for your generous support.
October 27 and 28 Collection Weekend
If you need to drop off your bag of donations before the collection weekend, please deliver to the Parish Center during Office hours - please do not leave in the Church.
Most Blessed Food Pantry is in Need of:
- Toiletries
- Canned vegetables (green beans, corn, and mixed vegetables)
- Ramen soup
- 1 pound bags of rice
- Canned tomato sauce or spaghetti sauce
Donate or Register for Events
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