300 Tons of Provect-IR Remediates
Multi-Acre PCE Plume in Brazil
This site is a former small appliance manufacturing plant located in São Paulo, Brazil, that was contaminated due to previous business operations. Soil and groundwater were impacted with chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs), including tetrachloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE), cis-1,2-Dichloroethene (cis-1,2 DCE), vinyl chloride (VC), and 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane (1,1,2,2-TeCA). PCE was the most widespread and concentrated contaminant of interest in groundwater, exceeding concentrations of 200,000 ug/L. The hydrogeological model is complex for this site, with the vertical treatment zone being divided into four hydraulic layers with confining clay zones. The shallowest zone was considered most important for remediation due to the potential for vapor intrusion impacts.
The remediation plan developed by SGW Services (São Paulo, Brazil) included the combination of multiple technologies to remediate soil and groundwater across the 10,500 sq meter (113,000 sq ft) plume. In situ chemical reduction (ISCR) with Provect-IR® was utilized in the majority of the plume across multiple vertical hydraulic zones. The efficacy of Provect-IR® was first confirmed via bench testing, which was followed by field-scale pilot tests. The pilot test results were utilized to develop the full-scale remediation plan. The final remediation plan included 300 tons (600,000 lbs) of Provect-IR® that was injected via 537 direct push points ranging in depth from 4 to 17 meters (13 to 56 ft) below ground surface (m bgs).
Provect-IR® is a site-specific blend of unique reagents combined into a single product that optimizes the in situ reductive dechlorination of chlorinated VOC contamination in both soil and groundwater. This technology works by promoting synergistic interactions between zero-valent iron (ZVI), hydrophilic, nutrient-rich organic carbon sources, chemical oxygen scavengers, vitamins, and mineral sources. Additionally, Provect-IR® is the only ISCR reagent to simultaneously inhibit the production of methane during the requisite carbon fermentation process, which promotes more efficient use of the hydrogen donor while avoiding negative drawbacks associated with elevated methane.
Additional project details including both pre-and post-treatment data can be found by clicking on the read more button below.
This case study was developed by Provectus in collaboration with SGW Services.
SGW Services is a Brazilian environmental consultancy specializing in engineering, assessment, and remediation of contaminated areas, audit, and licensing. With solid technical skills and experience with environmental projects in Brazil and Latin America, SGW operates in the most diverse sectors of the market in an efficient, transparent, and responsible way.
Please contact Will Moody at (908) 581-6291 or via email for additional information regarding this project or our technologies. Furthermore, Troy Lizer can be reached at (330) 284-7428 or via email and Andy Lowy can be reached at (480) 670-7278 or via email.

Click Here for a site evaluation, conceptual remedial design, or material cost estimate with turn-key alternatives available upon request.
Provectus Environmental Products, Inc. |