Fairfax Update
News From Around Town...
April 11,2022
Highlights from the April 6th Town Council Meeting

The Town Council met last week to discuss the following items:

  • The next steps to create a framework for long-term Outdoor Dining Structures. The Council extended the temporary use permits to November 1st with a midterm deadline of July 29th to meet new criteria: no roofs (umbrellas ok), no gas heat (electric ok), no signage on the structure, no extension in front of neighboring businesses unless written permission is provided. The Council also requested that staff create a draft ordinance with further clarification of guidelines for Outdoor Dining Structures.
  • After discussing the concept of prohibiting gas-powered landscape equipment the Council is considering a phase out approach paired with a rebate program to help residents make the transition. Staff will come back to the Council with more information and possible programs.
  • The Council approved AB361 allowing our Boards and Commissions to continue to meet virtually. The Town Council will transition to in-person hybrid meetings starting in May, with the public having the option to participate in person or on Zoom.

Take Back Day – for Fairfax Residents
Saturday, April 30th
Fairfax Market (at the West end of the parking lot)

We will collect:
*Electronic waste
*Document shredding
*Tire recycling
(No bulbs and no batteries)

Please note that we will not be collecting mattresses this year

Stop by and meet your Marin Sanitary Service representatives and ask all of your Zero Waste questions
Fairfax Drug Take Back
Saturday, April 30th
10am – 1pm
Fairfax Market (at the West end of the parking lot)

To properly dispose of your prescriptions, either drop off at the Fairfax Take Back Day or mail back your unwanted or expired medications. Place pills in either their original packaging (with labels removed for privacy) or put assorted pills in a sealable plastic bag. Liquids in bottles can be placed in sealable plastic bags, as well. Visit the RXSafe Marin website to find your nearest disposal kiosk or mail-back site as well as how to request a mail-back envelope be sent directly to your home.

Upcoming Meetings
Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
April 11 - 7pm

Climate Action Committee Meeting
April 19 - 7pm

Volunteer Board Meeting
April 25 - 6:30pm

Tree Committee Meeting
April 25 - 7pm

To view the agendas visit our Public Meetings page.
Community Events
The Egg Hunt is Back!
April 16th - 10am SHARP
Bolinas Park

Join us for this fun family event! The Easter Bunny will be on hand for photo ops. There will be music provided by James K. Don’t forget to bring your basket!  The event is for children ages 8 and below.  

Sponsored by the Fairfax Parks & Recreation Commission. For more info, contact
Fairfax Volunteers Passover Seder
April 16th. - CANCELLED

Teen Open Mic
Saturday April 23rd
Fairfax Women's Club

Teen Open Mic is back! Singers, musicians, bands, poets, actors, comedians and anyone wanting to share the spotlight are welcome!

Text or call to reserve your spot: 415-390-6196

This free event is sponsored by the Town of Fairfax Parks and Recreation Commission
Fairfax Celebrates Earth Day! 
Saturday, April 23rd 2-4 pm
Fairfax Library

  • Create a Climate Change storytelling map
  • Make a seed bomb and plant a sunflower
  • Learn about environmental heroes around the world
  • Meet Archie Williams Environmental Science Students taking action to save our environment

With representatives from Age Friendly Fairfax, Fairfax Climate Action Committee and Fairfax Open Space Committee

Sponsored by Friends of the Fairfax Library and supported by Fairfax Park and Recreation Commission

From 12-5 p.m. in Bolinas Park;
An Earth Day themed Pop Up 
  • Music,
  • Arts and Crafts, 
  • Games 
  • Entertainment

Sponsored by Fairfax Artist in Residence Collaborative
Climate Action Events
We’ve teamed up with Ride and Drive Clean for in person and virtual EV (electric vehicle) shows and events. Check out a variety of EVs and learn more. All events are free.
Zoom Webinar
EV 102: New EV Owner Workshop
April 12th - 7 to 8pm
All events are free. Sign up here.

EV Car Shows
April 14 - Sports Basement, Novato
April 24 - Mill Valley Middle School 
See electric vehicles and e-bikes, meet owners, ask questions — LIVE and IN PERSON!

Please visit for a full list of events. 
Fairfax Recreation
New Sessions in April - Sign up now!

Toddler Music with Dani Levy
Ages 0-6 years
Wednesdays, April 20 – May 25

Summer Camp Registration!
It may seem early but it's already time to think about summer. We have camp offerings all summer long this year - Skate Camp, Nature Camp, Art & Nature Camp, Spanish Camp and of course Camp Fairfax!

Other Town and County News
Town Seeking Applicants for Planning Commission Vacancy 
The Planning Commission consists of seven Fairfax residents appointed by the Town Council to bring a broad variety of expertise and experience in reviewing planning applications, Fairfax ordinances, and the Town General Plan and Housing Element. The Planning Commission serves as an advisory body to the Town Council on planning policies and regulations. Applications are available on the Town website. Deadline to submit is April 25, 2022.
Chipper Days Are Back - Sign Up Now!

The MWPA Curbside Chipper Program (also known as “Chipper Days”) is set returning in 2022! Registration is open now.

Visit to sign up for a spot!
Want to Get Involved? Join a Board or Commission!

Do you want to make a real difference in 2022? Consider joining a board or commission for the Town of Fairfax. There are openings on several boards and commissions.

SMART Planning for the Future

SMART has begun the process of developing a Strategic Plan and the communities we serve in Marin and Sonoma counties are invited to a series of four Zoom based public listening sessions.
Listening sessions will be held on the following dates in April:

  • April 13: Pathways – Improving our pathways
  • April 20: Extensions – Serving future destinations
  • April 27: Freight – Shipping in the North Bay

Each listening session will last 90-minutes, from 6:30-8pm
For more information about SMART’s Planning for the Future strategic planning initiative, go to:

Taking Climate Action Can Also Help You Save Money

In the midst of rising gas prices and other cost of living increases, here is some good news. Taking climate action now can actually help save money on our monthly expenses.

Red Cross - Sound the Alarm

Home fires claim seven lives every day, but together we can change that. The Red Cross is offering FREE smoke alarm installations and home fire safety information in Marin County.

Marin Water Update
Water is a precious resource year round. Please continue to monitor usage and take steps to save water.

The District is hosting a series of community workshops on the Water Supply Strategic Assessment. Visit to see recordings and upcoming workshops.
Spread the Word

We want to share the Town News with our whole community. If you know someone who would like to receive this weekly update, let them know they can subscribe here.

You can also share the link on your social media which will reach your whole network. Together, we can help keep everyone informed about upcoming meetings, events and more!
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