Northwood School Laker

April 19, 2024

Save the Dates!

Northwood School will be holding a Book Fair the week of May 13 - 17. On Monday, May 13, the Book Fair will be open in the evening from 4:00 - 7:00PM. At the same time, we'll also be hosting a Spring Showcase of Student Learning. So while you're here shopping for books, we invite you to also walk through the school and check out some amazing student work that will be on display in the hallways!

Eighth Grade Graduation will be held on Thursday, June 13, beginning at 6:00PM in the school's gymnasium.

The last day of school is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18. We will be dismissing at 12:30 that day.

News from Kindergarten

During the month of April we learned many fairy tales. These stories were written to teach children valuable lessons, like don’t talk to strangers, listen to your parents, and always do your best. Pictured are some of our STEM challenges, where students had to create something to solve the problem that many of the characters faced.

News from Sixth Grade

Sixth graders had a wonderful time at Merrowvista this week!

News from Fifth Grade

Congrats to Maddy in 5B who completed the 40 Book Challenge! She worked to read 40 books of every genre in the classroom including mystery, fantasy, adventure, animal fiction, novels in verse, graphic novels, biography, informational, humor, science fiction, historical fiction, fairy tales and fables.

8th Grade Trip Info Night

8th Grade Families: Be sure to mark your calendar and attend the family information night on April 30th, from 5-6 pm in the school library! This meeting will provide all the necessary details about the 8th grade trip to Boston. If you are not able to meet in person, we will provide the meeting information via email.

2024 Literary Magazine

Students are invited to submit original writing to the literary magazine, which will be published at the end of the year. Students may email their poems, stories, plays, or essays to their classroom teacher or to Ms. Carloni.

School & Community Information

Guest Teachers Needed

If you are interested in being a guest teacher (also known as a substitute teacher), please apply at this link. The pay is $100 a day and you get to work with wonderful kids and great staff! Please contact Ms. Roy or Ms. Young with any questions.

Important Dates

April 22 - 26 - April vacation

April 30 - 8th Grade Trip Info NIght, 5:00

May 1 - School Board meeting, 6:30

May 3 - 7th grade field trip

May 9 - 2nd grade concert, 6:30

May 13 - Book Fair & Spring Showcase 4:00 - 7:00

Please check the Athletics Calendar for information on games and meets.  
