Welcome to 2023 | Are You Prepared to Sell?

CHV Group January 2023 Newsletter

Buying & Selling
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What To Expect this Business Cycle

To arrive at your own conclusions, here is an indicator of what sellers may expect when selling during this business cycle. Please note that this is only an indicator and each business has its own value that can only be determined after a thorough review of all details. To read the entire report, click here (Source: Deal-Stats-Value Index) or contact us for a complimentary opinion of value. You can also reach out at any time via email: tkoechli@chvgroup.com

Are you waiting until the market picks up before selling your business?

Guest Post Provided by Limitless Management

Business valuations are higher in favorable economic conditions, and you may want to wait until the market picks up before selling your business. If this is the case, 2023 is a great time to begin your preparation and help to reach your peak valuation when the right moment arrives. 

Potential buyers need to reduce their risk so, preparing your business means making it as attractive as possible for someone to buy. Key activities include documenting your processes, updating your financials, optimizing profitability, and ensuring company leadership can be smoothly transferred from the seller to the buyer.

You might be wondering how your role as a business owner is likely to change during your exit planning process. If you are an owner operator, it is worth preparing yourself to step away from the day-to-day operations and begin to work on your business instead of in it. There are two reasons for this. The first, is so that you can put the appropriate energy and efforts into organizing the transition activities without burning out. The second is because many business buyers want a structure in place that can ensure your business continues to thrive once you have made the sale and left. This will attract more buyers and therefore a higher purchase price.


Our partners at Limitless Management offer a comprehensive grow-to-sell service that will help you achieve this goal. You can expect best in-class business documentation, increased profitability, and transferrable management structures to be implemented. If you would like to speak to them, please email Gary Marshall and he will be happy to assist.

These are not quick fixes, so 2023 could be your opportunity to get ahead of the market and ready for a sale in 2024.

Looking forward to 2023

Employee retention and talent acquisition are closely tied to a company's reputation. While not all companies can afford perks such as free lunches like Google or Meta, small gestures and treating employees well can make a big difference. Here is an article that may provide some insight.

CHV Group LLC| www.chvgroup.com