Florida Lions Eye Bank is proud to be closely involved in the development and guidance of the Eye Bank Association of America, or EBAA. Founded in 1961 as the world’s oldest transplant association, the EBAA is an internationally recognized standards-setting body for eye banks. The EBAA is also responsible for accrediting eye banks, ensuring member eye banks’ adherence to best practices when obtaining, medically evaluating, and distributing ocular tissue for transplant, research, and education. EBAA eye banks provide tissue for approximately 85,000 sight-restoring corneal transplants each year, about 1,000 of which are provided by Florida Lions Eye Bank.
For the 2022-2024 committee cycle, which started on July 1st, several Florida Lions Eye Bank staff members were chosen to serve in leadership roles or on committees. Following is a list of Florida Lions Eye Bank’s staff, titles, and leadership roles at the Eye Bank Association of America.
- Elizabeth Fout, Executive Director: Secretary/Treasurer of Board of Directors; Chair Finance Committee
- Vivian Lopez, Quality Assurance Director: Co-Chair Quality Assurance Committee
Concetta Triglia, Director of Lab Services: Medical Advisory Board; Scientific Programs Committee
- William Buras, Director of Business & Project Development: Accreditation Board
- Katrina Llanes, Recovery Technician: Research Committee
- Mellissa Pottinger, Recovery Technician: Technician Education Committee
- Erica Babich, Donor Coordinator: Donor, Partner, and Community Relations Committee
Florida Lions Eye Bank is grateful for the ongoing service of our devoted staff, not just to our organization but to the mission of eye banking throughout the world. For more information on the EBAA, visit its website at www.restoresight.org.