K-State Traditions
Before you come to K-State we want to introduce you to some of the traditions that make our university unique!
Royal Purple
Here at K-State we love our purple, royal purple to be specific! It is a simple symbol of our Wildcat Pride and while you may see it paired with white, black or even silver, purple alone remains the only official color since 1896.
Willie the Wildcat
K-State's beloved mascot is none other than Wille the Wildcat. He can be seen at sporting events, helping students move into their residence halls, or even supporting our Manhattan community!
Wabash Cannonball
In 1968 a fire in Nichols Hall destroyed all of the marching band's sheet music, except The Wabash Cannonball that the band director had taken home the night of the fire, and the rest is history! Today the Wabash can be heard and seen at every home game, even our coaches join in the fun!