18 March 2022

Brought to you by Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story
We have now officially been under La Niña conditions since November. (Supplied: Bureau of Meteorology)

The BOM's latest climate driver update has indicated the rain-bearing La Niña is set to hang around for a while longer yet. The La Niña passed its peak in January and had been slowly declining but it is now looking like the climate driver could linger until late autumn.

A range of support is available for eligible Australian businesses in declared disaster areas, including: 
Financial support - small business 
Disaster recovery grant - up to $50,000 for clean-up and resuming operations.
Disaster recovery allowance - short-term income support payment if you’ve lost income.
Stamp duty relief – for replacing insured commercial motor vehicles.
Disaster relief loans – concessional interest rate loans up to $130,000 for small businesses. 
Primary producers
Special disaster grant – up to $75,000 for clean-up and resuming operations.
Disaster recovery allowance, Stamp duty relief and Disaster relief loans as above.
More services and information
Find out more on the Service NSW website here. You can also access the Disaster Assistance Finder online tool here, to obtain a personalised list of flood recovery services. 

And here’s why you might be needing it …
Experts from Australia's national science agency, CSIRO, respond to questions regarding the flooding across eastern Australia.

Over the past week we've been inundated with requests for comment from any number of well-intentioned journalists looking to establish a link between the recent devastating rain and flood event through Queensland and NSW and increased fresh produce prices for consumers.

Only one of them being fuel …

You might be trying to cut car trips to save at the bowser, but price hikes in diesel mean your regular supermarket budget is also likely to take a hit. Diesel hit $2.38 per litre in some parts of Queensland on the weekend, and analysts said high prices were set to stick around.
Olive oil is a young but growing industry in Australia. (Supplied: Pendleton Olive Oil)

Australians are one of the biggest consumers of olive oil outside of the Mediterranean, consuming almost two litres per person, per year. However, olive oil is only found in about 65 per cent of Australian homes. To raise its profile in Australia, the International Olive Council (IOC) will launch a $1.2 million campaign across three years. 
COVID restrictions: stay informed

While restrictions are generally lifting across Australia, it’s more important than ever to keep up with the constantly changing status of pandemic regulations. You can access state-specific information on COVID-19 from the links below:

In an effort to address the labour shortage locally, Member for Chaffey Tim Whetstone recently announced a pilot program that will see seasonal workers in the Riverland employed by a Group Training Organisation to learn valuable skills and provide them with year-round work.
Got something to sell? Or want to buy? Go direct to your target market – olive growers and producers 
If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. Our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your unwanted equipment. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates – the most likely to have what you need.
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.
Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at

Villa Pileggi Olive Oil at Gisborne is making a name for itself as a premium producer of organic olive oil.
The Pileggi family has its origins in Calabria Italy, where in a small country town named Cosentini, they began producing olive oil straight from the press.

It’s always great to see our producers and quality olive products promoted in regional publications.
ABARES Agricultural Commodities Report

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) Agricultural Commodities Report contains ABARES’ forecasts for the value, volume and price of Australia's agricultural production and exports.
Underpinning the forecasts contained in the report is ABARES’ outlook for global commodity prices, demand and supply. According to the report, agricultural commodities are forecast to reach record highs in 2021-22, but a return to normality is on the way.
Access the report here
When we talk about farm biosecurity, we almost always talk about it from an on-farm producer or growers’ perspective. However, as an agronomist, vet or contractor visiting multiple sites, you can unintentionally carry pests, diseases and weeds off the farm and between sites. Concerned? With a few adjustments to your off-farm biosecurity practices, you can help reduce the spread of pests and diseases.

And here’s another inclusion for your biosecurity toolkit: 
Grower Pest ID tool
Quick identification and management of pests, diseases, and weeds is vital to maintaining a profitable plant production business. Over the years pest identification reference books, field guides and Apps have been used to assist in identifying plant pests and diseases, however these have had limitations.
Australian horticulturalists now have access to the web-based Pest Identification Tool at no cost. The easy-to-use resource provides growers with images and information to help identify and treat plant pest and diseases they may encounter.
Find out more and access the tool here.
SA: Opening our Great Outdoors - Tourism Projects

The Opening our Great Outdoors pool is funded by the Regional Growth Fund to support economic generating regional tourism initiatives.
Grants of up to $20,000 are available to enhance investments in nature-based, farm-based, rangelands and fishing-based tourism opportunities, and invest in public infrastructure, that supports and encourages travel to regional areas and connection with agriculture.
There are 2 streams of the Fund for projects located within South Australia, for regional tourism projects and regional accommodation projects respectively.
Find out more and apply here
Nominations now open for the 2022 Awards for Excellence! 

The 2022 National Awards for Excellence provides the opportunity for the industry to celebrate the outstanding achievements of the horticulture sector. The awards are a fantastic way to acknowledge and recognise the significant contributions of individuals and companies to the industry.
The 10 awards will be presented throughout the Hort Connections 2022 Gala Dinner in June.
Nominations are now open and will close Friday 29 April 2022.
Find out more and nominate here.
DHL industry briefing for Australian importers and exporters
Focusing on Australia, DHL will discuss events and trends shaping the global and Australian freight market today and what to expect tomorrow. Topics will range from capacity and demand updates to rates and regulation developments, along with a Q&A session. Register to attend this free event.
Details: 24 March, 11am - 12pm AEDT – register here.
Native Bee Biosecurity Workshop (virtual)
PHA and the Australian Native Bee Association are holding a virtual workshop on the potential environmental and biosecurity risks/threats to Australian native bees. The workshop is aimed at anyone with an interest in pollination industries and will include presentations from the Australian Native Bee Association, the Office of the Chief Environmental Biosecurity Officer, AgriFutures, Hort Innovation and the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council.
Topics will cover:
  • biosecurity risk mitigation plan for Australian native bees
  • how to implement best-practice methods to ensure the conservation of native bees
  • pathways that potential pests of native bees may travel
  • the risks associated with moving native bees outside their natural regions
There will also be opportunity for discussion and questions. 
Tuesday, 29 March 2022 from 11am-4pm (AEDT)
Free – register here.
Register now for 2022 Olive Oil Processing Workshop
Returning as a face-to-face event this year, this highly-acclaimed and comprehensive program will be delivered by international master olive miller, Pablo Canamasas, and 2019 and 2021 AIOA Best of Show winners, Peter and Marlies Eicher of Salute Oliva.
The course covers every aspect of processing quality olive oil, from grove management for optimal fruit quality to best-practice processing and storage.
Along the way you’ll learn a lot about olive oil chemistry, and the practical aspects of oil extraction.
Wednesday 13 April and Thursday 14 April 2022
Boort Resource & Information Centre and Salute Oliva, Victoria.
*Pre-event webinar, 8 April, 8.00am - 12.00pm (AEST)
Cost: Members & levy payers: $250 inc GST, Others: $350 inc GST. Includes all meals.
More information and register here or for more details contact Liz Bouzoudis - or 0478 606 145.

Greece's island of Crete is the country's largest producer of olives and olive oil. Many farming families date back generations, while farming methods go back thousands of years. But what happens when the traditional way of doing things meets Artificial Intelligence?
The regulation is meant to boost Turkish energy security. However, the country’s national olive oil association is already appealing the decision.

Italy’s tourism industry, which took a heavy battering from Covid-driven travel restrictions, is now faced with the loss of one of its most popular natural attractions. In early November 2021, the Italian government ordered the uprooting of 1,150 olive trees in the Piana degli Ulivi Monumentali (Plain of Monumental Olives) in Puglia.

An interesting look at the ‘big picture’ losses of the Xylella incursion.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
We’ve started another new year, and Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) will continue to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them, you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

Olive oil imports in the world’s eight largest markets fell by nearly 21 percent in the first four months of the 2021/22 crop year, compared to the same period in the previous one. Overall, imports reached 180,146 tons.
Fossilized olive leaves that were alive 60,000 years ago are immortalized in volcanic ash on the island of Santorini. Credit: Museum of Prehistoric Thira 

Fossilized olive leaves from a tree that was alive 60,000 years ago on the island of Thira (the modern Santorini) are immortalized in the volcanic ash that encased them after an eruption.

Local producers and officials believe the country’s first PGI will promote the local Arauco variety and hope other regions will follow.

"Those looking to impose the Nutriscore to encourage the consumption of foods such as fries or sugary drinks should keep in mind the study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology that half a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil a day can reduce the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, neurodegenerative and respiratory diseases". This is what Unaprol, the Italian olive oil consortium claims, regarding the results of the US study.
What's On

20 March 
2022 Olives New Zealand AGM – Online

21 March
Olives NZ Focus Grove Field Day - Wairarapa

23 March
Olives NZ Focus Grove Field Day - Hawke’s Bay

25 March
Olives WA AGM – South Perth, WA

26 March
EVOO tasting workshop – Subiaco, WA

27 March
AOA Healthy Soils Field Day – Wagga Wagga, NSW

28 May
Olives SA/WEA seminar, Tasting and appreciating EVOO – Adelaide

1 June
Entries open, 2022 Australian International Olive awards

6-8 June
Hort Connections 2022 – Brisbane

18 July
Entries open, 2022 Hunter Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

26 August
Entries close, 2022 Australian International Olive awards

2 September
Entries close, 2022 Hunter Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

3 October
Medals announced, 2022 Australian International Olive awards

6 October
Awards presentation, 2022 Hunter Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

8 October 
Olives NZ Conference and Awards Dinner – Wellington, NZ

14 October
Field tour, 2022 AOA National Olive Conference & Exhibition – Devonport, Tasmania

14 October
Awards Dinner, 2022 Australian International Olive awards

15-16 October
2022 AOA National Olive Conference & Exhibition – Devonport, Tasmania

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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 Olivegrower Communications:
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