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December 28, 2021
Dear Grace Family and Friends, 
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and were able to enjoy time celebrating the birth of Jesus in a way that is meaningful to you. 
My Christmas was filled with wonderful gifts and delicious food. However, the gift that I received that moved me to tears was a letter written by my daughter. While the letter is personal and not something I would violate trust by sharing, there is one part that I recognize is bigger than me. In her letter, my daughter thanked me for teaching her generosity. As she listed the ways she has seen generosity demonstrated, I recognize that she has been molded by so many people beyond me, namely members of my congregations.  
One of the great virtues of raising children in the church is that they are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, people who give of themselves, their time, their talents, and their finances. My daughter has seen this through all the congregations I have had the privilege of pastoring and she continues to see it in all of you at Grace.   
Thank you for teaching by example generosity through your support of our food shelf ministry, day care scholarships, your care and investment in our building. This year we also gave away sixty $50 gift cards to Cub in November and December to many of the cars who came to get a free meal through Family Table. We supplied diapers and wipes to families in need and provided rent help to people struggling to find good work. Thank you for giving abundantly so we might share God’s abundant gifts with others. Your faithful example teaches our children about the greatest gift given in Jesus and allows us to spread God’s love through the world. Thank you! 
I hope that if you not already done so that you will consider making a year-end gift to support the ministries of Grace. Your gifts that done incredible things this year. It is through your generosity that we were able to purchase our long-awaited digital sign that sends a message of love and grace to all who drive by. Thank you and thanks be to God for God’s generous love for all of us! 
Merry Christmas!   
Pastor Joanna Mitchell 
Please note that year-end gifts need to be postmarked or dropped off at the church by December 31st, 2021.