
At the local library I saw Vivek Ramaswamy’s book Woke Inc on the new release shelf and decided to check it out. Vivek is the Founder/ex-CEO of Roivant Sciences. I thought the guy was a shyster, but decided to read it anyways since he got ultrawealthy by IPO-ing a bunch of tiny drug companies and I sort of expected a biotech guy who has f**k you money to be willing to piss off everyone with his musings. 

Unfortunately, this is a political book with no ideological spread. I did not know his politics going in, but Vivek hews dogmatically to all mainstream right-wing positions. That’s fine if you’re selling a political book aimed at right-wing readers, but I was hoping for a neutral, analytical account of how the wokeness movement is affecting capitalism. Oh well.  

The book itself is just a bunch of political opinions, self-aggrandizement and anecdotes. In one drug industry-related rant, he brings up supposed corruption in American politics. He draws a line between AstraZeneca announcing a $1B global Environmental Social Governance exercise in January 2020 and them being rewarded for this supposed 'wokeness’ by getting a $1.2B grant from the US government for vaccine development two months later in March 2020. 

The ridiculous part here is ignoring the whole global pandemic that started spinning out of control between those two dates. AstraZeneca’s expertise as a century-old drugmaker made them a perfectly logical choice to receive funds when all large, proven drugmakers were being offered the same money. Yet Vivek thinks AstraZeneca received that cash because they pledged money to woke policies? It just doesn’t add up at all, and he knows that - especially when you consider who was running the federal government at the time of Operation Warp Speed.

2/10. Rambling, repetitive and nakedly political. (Still think he’s a shyster)


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