Farmington Square Newsletter
April 2022

Spring is Here!
Saturday April 9 
2:00 pm
Meet in the Commons 
Bring a basket to collect your eggs 
Bring a camera for pics with the Easter Bunny
with # kids and ages to Donna Drotar,  

Spring Garage Sale
Tina Jensen is planning a garage sale May 12, 13, 14. Tina will place signs at the entrances only and advertise online. However, those who want to join Tina's garage sale will need to make their own signage for their yard. Anyone interested can contact Tina Jensen at

Halsted and River Bend Construction
Everyone should have received a letter from the city of Farmington Hills outlining the Halsted Road Water Systems Improvement project. The project will result in the intersection of Halsted Rd and River Bend being closed for approximately 2 months. This project is NOT related to the flooding issues we have seen in the commons. The city will be replacing the pressure-reducing valve that controls the water flow. It will be replaced with an automatic switch that can be controlled from the office. This will allow the city to automatically shut off water to specific districts/sections that may have a water main break thus containing the problem and preventing other districts from having their water turned off, losing water pressure or the need to boil water.

Food Trucks
The Food Trucks are coming back this spring!  The food trucks will park on Fox Creek near the entrance to the commons area. They are generally there from 4:30-7:30 every other Friday starting on April 22nd. Please arrive early as they sometimes run out of food toward the end! Please support the food trucks so we can continue this fun activity! Food truck schedules can be found on the following site:

Association Dues 
Per the FSHOA Bylaws, annual dues must be received by February 28 each year to avoid late charges. There are a few residents who have not paid their 2022 dues. Final letters will be sent and if payment is not received by May 31st, there will be a lien put on your property.
Commons Drainage Project
The Board is working to clean up debris and make improvements to the drainage area of the commons. A landscaping company has been hired to clear the perimeter of the basin of all debris and restore it to grass. Further work is being coordinated through our HOA Subcommittee on Flooding. If you are interested in attending or contributing, please contact Matt Krieger at (813)833-2536. The board would like to thank Paul Misch for his continuing efforts in keeping the drain clear of debris.
Friendly Reminders for the Upcoming Summer Months
Home Improvements and FSHOA Approval
It is always great to see all the wonderful home improvements throughout our neighborhood!  Please remember that our FSHOA has bylaws and covenants that were established to help maintain the beauty of our neighborhood and maximize home values for the benefit of everyone in the subdivision. One of the Board’s roles is to enforce these bylaws and we are grateful to you for your assistance.
Before beginning any outside projects, please review the bylaws and covenants at and contact the board for approval. This helps us maintain consistency throughout the subdivision and eliminates controversial situations. Questions and requests to make changes to the outside of your home or property should be emailed to We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Speed Limit – 25 MPH
For the safety and courtesy of your neighbors and children, please do not drive faster than 25 mph in our subdivision. Thank you!
Pet Waste and Leashes
Please keep our neighborhood clean by picking up after your pets. We appreciate everyone respecting the property of your neighbors by cleaning your pet's waste.
Also, while walking your pet through the neighborhood, a leash must be used, for everyone's safety.
Yard Maintenance
To maintain curb appeal and comply with neighborhood and City ordinances, please remember to keep grass cut to 6 inches or less, trim bushes and shrubs, and remove weeds from flower beds and from between driveway and sidewalk cracks.
If you do not keep up on your landscaping responsibilities, you may receive a letter from the HOA. Further action with the city may result if action is not taken.
Social Media
We're on Facebook and we want you to follow us! There are up-to-date posts to keep you in the know, make sure you're receiving the most current information! Send a link to your neighbors so they know as well - much appreciated!
Similarly, if you know people who are not receiving this newsletter, please let them know they can sign up through our website, listed at the top of the newsletter! Simply forward them this email!

Yard Waste Pickup Resumes the Week of April 11
Yard waste collection will resume in the City of Farmington Hills starting on Monday, April 11, 2022. As of that date, all yard waste placed at the curbside in acceptable containers will be collected by the yard waste truck on your regular garbage day. Yard waste pickup will end during the week of December 12, 2022.
Acceptable yard waste includes leaves, grass, shrub clippings, twigs, and plant materials. There are three options available for yard waste disposal:
1. Place yard waste in a trash can (35-gallon size limit) with a yard waste sticker on both sides. Yard waste stickers are available free from City Hall or the DPW. 
2. Put yard waste in brown paper yard waste bags. Please do not overstuff bags.
3. Use a mulching mower and recycle leaves and grass clippings back into the lawn.
Small limbs (six inches in diameter or less) and brush must be tied in bundles that do not exceed four feet in length or weigh more than 60 pounds per bundle. Unbundled brush and large limbs will not be picked up. Brush or twigs placed in cans or bags should not stick out above the top of the container. Also, large quantities of dirt or sod are not accepted for pickup. 
Any Christmas trees saved for composting must be cut and bundled according to yard waste pickup guidelines. For more information, call the DPW at 248-871-2850 or visit
Board Meetings
Farmington Square board meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m., all residents are welcomed to attend. The meeting location rotates monthly, please contact a member of the board to find out the upcoming location or contact
Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated