Ma Koreh?
What’s Happening?
March Newsletter
March 10, 2023 / 17 Adar 5783

This month's issue features:

  • D'var Kesher from Rabbi Morris Allen
  • Tickets Now Available - CJDS Anniversary Gala
  • Accepting Applications for 2023-2024
  • Weekly Highlights
  • Highlights this Month
  • Photo Highlights
  • Video Highlights
  • CJDS in the News
  • Kesher Corner
  • Community Milestones
  • CJDS Calendar of Events
  • Community Events
A Message from Rabbi Allen
Dear Friends,

They always say, "Don't bury the lead." On April 23rd, I am hopeful that each and everyone of you reading this month's Ma Koreh will be celebrating our 25th Anniversary together at Creekside in Gahanna. And if you can't be there in person, I do hope you will help support this amazing institution which has given so much to the Columbus Jewish community and to thousands of students whose foundational education is now taking place or took place inside our classrooms. I thank you in advance for your support--it means a great deal!

This year we are establishing three award categories to match our foundational pillars. I would like to share just a few thoughts about the categories themselves and the recipients of these initial awards.

Our school values Intellectual Sophistication. As such, the initial recipient of our Hochma Award is Eran Rosenberg. Eran has been at the forefront of shaping the intellectual curiosity and sophistication of our students at CJDS for over 20 years. He has provided this school community and the larger Columbus Jewish community with a vision of learning that is inclusive, substantive, serious and profoundly engaging. His connection to students, current and past, is evident in the comments that have already been received by those who have heard of this honor.  The ta'am of this school is reflective of his intellect, his grace and his commitment to modeling that his "Torah" is not only intellectually sophisticated but one of kindness and dignity.

We value Social Responsibility. Our first Tikkun Olam award will be presented to Doug Ulman. Doug has served as CEO of Peletonia since 2014. Doug previously served as CEO of the LIVESTRONG Foundation for 14 years. His commitment to innovative cancer research is not simply a professional one. A three-time cancer survivor, Doug has transformed his personal narrative into a professional passion. Last year, at CJDS, our school was a big supporter of "Peletonia #TeamCaleb" by raising funds in honor of our alum, Caleb Moses. Doug models what social responsibility is and is helping to mend the world one innovative cancer research at a time.  

We value Personal Authenticity. This year we are honoring all of the Columbus rabbis and cantors who are women and who are now or who did send their children to CJDS. Rabbis Elka Abrahamson, Sharon Barr Skolnik, Stephanie Covitz, Melissa Crespy, Debbie Lefton, Sharon Mars, Tali Zelkowicz and Cantor Bat-Ami Moses, are each worthy of recognition in their own right. Collectively, they make a strong case for the important role that a pluralistic and inclusive Jewish Day School must play inside the larger Jewish community. Only at CJDS can the voices of these women be valued for the authentic lives that they are living. Their contributions to Jewish life and to the broader community bring honor to their calling and strengthen the threads of the forever unfinished tapestry of Jewish life. The Jewish people are blessed by their service and CJDS is grateful for the presence in our lives.

We are extremely grateful to the CJDS 25th Anniversary Gala Committee: Stephanie Elias, Sarah Ferrin, Jenny Glick, Gayle Kuhr, Eric Ross, and Susannah Wolman for the heavy lifting they are doing.

Rabbi Morris Allen
Transitional Head of School
Tickets on Sale Now!
We Are Accepting Applications
for 2023-2024
TOURS & EVENTS FOR PROSPECTIVE PARENTS: Personal tours of the CJDS campus are offered daily. Families interested in learning more about CJDS may reach out to the CJDS admissions office at Additional information is available under the APPLY tab of the CJDS website (link to

  • FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS: We are accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year. First-round decisions were announced March 1, 2023, and enrollment contracts and deposits are due back approximately 14 days later. 
  • FOR CURRENT STUDENTS: Contracts for the 2023-2024 school year will be shared with current families this month.
  • TUITION ASSISTANCE: Families applying for Tuition Assistance were due last month. Tuition assistance information may be found here:
Weekly Highlights
  • This week, we are trying something new with our Weekly Highlights! Here is a link to our Weekly Highlights from K-5 Teachers!
Highlights this Month
Students & Alumni reading Megillat Esther on Purim Night
Both Agudas Achim and Tifereth Israel had wonderful Purim Celebrations on Monday night. We are grateful to have had our students and alumni participate in these community services as well.
Students included: Nate, Liav, Adi, Isla, Amelia & Naomi. Alumni students: Dovi, Dafna, Caleb and Ma'ayan (Class of 2020), Jonah (Class of 2021), and from the class of 2022, Ari and Gavi.
Arts and Science Night
Kindergarteners picked a cool or warm color palette, and using fluorescent paints, they got to see their art come to life! This was on display for families to enjoy during Arts & Science Night last week. It was a joy to have the hallways and gym filled with students, parents, grandparents, alumni, and community members during our annual Arts and Science Night!

From Rabbi Morris Allen, CJDS Transitional Head of School:
"Arts and Science Nights was a very special evening on so many levels. It was an evening where the depth of this school's vision and mission was evident in the presentations of our student's work in music, science and art. Our integrative approach to education sees no area where one's sense of self ever needs to be bifurcated. The relationship between Arts and Science means that sweep of Jewish wisdom is ever to be found. A lesson on electricity can remind students that light is not merely a scientific construct, but a religious value. And similarly, a reading of the Torah portion is not only about understanding the foundational text of our people but a reminder of our responsibility to the world around us."
5th Grade Jewish Heroes Living Museum
Kol HaKavod CJDS 5th graders for all of your hard work leading up to the Jewish Heroes Living Museum. Each student wrote an essay on the Jewish Hero of their choice and made their essay into a speech. Using the style of artist Chuck Close, students created a portrait of that hero in art class.

Parents, grandparents, and K-4 students joined for these presentations, and afterwards they had the opportunity to ask the heroes questions. Fifth graders had to think how their hero would answer! The Jewish Heroes represented this year were Hank Greenberg, Franz Kafka, Donna Karan, Noam Shuster Eliasi, Ada Yonath, and President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Amelia - Noam Shuster Eliasi
Nate - Franz Kafka
Naomi - President Volodymyr Zelensky
Adi - Donna Karan
Liav - Hank Greenberg
Isla - Ada Yonath
Third Grade Humash Ceremony
Mazel Tov to CJDS third grade students who experienced an important milestone in their life: the Humash Ceremony. This special occasion marks the formal beginning of Torah study as a discipline.

While our students study Torah stories in earlier grades, in the third grade they begin to study from the text itself, and begin their serious exploration of the many facets of Torah study using classic rabbinic methods for meaning making.

Thank you to the parents and community members that joined us for this meaningful milestone. Check out a Video from the special day!
Community Visitors at CJDS!
CJDS had a lovely visit by Naveh Yogev (Director of Columbus-Kfar Saba Partnership) and Keren Zamir Barak (People2People Coordinator - The Jewish Agency for Israel).

Our Israeli guests were accompanied by Lauren Nemerovski, (Manager-Israel and Community Relations, JewishColumbus) and Sarah Ferrin, CJDS parent and member of the P2G steering Committee.

Our special visitors spent the morning at CJDS meeting with Judaic Teachers and receiving a tour of the campus by Jenny & Rabbi Allen!
The JCC Jewish Community Disability Inclusion Director, Hanna Fotsch, visited CJDS this month. With the help of JewishColumbus, Hanna helps increase inclusivity through religious school partnerships, the JCC, and community programming.

We also learned that the month of February is Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month!

Thank you to Cantor Bat-Ami Moses, (CJDS alum parent of Caleb and Zeke) for leading Tefillah this month with our 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students!
Photo Highlights
During integration, 3rd grade examined Jewish “laws” and categorized them in 3 buckets - they either decided to keep them as is, recycle them (make a change to fit our lives now), or trash them (Jewish “laws” no longer needed).
5th & 2nd grade buddies built boats and tested them in a tub of water to see if they could float. They used materials from the CJDS makerspace for this fun STEM project!
Second graders have been reading the story of Purim in Hebrew and answering questions in Hebrew.
Students vs. Teachers Hockey Game!! It was a close game, but students won 5-4!
We kicked off the month of Adar with V’Nahafoku Hu (Topsy Turvy Day)! Each grade dressed in fun outfits including pajamas, m&ms, sportswear, what I want to be when I grow up, and characters from books/movies/ tv shows or Torah.
1st graders are earning "money" for their job as a student for our economics unit. They got to choose this month to spend (or save) their hard earned "money.”
5th grade studied the artist Romare Bearden as part of their celebration of Black History Month. They created collages inspired by his artistic style.
1st graders presented a poster for Ariot with their vocabulary for the letter ע. Each student received their certificate & the 4th workbook - letters פ-ת
2nd graders kicked off an all-school Community Needs Drive. They made posters so each class - and the office remembers what to bring. All items will be donated to the New Albany Food Pantry.
In honor of the 100th day of school, students celebrated all day long! In math, 5th grade students completed different challenges within 100 seconds. In 2nd grade, students worked on the activity “If I were 100 yrs old"
3rd grade experienced an important milestone in their life: the Humash Ceremony. This special occasion marked the formal beginning of Torah study as a discipline.
Additional photos here
Kindergarten students read the book Cakes and Miracles. In the book, Hershel proves to his mother that even though he is blind he can help bake Purim cookies. Using model magic, kindergartners closed their eyes while creating their Purim cookies.
Video Highlight
Kindergarteners observing birds from their classroom window
and charting their findings!
CJDS in the News
"CJDS connects recycling to Jewish values" article
in Columbus Jewish News. Link here.
Kesher Corner
Dear Parents,

As you know, the 25th anniversary Gala is coming up. As part of this, we are trying to organize a virtual silent auction. Gayle Kuhr, Stephanie Elias, Sarah Ferrin, and I are working hard to find businesses and people who can donate.

We are asking you for help. Do you know any local businesses that would be
interested in helping? Do you have OSU or other autographed sports memorabilia
you are willing to part with? Or someone you know that has a vacation house that
they would donate a week’s stay?

We would love to work together to promote their business through a donation to the
silent auction (or, even better – event sponsorship!) Please email one of us if you are interested or have any questions.

More info is coming soon; we are excited to host a fantastic event and look forward to your attendance and support! Save the date for April 23, 2023, 5-7 pm!
We look forward to connecting with you!

Thank you,
Stephanie Elias, Sarah Ferrin, Gayle Kuhr, and Eric Ross
CJDS Parents & 25th Anniversary Gala Committee
CJDS is partnering with Art to Remember, and purchases help fund our parent organization Kesher. You can get your child's artwork printed on t-shirts, mugs, travel cups, notebooks, bookmarks and so many other fun things.

Forms will be sent home today, and the deadline to order is March 24, 2023. Items will be shipped to the school in mid-April. 
CJDS Shabbaton Information:
When: May 19-21, 2023
Where: Lake Hope State Park
What: Tefillah (prayer), singing, eating, hiking, swimming, learning, games, and relaxation
Lodging: Each family will have their own two- or three-bedroom cabin. Every cabin has heat, air conditioning, screened porch, fully-equipped kitchen, furnished living room, and bathroom with shower.
Costs: lodging costs + Shabbaton fee 
  • $386.50 (two-bedroom cabin)
  • $426.50 (three-bedroom cabin, limited number--no guarantee)
  • These figures are TOTAL costs per family-- includes cabins, catered dinner on Friday evening, catered lunch on Saturday, rental of space, and other treats & goodies throughout the weekend
  • Please provide payment by Friday, March 31st. (venmo: @Rayna-Weiner). 
  • We do not want cost to be a barrier to participation. If you need financial assistance, please reach out directly to Rabbi Allen (

Questions? Email Isaac Weiner: 

Thank you in advance for your support!
Community Milestones
Mazel Tov
  • Mazel Tov to CJDS alum, Ari Feinberg, who was recently crowned a Spelling Champion!! Bexley Middle School crowned a new spelling champion, and 6th grader Ari F. (CJDS alum) earned the title. Ari was recognized at this week at the Bexley City Hall meeting (and he recently qualified to represent Bexley in the Ohio State Spelling Bee in a few weeks!). From Ari's Mother, Stefanie Z.: "As you can see, Ari chose to wear his CJDS kippah in honor of the occasion — sharing his pride in being Jewish, and a CJDS alum!"
Mi Sh'Berach
  • We wish a full and speedy recovery to Caleb Moses, class of 2020
Zichronam Livracha (May Their Memory Be a Blessing)
  • We extend our condolences to the Cohen family on the passing of Grandmother, Randi Weinstock, z"l. Mother of Jeremy Cohen, z"l, and Grandmother of CJDS alum Ma'ayan and Matias and current CJDS student Benji.

  • We extend our condolences to Alex Braver on the passing of his Uncle, Nelson Lerner, z"l.

  • We extend our condolences to Kathy McGee, on the passing of her mother, Delores J. McGee, z"l.

We extend our prayers to any family in our community who may be impacted by coronavirus.
CJDS Calendar of Events
  • Friday, March 17 - Professional Development Day - NO STUDENTS
  • Monday, March 20 - 9am-6pm - Parent-Teacher Conferences - NO STUDENTS
  • Friday, March 24 - Picture Day - Wear CJDS Blue Polo
  • Thursday, March 30 - 8:30-9:15am - 1st Grade Hagigat Hasefer
  • Friday, March 31 - 1:35-2:20pm - All School Kabbalat Shabbat - Musical
We hope you will join us for one of our upcoming Kabbalat Shabbats!
Community Events
CJDS is a proud partner of: