The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
January 24th, 2023
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Hello BHS family, friends, and community.

We already raised almost $69869!

Our goal is to raise $70,000 this year, and we are almost there! There is still time to donate to support our PTSA programs and community! Reaching this goal will allow us to fully fund all of our PTSA programs, which include:

  • Over $35,000 in grants directly to academic, sports, and student organizations
  • Staff appreciation events
  • Support Youth Eastside Service mental health counseling at school
  • Giving closet for BHS students and families in need
  • Sharing information with our community via the Blast and BHS PTSA Website
  • Much much more!

Please donate using the button below or via your corporate giving program for matching! 
Thank you all for your support 
If your company offers matching, please take a moment to submit a match request and stretch your donation. Bellevue High PTSA’s tax id number is 91-1459440. 
If you donate through Benevity, there will be a delay to put your name on our honor roll. If you want your names to be added into the honor roll now, free to email your full name and your donation number to
Should you prefer to write a check, please make it out to Bellevue High PTSA and mail it to 10416 SE Wolverine Way, Bellevue, WA 98004.
Got questions?
Contact Loretta Tao Liu at
Thank you very much for your support! 
Dear BHS Families, 

Happy New Year! 

A new semester has started, and we would like to invite you to join BHS PTSA. 
This school year our goal is to have 600 PTSA memberships.  Until today we still need 160(a lot!) more families to sign up to reach our goal. 
Your membership is crucial to help BHS students by supporting lots of extracurricular activities and enriching their education. 

Dear BHS Families,

Happy Lunar New Year! Jan. 22nd, 2023 - beginning of the year of Rabbit. Wish you all a happy and prosperous new year! Our PTSA will host our very first staff appreciation luncheon for 2023 on Feb. 8th, Wednesday.

Please come to join us by signing up for food donations or volunteering

Thank you as always!!

Staff Appreciation Co-chairs:
Rachel Li & Hyun Jin Kwon
Class of 2023
Tickets to the "All Night" Grad Party are now available! All graduating seniors are invited to attend the Grad Party on graduation night. See the attached website for all questions, documents, tickets, and how to volunteer. 

Don't wait to buy your ticket! Early Bird pricing is only available until March 1st.

She Kills Monsters Photos
Thank you to all who came out to see the She Kills Monsters performance. We hope that you enjoyed the show. Photos can be found on our website:

Spring Musical Auditions
Auditions for the spring musical will be held after school on January 31st, February 1st and February 2nd. See Mr. Kline or the Bellevue Drama Instagram for more details.
Introducing the new orchestra website!!

We are THANKFUL to unveil our new ORCHESTRA website. We've got a new look, full of features for orchestra students and family. 

Please check out the new site at
The 2022-23 Wolverine Guard Program is going strong! We already have received applications and hours for some students. For those who aren’t familiar with it, WG is a Bellevue High PTSA sponsored award that recognizes students who perform 100+ hours of community service in the 12-month period from May 1st to April 30th of each school year. Students who complete the WG requirements earn a certificate of recognition and who get WG two years during high school, get a special tassel at graduation. 
For current guidelines, rules and required forms for WG 2022-23, please go to the BHS PTSA website, Wolverine Guard Program.
A few ideas for volunteer service with links below:
As a reminder: The PTSA WG program is separate from the Bellevue School District's volunteer hours requirement for graduation. However, hours that are earned to meet graduation requirements may also be used to meet WG requirements. You will need to download WG forms off of our website to both record your hours (and get supervisor’s signatures!) and the WG Application form. Thank you to those students who are supporting people through giving your time and energy. You do make a difference! 
Please contact Patti Liffick or Lucille Tam (Your WG Co-Chairs) at with any questions that you have. 
Are you interested in the Running Start program next year? Running Start is a great program where 11th and 12th grade students can earn both college and high school credit at the same time by taking classes at a college campus! BHS Counselors are holding a Running Start Informational Meeting on Thursday, February 9th at 4:00 PM online on Microsoft Teams ( for students and families. They will present on the application process, admissions, enrollment options, and graduation requirements. This information session is mandatory for those interested in Running Start next year.
Here is the latest update on Pre-Season Activities for BHS Baseball.

BHS Baseball Boosters and Player/Parent Meeting with Coach Parthemer
Tuesday February 7, 7pm
BHS Library
Parents and Players Invited

The pre-season meeting for players, parents, coaches, along with Boosters, is Tuesday February 7, 7pm, at the BHS Library.

The meeting will open with required Boosters' business in electing the board, and will move to introductions and discussion with Coach Parthemer and the BHS Baseball Coaching staff.
Winter Conditioning and Weight Training Underway

Winter Conditioning sessions are currently underway at BHS Baseball Field on Wednesdays from 1:30- 3:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00-noon. Players are expected to be at the field 30 minutes before practice time in order to warm up. Wednesday is a player-led practice; Saturdays, Stephen Englund will be leading the practice. BHS Baseball Boosters covers field and personnel costs for Winter Conditioning.
Pre-season Weight training sessions for Baseball are also happening weekly in the BHS weight room, with supervision from BHS employees. Those dates and times are:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 6-7pm
BHS Weight Room
Players are strongly encouraged to attend field practices and to have supervised weight work when their schedules (including select ball training) allow.
If you are not yet registered for BHS Baseball TeamSnap, please contact Janet Daly <> to add yourself to the All-Teams roster and continue to receive relevant information and updates.
Impact testing is Baseball, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball and Water Polo prior to the season beginning.

Wednesday – January 11th, 18th, 25th and February 1st & 8th
ImPACT Testing will begin promptly at 1:30pm
Room 1113 – 1st floor, history hallway
No registration needed, just show up – the impact test takes approximately 30 – 45 minutes
Students must bring their fully charged laptop to take the ImPACT test
Impact testing is good for 2 years for student athletes, you can check your student information in FinalForms, our athletic database.
Fresh off a road win vs Juanita, your girl's varsity basketball team returns home to face Interlake on Wednesday the 25th at 7:15 pm. JV will tip off at 5:30 pm. Wednesday is USA night so dress up in your Red, White, Blue, and Gold. On Friday, January 27th, the Wolverines celebrate Senior Night Vs. Hazen with festivities beginning at 6 pm. Come out and recognize your seniors and cheer on the team to victory. JV begins at 5 pm. Friday is also Black Out Night. Show your spirit and let's bring it on Friday. On Saturday the 28th the team takes on West Valley of Yakima in a 4:30 start at Bellevue High with JV playing at 3 pm. Wear your Bellevue blue and represent versus an Eastern Washington opponent. These are the final regular season games of the year so let's show our girls some support and pack the house

This past weekend, the Bellevue Dance Team went to Redmond High School to compete in the Pom and Dance categories, getting a high score and qualifying for Districts in both routines!

Our next competition will be at Tahoma High School on January 28th. Go Wolverines!
Monday January 23rd
Tuesday January 24th
Boys JVC, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Basketball v. Interlake High School @ Bellevue High School JVC 4:00pm, JV 5:40pm, Varsity 7:15pm
Supervisor Katie Klug
Gym Manager Minh Nguyen
Tickets Jerry Iseman & Deb Andrews
Table Crew Jeff Cato, Dave Sherbrooke, Jim Butcher, Will Linser
Boys Swimming and Diving v. Liberty High School @ Mary Wayte Pool, Mercer Island 8:30pm
Wednesday January 25th
Girls JVC Basketball v. Woodinville High School, Girls JV and Varsity v. Interlake High School @ Bellevue High School JVC 4:00pm, JV 5:40pm, Varsity 7:15pm
Supervisor Vic Anderson
Gym Manager Minh Nguyen
Tickets Jerry Iseman, Deb Andrews, Cathy Lanning
Table Crew Jeff Cato, Dave Sherbrooke, Jim Butcher, Will Linser
Thursday January 26th
Wrestling at Lake Washington High School with Juanita High School and Mercer Island High School 6:00pm & 7:15pm
Gymnastics at Highline High School with Evergreen High School, Interlake High School, Lindbergh High School, Tyee High School 7:00pm
Friday January 27th
Girls JVC Basketball v. Issaquah High School @ Bellevue High School Lower Aux Gym 4:00pm
Boys and Girls Junior Varsity and Varsity Basketball v. Hazen high School @ Bellevue High School JVB 3:30pm, JVG 5:00pm, Varsity Girls 6:30pm, Varsity Boys 8:00pm
Supervisor Vic Anderson and Thomas Gangle
Gym Manager Minh Nguyen
Tickets Jerry Iseman, Deb Andrews, Israel Perez
Table Crew Jeff Cato, Dave Sherbrooke, Jim Butcher, Will Linser
Saturday January 28th
Dance Team at Tahoma High School Invitational ALL Day
Girls JVC, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Basketball v. West Valley High School, Yakima
Boys JVC Basketball v. Hazen High School
Boys and Girls Games at Bellevue High School JVC Girls 1:30pm, JV Girls 3:00pm, Varsity Girls 4:30pm, JVC Boys 6:00pm
Supervisor (Girls Varsity Game) Jess Moyer
Gym Manager Minh Nguyen
Tickets Debra Andrews & Cathy Lanning
Table Crew Jeff Cato, Dave Sherbrooke, Jim Butcher, Will Linser

The deadlines for submitting Bellevue Blast articles are as follows:
  •   School news and PTSA articles – Friday 6 pm deadline
  •   Athletics and Activities articles – Sunday 6 pm deadline
PTSA Presidents

PTSA Vice President Fundraising

PTSA Board
Committee Chairs
PTSA Vice Presidents Communications

PTSA Secretary

Krista Heys

PTSA Treasurers

BHS Administration

Asst. Prin: Katie Klug
Asst. Prin: Thomas Gangle

BHS Athletics/ Activities
Director: John Hill
Asst.Dir: Kelli Mayer

BHS Main Office
