Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... Republican state legislators are trying to abolish Florida’s ‘permanent’ alimony system. A bill in both chambers would place caps on the duration of payments, but a Florida Bar section is opposing the changes. ..."
By David C. Ribar - Fatherly
"... At a time when so many American children are growing up with single or cohabiting parents, this is an important question for both policy-makers and parents. Marriage may not ultimately be for adults. Marriage may be, strange as it sounds, for children. ..."
By Edward Tavares - The Royal Gazette
"... According to empirical research, these mores of conflict are usually caused by divorce/separation in most cases, with no allegations before divorce. This is according to Linda Nielsen, the author, researcher and professor in Journal of Divorce & Remarriage (2018). ..."
"... Childhood trauma expert Jane Evans says: The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service says there’s no single definition for parental alienation, and recognise it as ‘when a child’s resistance or hostility towards one parent is not justified and is the result of psychological manipulation by the other parent’. ..."
By Clemmer -
"... When asking yourself about what kind of co-parent you are, think about all that you do in your current co-parenting relationship and see if it is all things that will or could result in reaching the goal of successful, respectful and responsible co-parenting. ..."
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