Build a Better World
"You'll never get bored when you try something new. There's really no limit to what you can do."
Dr. Seuss
Photo Credit: Odyssey Team, Ecuador, February, 2023
- Welcome Back February Teams
- Call for Photos and Videos
- March Team Meetings
- B3 Photo Contest
- Brains Beyond Borders Prizes Needed
- B3 Raffle
- B3LOCAL Corner
- Midnight Run Drive
- Advisor Spotlight
- Important Dates
Welcome Back and thank you to the the Amanecer and Odyssey teams for Building a Better World in the communities of Maicito and Tingo Pucara in Ecuador.
Your hard work and friendship was appreciated and inspiring.
Amanecer Team Members in Maicito
Odyssey Team Members in Tingo Pucara
Students and Advisors returning from Ecuador, please send us your photos and videos*
2. Click on + Upload Files and upload the file of photos you would like to share
3. Email to: b3news@buildersbeyondborders.org
4. Add your email address
5. Message: Enter your team name
6. Click Transfer
*Please send photos and videos separately.
The final meeting for the Equipo Esperanza team will be held on
Sunday, March 5th at 12:30 pm
This is a mandatory meeting for all students and at least one parent!
Important team travel information will be discussed and supplies distributed.
Plus the B3 Bodega is fully stocked with travel supplies:
Water bottles ($20), Sunglasses ($10), B3 Buffs ($5 each or 3/$10).
March students + Advisors - Please bring your passport and vaccination card
If you'd like to contribute to the Midnight Run drive, you can bring your donation to the meeting.
Equipo Esperanza Team: Underwear (New - men's jockey style sizes 36-44)
March team members don't forget to pack your camera!
Brains Beyond Borders 2023 Raffle Prize Donations Needed!
2023 Brains Beyond Borders - Friday, March 31st
Brains Beyond Borders is a special game night sponsored by the B3 Advisory Board.
B3 teams compete against each other to win the coveted Golden Shovel. To make this event even more special, prizes are raffled off throughout the evening.
PLEASE HELP make this signature B3 event even more fun by donating a raffle prize.
Ideas for raffle prizes include: gift cards for restaurants, movies, sporting events, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, gas cards, clothing stores...
Prizes can be dropped off at the B3 office.
Thanks for your help!
Support the B3 Fundraiser and turn $25 into $10,000!
Buy a $25 raffle ticket for a chance to win $10,000 in CASH!
Grand Prize - $10,000,
2nd Prize - $1,000
3rd prize - $500
Winners will be announced on
Friday, May 12, 2023
(Need not be present to win)
The next B3LOCAL team meeting will be held on Sunday March 5th, from 2:45 - 3:45pm at the B3 Office.
Read the letter from your pen pal and learn more about them
Write back to your Pen Pals in Ecuador
Have fun with the team!
If you'd like to contribute to the Midnight Run drive, you can bring your donation to the meeting.
B3LOCAL Team: Men's Crew Socks - White or Black
In April the B3 Advisory Board will, once again, be helping the homeless and participating in Midnight Run in NYC.
Midnight Run is a volunteer organization that coordinates volunteers from churches, synagogues, schools and civic groups to distribute food, clothing, blankets and personal care items.
B3 is holding a clothing drive at the B3 office in support of Midnight Run.
You can help by donating items from the list below and dropping off to the B3 office by Tuesday, April 15th, or at your team meeting.
(Although each team has been asked to donate a specific item, please feel free to donate any items listed. For most items larger sizes and dark colors are requested.)
Amanecer Team Sweatshirts (Large and XL. Dark colors preferred. No graphics or logos please) Hooded sweatshirts are especially useful.
B3LOCAL Team Socks (men's crew socks; white or black)
Equipo EsperanzaTeam Underwear (New - Men's jockey style sizes 36-44)
Estrellon Team Baseball caps (no logos)
Odyssey Team Baseball caps (no logos)
Rock It! Team T-Shirts (No logos, sizes Medium – XL)
Thank you for your generosity and support!
Learn more about the exceptional volunteers that give their time and expertise to travel with the Rock-It! team in April.
Tony Riggio (Team Lead)
2022-23 will be my 18th year traveling as a Team Lead and my 4th visit to Ecuador with B3. My first exposure to B3 occurred when our daughter Whitney began her 4 years of participating in B3. She has long since graduated from high school but still talks about B3 with fondness and how it really helped shaped who she is today. I always look forward to the shared sense of mission preparing for the project and enjoy the enthusiasm of the kids, parents and other Advisors. I have come to really appreciate how B3 impacted our daughter over the years. I am looking forward to working with this year’s team – and getting to know everyone. Each year I marvel at how impressive our young people are today- their compassion, their energy and their kindness and their intellect. I feel fortunate to have an opportunity to share this experience with the team and am certain that this will be another amazing year with Rock-It! and Builders Beyond Borders.
Howard Greene (Advisor)
I am very excited to be traveling with B3 as an advisor for my 7th year. I was introduced to B3 when my older daughter, Alex, took her first trip to Ecuador as a high school sophomore in 2011. My younger daughter, Stephanie, also traveled with B3 during her four years in high school. B3 is special to me because I believe over the years my team has made lasting contributions to the communities in which we have worked. Additionally, I have served on the B3 Board of Directors since 2018 where I have enjoyed using my professional skills and experience to help advance the organization. Outside of B3, I work as a volunteer and board member with CT and International non-profit organizations that help serve education, health and other needs of the communities they serve. I’ve also been fortunate to have traveled extensively, including trekking in remote parts of Bhutan, camping in Tanzania, and touring in Peru, Bolivia, Patagonia, and Costa Rica. My experiences have demonstrated the need for active community involvement contributing to sustainable projects. I look forward to getting to know the members of my team this year and a successful trip to Ecuador.
Liz Mauer (Team Lead)
I grew up in Weston, and was lucky enough to get involved with B3 my freshman year of high school. My involvement all 4 years, including 2 years on the advisory board and one year as a student advisor really drove my interest in international relations, which I studied in college. Throughout college, I was so excited to get back to B3 and became an advisor the year after I graduated. This will be my 8th year with the Rock-It! team and 6th year as a team lead. I am so thrilled to get to know the wonderful group of students joining us! B3 has had an impact on every area of my life, and I cannot wait for another year and the opportunity to return to Ecuador!
Linleigh Smith (Advisor)
I am ecstatic to bring B3 back into my life again this year on Rock-It! I was a member of B3 as a student from 2001 to 2003 where I traveled to Cuba, Chile, and Costa Rica. The experience was life changing. Now I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn with my pooch, Pearl. I work as the Director of F&B for a large Events Company called 74 Wythe. I saw an opportunity to bring B3 back into my life in 2013 and joined my father as an advisor on the C-4 team. I LOVE to document each moment in a creative journal I keep with me on the trip and I can’t wait to get back to all of it now.
Important Dates
March 5
Equipo Esperanza Team Meeting
B3 Office - 66 Fort Point St., Norwalk
B3LOCAL Team Meeting
B3 Office - 66 Fort Point St., Norwalk
March 11 - 18
Equipo Esperanza Team travels to Ecuador
March 31
Brains Beyond Borders
Christ & Holy Trinity Church - 75 Church Lane, Westport