“For we live by faith, not by sight,” 2 Corinthians 5:7.


Because He Lives

In this week’s message, Pastor David reflected on one of the most profound occurrences recorded in the Gospel, the disciple's encounter with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. This encounter not only offers us insight into Jesus's nature but also provides a powerful lesson on the importance of faith in our daily lives.

As recounted in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 24:13-35), two disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus, discussing the recent crucifixion of Jesus and the reports of his resurrection. In their journey, which was fraught with grief and confusion, they were joined by someone they believed to be a stranger.

Jesus, in his infinite wisdom, walked alongside them, listening to their doubts and fears. He gently guided them through scripture, explaining how the events they were witnessing fulfilled prophecy. Yet, it was only when they reached their destination and sat down to share a meal with him that their eyes were opened, and in the breaking of bread, they recognized Jesus.

Yesterday, we celebrated communion. Through this holy sacrament, we encounter the living Christ, who nourishes us spiritually and strengthens our faith. It is in the simple act of sharing a meal as a church family and partaking in the body and blood of Christ that we experience his presence.

Pastor David reminded us that, like the disciples, we all journey through life, grappling with doubts, confusion, fears, and uncertainties. In these moments, we must remember that Jesus is with us, even if we fail to recognize him. He walks beside us, offering guidance, comfort, and reassurance. Let’s take time today and every day to praise God and thank him for sending us his son, remembering that Because He Lives, We Can Face Tomorrow.

Linda Carney

Sunday's Worship Service


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