Spring finds Sonoma County in a place of gratitude - grateful to be on the downside of the recent COVID surge and eager for new beginnings. In today’s edition of the SoCo Correspondent, you’ll learn how the county is looking toward the future on a number of fronts including emergency preparedness, sustainable construction and the development of new tools to help residents of the county find assistance, whether it's food, housing or medical support. We also include an update on how the county is looking to boost micro businesses hurt by the pandemic. Learn about these initiatives and more — including some suggestions for where to view our abundant wildflowers this spring — in our April edition of the SoCo Correspondent.
As always, we encourage you to share with friends, colleagues and family members information on how to sign up for the SoCo Correspondent so they can receive it directly the first week of each month. Additional newsletters and a Spanish version can be found here.
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On March 16, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors and public health leaders recognized the two-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic by paying tribute to health care workers, the county’s partners and the community for crucial work that saved lives, reduced hospitalizations and slowed transmission of the deadly virus. | |
Residents age 50 and older and those who are immunocompromised are now eligible — and encouraged — to receive a second booster of the mRNA (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) COVID-19 vaccine, as long as it’s been at least four months since they received their first booster dose. Booster shots are available at the county-sponsored clinics in Rohnert Park and in Roseland, which are open Monday through Saturday. No appointment is required. For times and directions, go to socoemergency.org.
“High-risk individuals, including the elderly and immunocompromised, are still at risk from severe outcomes from COVID-19,” said Dr. Urmila Shende, Sonoma County’s vaccine chief. “Vaccine protection wanes over time, and a second booster dose is important to increase protection.”
People who qualify for a second booster under the federal guidelines should contact their primary care doctor, local pharmacy or visit MyTurn.ca.gov to schedule a booster shot.
COVID-19 vaccines are available for everyone age 5 and older, and booster shots are available for everyone age 12 and older. As of this week, 81 percent of Sonoma County residents aged 5 and older are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Another 65 percent have had a booster shot.
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County emergency response plan first in state with cultural competency | |
After seeking extensive feedback from the community, Sonoma County has become the first county in California to incorporate cultural competency into its emergency planning.
Historically, underserved communities in the county, including monolingual Spanish speakers, did not have access to emergency information in their native language and encountered difficulty navigating official instructions during times of crisis. The county's recently adopted Operational Area Emergency Operations Plan makes many improvements, including requiring emergency alerts and other resources for emergency preparedness, response and recovery in both English and Spanish.
“We have learned many lessons in emergency response since 2017, not just as an organization but as a community. This plan is the culmination of lessons learned and best practices with the overarching goal of keeping every single person in this county safe and informed before, during and after emergencies,” said Chris Godley, director of the Department of Emergency Management.
The county uses the SoCoAlert system to disseminate messages during emergencies. Sign up to receive alerts at SoCoAlert.
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Matching funds for two Homekey sites
in Healdsburg and Petaluma
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Bringing California Home
The Board of Supervisors has allocated $1.55 million to help two sites in Healdsburg and Petaluma qualify for additional matching funds under the state’s Homekey program, an initiative to create supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness.
L&M Village in Healdsburg, formerly known as the L&M Hotel, and The Studios at Montero in Petaluma, formerly known as America’s Best Value Inn, are expected to open later this year. Individuals accepted into the housing sites will receive benefits including substance abuse treatment and counseling to begin a path toward stabilization and a higher quality of life.
With the addition of the two hotel sites, Sonoma County has now received more than $51 million to create about 230 units of housing at five sites under the state Homekey program. The county has submitted two additional Homekey applications to the state, including a 21-unit permanent supportive housing project in west county and a 56-unit youth and senior homeless housing project in unincorporated Santa Rosa.
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Learn more about the county’s safety net | |
The Sonoma County Human Services Department is the largest safety
net agency in the county.
Sonoma County's safety net services provide food, medical benefits and other programs to those in need.
We are here to serve you. If you need help buying food or covering medical and dental benefits, visit Economic Assistance.
Job training and financial assistance can be found through the Employment & Training Division.
Services for veterans, older adults and people with disabilities are available through the Adult & Aging Division.
Child protective services and foster care information can be found at Family, Youth & Children.
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Sonoma County airport now powered by the sun | |
The Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport is the latest county facility to get 100 percent of its power from the sun. The Sonoma County airport debuted a 884 kW canopy solar array last month in partnership with ForeFront Power. The system, combined with a 79 kW rooftop solar array at the Sonoma County Fleet Building, will generate nearly 1.5 million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy per year, offsetting 1,060 metric tons of CO2 emissions, which is equivalent to removing 230 passenger vehicles from the road each year.
“Anything we can do to move our community toward a regenerative future is a priority right now,” said James Gore, chair of the Board of Supervisors. “Our renewable energy portfolio is one part of Sonoma County’s ambitious sustainability plan to adapt and prepare our communities for climate change.”
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County improves sustainability of pension system | |
A new report shows the County of Sonoma has reduced its unfunded pension liability by 30 percent over the last four years, the result of strong investment returns and decisions by the Board of Supervisors to make early payments on the county’s unfunded liability. The fourth annual State of the Retirement System report projects the county’s pension costs will decline in the 2023-24 fiscal year.
Reducing pension costs is a top priority of the Board of Supervisors, which has enacted policies to make the pension system fair, equitable and sustainable for taxpayers and employees alike. The Board is guided by three overarching policy goals for pension reform: contain costs, maintain labor market competitiveness and workforce stability, and improve accountability and transparency.
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Microbusinesses invited to apply for state grants | |
Applications are now being accepted for $2,500 grants available to microbusinesses and small entrepreneurs in Sonoma County hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses with less than five employees and less than $50,000 in revenue in 2019 are eligible for the grants if they did not receive a previous grant from the state Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program.
The program is administered by the Sonoma County Economic Development Board in partnership with Working Solutions CDFI. The application window opened April 1 and closes May 1 or until all funds are exhausted.
“Too often very small businesses miss opportunities for relief funding,” EDB Interim Director Ethan Brown said. “They are usually mobile businesses or home-based and often do not subscribe to larger organizations and services, which are critical in sharing information for relief opportunities. Utilizing our community partners, we strive to reach these businesses.”
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Cannabis tax temporarily cut | |
The Board of Supervisors has temporarily reduced county taxes on local cannabis growers by 45 percent for two years. The move is designed to assist legal growers who said they were being forced out of business by increases in county and state cultivation taxes amid a sharp drop in marijuana prices.
The tax cut will be retroactive to July 1, 2021 and expire June 30, 2023. The Board directed staff to evaluate changing the tax, which is currently assessed on the square footage of cannabis farms, and replacing it with a tax on growers’ revenues.
“We were putting people out of business with our policy, so this (reduction) is the right thing to do,” said James Gore, chair of the Board of Supervisors. “We’re committed to getting this issue right for Sonoma County, and that means continuing to work between neighborhoods and industry advocates, learning from other counties, and finding local solutions that are fair and sustainable for both communities and the environment.”
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Earth Day weekend park cleanup in Sonoma | |
Celebrate the birth of the modern environmental movement by joining an Earth Day weekend cleanup project on Saturday, April 23 at Maxwell Farms Regional Park and Larson Park in Sonoma. Volunteers will remove litter and debris from a half-mile section of Sonoma Creek, an important habitat for Coho salmon. Participants will meet in the parking lots of each park at 9 a.m. for a short safety talk and to pick up supplies. Tools, materials, gloves, drinks and snacks will be provided. Registration required. Contact John Ryan at john.ryan@sonoma-county.org for information. | |
Federal immigration officials made 75 percent fewer requests for information about inmates held at the Sonoma County Jail last year, the Sheriff’s Office reported at a special hearing held by the Board of Supervisors on March 2. The annual hearing, required under a 2017 state transparency law known as the TRUTH Act, provided the public with information that is shared with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Data, along with the immigration status policy of the Sheriff’s Office, can be viewed with the agenda for the March 2 hearing at the Board of Supervisors website. | |
Funding secured to keep Henry 1 in the air | |
The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors authorized nearly $2.4 million to ensure the Sheriff’s Office helicopter program, known as Henry 1, remains in service for another year. The Sheriff’s Office had placed the helicopter on a list of items to eliminate in 2020 when it faced an $8 million deficit.
The board directed staff to investigate long-term funding for Henry 1, which is used for law enforcement operations, search and rescue, fire suppression and emergency medical service.
“Henry 1 is a life-saving asset for the county,” said James Gore, chair of the Board of Supervisors. “I’m thankful when this bird is in the sky taking care of Sonoma County.”
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National Crime Victims’ Rights Week | |
Save the date: Ag + Open Space
grant program on April 21
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Every two years, Ag + Open Space provides funding to public agencies and nonprofits for the protection of open spaces for agriculture, recreation, natural resource restoration and public access. Since 1994, the matching grant program has provided more than $30 million toward diverse and innovative projects throughout our county. The 2022 funding cycle has $4 million available to support local projects. To learn how to apply, join a Zoom webinar at 4 p.m. on April 21. | |
Get involved with local government
Government is only as good as the people who step forward to serve others. There are many ways you can become involved in local government by serving on local boards, commissions and committees. Check out the list of current vacancies and discover how you can help shape the future of Sonoma County.
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Adopt the pet of the month | |
My name is Gus. I’m a neutered male, gray and white domestic shorthair cat about 4 years old. I’ve been at the shelter for about eight weeks. My caretakers say I would make a great barn kitty and would do well in a setting that allows me some freedom and a job to do. I have some limits when it comes to social interactions, but I love the occasional head rub, and I’m a huge fan of treats.
Gus is one of dozens of dogs, rabbits and other animals at Sonoma County Animal Services in need of adoption.
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Celebrate Helen Putnam Regional Park improvements | |
Spring is a great time to get outside and visit Helen Putnam Regional Park to see the variety of recent improvements and acknowledge the funders and volunteers who facilitated this work. Improvements include major renovation of trails and trailheads, including new trail signage, new and improved parking lots, and restoration of native plants. Visit the park’s website to download a map for a self-guided tour of the improvements. | |
Go where wildflowers abound
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Spring is the perfect season to view wildflowers in Sonoma County, with early blooms abounding at Foothill, Crane Creek, Helen Putnam, Shiloh Ranch and other regional parks. Download Wildflowers of Sonoma County, our colorful digital field guide to locate the baby blue eyes, California buttercups and Henderson’s shooting stars in our county parks. For the prime places to look, check out the best spring wildflower walks in Sonoma County, a blog post with suggested hikes and handy links to the latest nature photos on iNaturalist — including, right now, tons of wildflowers. | | | |
Volunteer and employment opportunities | |
(stories may require subscriptions)
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