Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
By John McElhenney - The Good Men Project
"... What you can do if you’re heading into a divorce with children. Both parents can agree to a 50/50 shared parenting agreement. Share the bills 50/50, share the parenting 50/50, share the responsibilities 50/50, just like you parented. ..."
By Jodie Lynn - Stl Today
"... Nevertheless, if it's something you have both agreed on, one of the most important things to do is for you both to strive for an amicable divorce where the kids get to see their dad as frequently as possible during this potentially stressful time. ..."
"... Yet for all the ill effects we read about “helicopter parenting, ”anxious hovering to prevent a child from being hurt or feeling bad, and now even “bulldozer parenting” — a more active style in which parents badger teachers, professors and even employers, or simply do the work of succeeding for their child — we live in a culture that pressures us to take on these behaviors even as we criticize them. ..."
By Joseph Trotti - NY Metro Parents
"... In a divorce or separation, turning your child against your ex could have negative outcomes for you. ..."
"... “The foundation of the relationship is the knowledge that everyone wants what is best for the child,” she said. “A solid co-parenting partnership can be built from that.” ..."
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