January 2022
Direct Selling Newsletter For Companies

Party plan companies don’t ask this question, because almost all of their sales are to customers.

If your company is a network marketing company, however, this is an important question to which you need to know both the short and the long answer.

If you’re like me, when you want something done by others, you want it to be completed quickly.

Compensation plan programming is one of those projects that takes longer than we’d like, usually much longer.

What is…

  • a map to get to your gold?
  • a bible for all direct selling companies?
  • a consultant in a book?
  • the most valuable $300 you’ll ever spend on your business?

Our “Start Here” book is all of these and more.

If you are starting or growing a network marketing or a party plan company, you need the best resources to help you to create, launch and grow your business. Your goal is long-term success and to be successful you will need to do many things well.

Recruiting is one of the most important behaviors we want to see from our independent representatives.

Without recruiting, your direct selling company’s sales force will shrink. To grow or to stay the same size, all direct selling companies need new recruits.

How Does Sylvina Consulting Help Companies?
At Sylvina Consulting, we are direct selling and compensation plan experts. We design and improve compensation plans and mentor direct selling company owners and executives. We also teach companies and individuals what they need to do to be more successful.

Our mission is to provide owners, management teams, employees, and independent representatives of direct selling companies with information, wisdom, and solutions to increase the health, stability, and size of their businesses.

When you decide to get personal guidance from Sylvina Consulting, you will experience and benefit from our suggestions and recommendations gained from more than 30 years of experience working with more than 500 direct selling, network marketing, party plan, and social selling companies.

You are invited to experience the Sylvina difference. Our clients have given us great reviews.

I invite you to contact me to talk about your specific needs.

Jay Leisner
President, Sylvina Consulting

Office: +1 503 244 8787
Cell: +1 503 784 7873
WhatsApp: + 1 503 784 7873
Skype: jay.leisner