Volume 28 Issue 4
April 2022 News & Updates
Upcoming Events:
The Latest Chapter Happenings
Michael Darby, CSEP, of the Idaho National Laboratory will provide an overview of how the Mission Thread Analysis approach has been used to evaluate mission resilience. Show generalized results of additional threat-based scenarios and how the All-Hazard Analysis tool can be integrated with black out exercises to assess how and where alternatives, or courses of action, are needed to ultimately improve the overall mission resilience.
More Upcoming Events to Consider
Did you miss out last month?
Dr. Eisner explains how Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) can be used by Systems Engineers who are looking for cost-effective solutions. CEA is a proven method for choosing the best answer from a set of alternatives.

The INCOSE-CC Website is filled with musingsbook reports, and after-action reports for all our events. Explore and discover a wealth of information and articles at
To do is not an aspiration, a dream, or even a plan to make something happen. It’s an action, a verb that performs and executes. It’s a commitment to move and act in a manner that yields results. It’s the start of making a change. Doing gives birth to innovation. It challenges what existed before, and transforms what will exist in the future. At Peraton, we pride ourselves on doing the can’t be done, because we know that reality won’t wait for the status quo to catch up.

Do What Others Wish They Had.
Bravery isn’t defined by how high we fly. It’s defined by our decision to take flight.
Whether the industry is space, intelligence, cyber, defense, homeland security, or communications, we’re focused on our customers and most importantly – their missions. Our outcome-focused approach makes us adaptable which is essential in our quest to address our customers’ needs. At Peraton, we pride ourselves on delivering forward-thinking solutions. And as we venture into the unknown, it is our drive for protecting and promoting freedom that will have a lasting impact for generations to come.

At Peraton, our team of self-starting, mission-driven individuals share a passion for creating solutions that keep our country safe. We challenge the status quo, embrace change, and solve problems through innovation and forward-thinking. We’re building a culture of doers who are constantly improving and work relentlessly to obtain the highest quality results for ourselves and our trusted partners.
Our core values are to honor those we serve, operate with integrity and trust, treat others with respect, consistently innovate, deliver excellence in value and capability, and maintain selflessness for the team. These are our priorities and the driving forces behind all we do at Peraton.
Welcome, all new members to our Chapter. Thank you for being part of the INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter!

Consider advertising your openings by being part of an email campaign as well as a website announcement. We have over 1200 contacts on our mailing list. Contact us at

The Chesapeake Chapter is always looking for volunteers to speak at our upcoming meetings! Please contact our Programs Director if you would like the opportunity to speak or can recommend someone.
INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Events are now on Eventbrite - check us out at
This is the monthly newsletter for INCOSE Chesapeake, a local chapter of INCOSE International. We are a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing a forum for professionals practicing the art and science of Systems Engineering in the Northern & Central Maryland & Southern Pennsylvania area
Keep up with the latest news and events. Find out about our new Board of Directors. Explore our extensive library of previous lectures from our Monthly Dinner Meetings. Learn of the Benefits of Joining INCOSE. Check out Systems Engineering education in the local area. All this and more awaits you at our INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Website.

For any comments or suggestions about this newsletter please e-mail our Communications Officer. We value your feedback.
2022 Board of Director Officers (read more at website)
  • President: Dr. Dave Flanigen, ESEP
  • Past President: Jeff Berlett, CSEP
  • President-Elect: Dr. Steve Biemer
  • Treasurer:  John Boccio, ESEP
  • Secretary: Jennifer Rainey, CSEP
  • Communications: Mike. Anderson, CSEP
  • Programs: Jason Sohike, ASEP
  • Membership: Mark Kaczmarek, ASEP