Eucharistic Congress
Now is the time to register, invite and pray for the success of the 4th Annual In His Real Presence Eucharistic Congress!
We are one month away!!!!
· Please contact your family, friends, parishioners, and others you know to register for the Eucharistic Congress today!
· Please forward the attached Daytime & Youth Night Flyers:.
o Daytime Program will be packed with great speakers, Eucharistic Adoration with Bishop James V. Johnston, Jr., a great lunch, and more.
o Youth Night will be packed with 4 Youth Witness Speakers, a Eucharistic Procession, Eucharistic Adoration & Music, free dinner, and more.
· Pray more hearts will be drawn to spend time with Our Eucharistic Lord.
· Pray for an increase in Eucharistic Adorers in our parishes.
· Pray for an expansion of open Eucharistic Adoration hours in our parishes, ultimately Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.
· Pray for our speakers, volunteers, organizers, attendees, and everyone to be uplifted, fortified, and on fire for Our Eucharistic Lord.
· Pray for the success of the Eucharistic Congress, an outpouring of graces upon our diocese, and an increase in Eucharistic Adorers.
As you can see, a lot of wonderful opportunities to draw closer to Our Eucharistic Lord. We thank you for your prayers, support, and help getting the word out!
In His Most Sacred Heart,
Lorie Sage
Manager, Office of Divine Worship
20 W Ninth Street
Kansas City, Mo. 64105
Phone: 816-714-2324 dd