We urge you to take precaution to lock your cars, take your keys with you and do not leave anything of value visible inside. Last weekend there were two events that occurred in the Village that we want to make you aware of:
A vehicle was stolen from a resident’s driveway on the west side of the Village, late Friday night. The vehicle was unlocked and the key was left in it.
In a separate incident, a resident left their pocketbook in the car. Though the vehicle was locked, the perpetrator(s) broke a window to get to the pocketbook which contained credit cards and cash.
Another issue that you should be aware of is that mail has been stolen from mailboxes. In one incident, a resident put outgoing mail in their mailbox for pick up, mail was stolen and their payments never were received by the intended recipient. In a separate incident, a resident was paying their association dues by leaving a check in the mailbox of the association treasurer. The envelope was stolen. That information on the stolen check (such as account number and signature) was then used to make two withdrawals for thousands of dollars from the check writer’s account in two different branch offices.
As you may already know, post offices large blue receptacles/mailboxes on Gerard Street and Halesite were redesigned. This was done to prevent mail from being stolen out of the boxes. Criminals have been stealing mail looking for cash, checks, and other personal information that could be used for other nefarious purposes. As a precaution, we suggest that residents timely retrieve their mail. If you plan on going away, ask a neighbor or friend to pick it up for you. We also suggest not to put outgoing mail in your mailbox, but to use a postal box in Halesite or in Huntington.
Huntington Bay is not the only community plagued by these types of occurrences. These incidents have been occurring throughout Nassau and Suffolk counties.
We will continue to keep you updated on these unfortunate events.