Everyone is a Marketer!
Last Sunday, Pastor Eric preached from Luke 5:17-20 with a message challenging us to "grab a corner of the mat" -- to take action and make an impact. Today, that mat is marketing and promoting your church.
  • 70 yard signs assembled.
  • 1,400 postcards mailed, plus 100 extra for hand delivery to a friend, new neighbor, or absentee member.
  • Multiple, shareable Facebook posts.
  • A website chock full of information, invitations, and events.
All of these are "edges of the mat" and all are available at your fingertips. So grab hold and BE THE REASON that someone visits or returns to Chamblee First this Easter.
Top things you need to know & do ...

> Egg Hunt <
> Holy Week Calendar<
> Book Drive <
> Disc Golf Clinic <
> Crisis Communications <

Click on the images below for event details.
You can see more CFUMC happenings on the website.
Easter Egg Hunt
Join us on the front lawn for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. For egg count purposes and to receive weather updates, please register all participating children.
Apr 1, 10 am - 12 pm
rain date: Apr 8
Palm Sunday
April 2, 10 am
Morning Worship including Children's Palm processional led by a live, friendly donkey.
Maundy Thursday
April 6, 6 pm
Join us in the sanctuary for solemn remembrance, worship, and holy communion.
Good Friday
April 7, 3 pm (virtual)
A special message via Livestream and Facebook, as we remember Jesus’ outpouring of love through his suffering and crucifixion.
Easter Sunday
April 9, 9 am -and- 11 am
Celebrate the good news that in Christ’s death and resurrection we are continually being made new by God’s love and saving grace.
A Book for Every Child at Huntley Hills Elementary
 Together with our local Girl Scout troops, we are collecting new & gently used books for reading levels PreK-8th grade. Bringing book donations to the altar during worship.
Sun Apr. 2 -and- Thur Apr. 6
Lenten Study
Throughout Lent, Pastor Eric Lee will lead a weekly small group session based on the book Courage: Jesus and the Call to Brave Faith by pastor and author Tom Berlin. Join us to explore what true courage is and how God works in the lives of Christ followers.
Palm Sunday @ 11 am | Easter Sunday @ 10 am
Disc Golf Clinic
Interested in Disc Golf? Come gain valuable knowledge from World Champions. Register by April 7 to receive event tee-shirt. $35 + donation.
Apr 24, 6-7 pm
Crisis Communications
In response to this week's tragic church school shooting, CMK Director Mellie O’Keefe initiated a prompt, empathetic communique to CMK families.  Erin Smith sent a modified version to the PMO families. Feedback has been positive and the proactive approach was appreciated.
Please continue to keep the Covenant Presbyterian community in your prayers.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023 - "We are deeply heartbroken by yesterday’s tragedy at Covenant Presbyterian School in Nashville. Undoubtedly, this tragedy is top of mind for all of us today. At Chamblee Methodist, the security of your children and our staff is paramount. As you know, our doors remained locked throughout the day with limited, monitored access. Between our existing protocols, the constant diligence of our teachers, and a plan that predates yesterday’s events, security is and remains our top priority. 
There are no words or emotions big enough to take away the pain of the families who have been impacted by this tragedy. We stand with the entire country to support and lift up these families in prayer. I know you will continuously pray for these families throughout the coming months.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me or Deanna Hamilton, the church’s Executive Director, if you have questions or concerns. I want to assure each of you that nothing is more important to us than providing your children with a safe, nurturing environment.
Please join us in praying for all those at Covenant Presbyterian school and church."
Vacation Bible School
June 12-16
All Things Easter
Bookmark this webpage for a comprehensive list of Lenten Season activities and events leading up to Easter.
A curated playlist of positive, uplifting music; songs we sing during morning worship.
Thank you for your continued giving and generous hearts!