Stay up to date on what is happening in Baldwin County School District by reading November's edition of the Baldwin Beat!
Braves Have What It Takes to Repeat
Seticia Smith Selected as the Baldwin County Teacher of the Year
Congratulations to Setecia Smith who is the 2021-2022 Baldwin County School District Teacher of the Year. Ms. Smith was born and raised in Baxley, Georgia. and graduated with honors from Appling County High School. Her first teaching experience was at Union Baptist Church as a Sunday School and Vacation Bible School teacher. She knew then that she wanted to become a school teacher and fulfill her dream of coaching. Ms. Smith is currently a 7th grade math teacher and the department chair at Oak Hill Middle School. She is also an assistant coach for the Baldwin High School girls basketball program and the assistant girls track coach at Oak High Middle School. Ms. Smith received her bachelor's, master's and specialist's degrees from Georgia College and State University.
2021-2022 Teacher of the Year Finalists
The Baldwin County School District congratulates the 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year finalist: Judith Blount, Midway Hills Primary; Erica Jackson, Baldwin High School; Wichelle Norton, Lakeview Primary; Ms. Schlonda Spikes, Lakeview Academy; and Yvonne Thompson, Midway Hills Academy. We are so proud of each of these outstanding educators.
Each year, the Baldwin County School District goes through a rigorous process to select educators as finalists for the Teacher of the Year Recognition. Finalists complete an application and are interviewed by a committee that includes representatives from the schools, central office, and our Partners In Education. The selection committee also conducted classroom observations of the Teacher of the Year Finalists.
Click on the image below to view the slideshow for the BCSD Teacher of the Year and finalists.
November Pursuit of Excellence Winners
Mrs. Amber Ivey is the Bookkeeper at Oak Hill Middle School and is a true definition of a team player. Her Principal, Daymond Ray, states, "I'm not sure if she's our bookkeeper, nurse, crossing guard, or school contact tracer. She is always there to lend a helping hand wherever it is needed. I have never heard her say no when asked to assist with anything". Mrs. Ivey tackles all of her extra duties with a smile on her face. Even when her office was full of back-to-school supplies and you couldn't see her at her desk from all the big boxes, she got the supplies out in a timely manner. She doesn't have to do all these things, however, she knows that the staff and students need certain tasks completed if they are to be successful. Mrs. Amber Ivey, thank you for being a shining example of excellence!
Dr. Jennifer Dunbar is relatively new to the Baldwin County School District. In her first year, she has quickly established herself as a model of excellence. She continuously goes above and beyond for students and staff. She works hard to make sure the teachers and students have the resources they need to be successful. Dr. Dunbar, thank you for being a shining example of excellence!
Mrs. Pam Longino has been employed with the Baldwin County School District for 23 years. She is described by her colleague, Mr. Reese, as always being involved in school initiatives and being the school’s first point of contact for issues with technology. She also oversees the distribution of laptops to the students and manages to do it all with grace and humor. Mrs. Longino, thank you for modeling excellence!
Ms. Lundy has worked in the Baldwin County School District for 15 years. She is described by Ms. See as being very deserving of this recognition. Ms. See has worked closely with Ms. Lundy for 8 years. Ms. Lundy has never missed a beat. She is always willing and ready to do whatever is needed without even being asked. She takes initiative and enjoys her job. Ms. Lundy has established great relationships with not only her co-workers but with the students as well. She wears a smile every day and is always ready to get the job done! Ms. Lundy, thank you for being a model of excellence!
Ms. Strickland is in her second year working in the Baldwin County School District. She always strives to learn and become better at her job. She takes time to study recipes and make sure all the meals she prepares are delicious and look amazing for our young scholars! Ms. Strickland has stepped up as a leader in the kitchen and has become more vocal. She is a team player, a positive person, and ready for anything that is thrown her way. Ms. Strickland, thank you for being a model of excellence!
BCSD Welcomes Transportation Director
The Baldwin County School System welcomes Transportation Director, Mr. Eric Little. Mr. Little is a native of Baldwin County, and a product of the Baldwin County School System – Class of 1997. After graduating from Baldwin High School, he continued his educational journey while attending Georgia College & State University, where he earned his Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Specialist’s Degrees in Education. Mr. Little began his career in 1999 with the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice as a Juvenile Correctional Officer, and transitioned into teaching middle grades in 2001. In 2004, he learned how to drive a school bus and obtained his Commercial Driver’s License. Since September 2013, he has had the opportunity to oversee operations and later become the Transportation Director for the Putnam County School System, where he had the opportunity to be awarded many vehicle grants to purchase buses and vehicles for the Early Learning Program, receive Federal EPA grants to offset the costs of bus replacement, and implement driver training programs which provided drivers and monitors the opportunity to participate at the Georgia Department of Education Bus Road-e-o. He has worked on educating all students on how to properly ride and evacuate school buses. Mr. Little is thrilled to have the opportunity to come back home and lead the BCSD Transportation Department into the future.
'Baldwin Grows' Brick Campaign
The Baldwin Grows Learning Garden initiative continues to expand. The garden is located on the campus of Baldwin High School and provides students with hands-on agricultural learning experiences. School gardens are a great way for students to learn where food comes from and can promote healthy lifestyles. To provide handicap accessibility around the Baldwin Grows Garden, we are in need of additional brick sponsors to help us create a brick pathway around the garden.
To make this dream come true, we need 100 more brick donors. All sponsors will have a permanent place in the garden for years to come, so don't miss out on this opportunity. Click on the Brick Order Form below. Make checks payable to the Baldwin County Schools Charter System Foundation of Excellence and in the memo section write "Brick Project". Please mail your check to the attention of Gina Whitaker at 110 North ABC Street, Milledgeville, Georgia 31061. Click Here for Brick Form
Lakeview Academy's Eagle Ambassadors Visit Classes
Mr. Respess and a few of his 5th Grade Eagle Ambassadors visited Mrs. Craddock’s 3rd grade class to talk about being a role model and mentor for the younger students. Eagle Ambassadors are students that have been nominated by their teachers for being a role model at school. These students continuously exhibit Lakeview Academy's SOAR (Show Respect, Organize and Learn, Act Responsibly, Respond Appropriately) Expectations that have been set forth for the students. Students selected to be an Eagle Ambassador shared with other students the things they have done to be successful and encouraged other students to be the best they can be.
Baldwin High School Collaborates With Milledgeville Farmers Club
Baldwin High invited the Milledgeville Farmers Club to breakfast on Saturday, November 13th. The farmers were very impressed and interested in learning and helping with our Farm to School initiatives. The Agriculture, Culinary and Wellness Departments shared what they are doing to better prepare our students to live long and healthy lives!
Early Learning Center Students Are Busy
in the STEM Lab
The students at the Early Learning Center have been busy in their STEM lab! This month they learned about ramps and how to move objects easier and faster. They discussed the various types of magnets and what items are made of to be magnetic. They also learned about turkeys and absorption by using markers, water, and coffee filters to create a tie-dye effect.
Oak Hill Middle School
Students Create Batteries
In this week-long project, students designed working batteries using everyday items from their homes, such as nails, screws, coins, orange juice, coke, gatorade, etc. The goal was to get the highest voltage possible and to light an LED bulb. Mr. Bills, a retired electrical engineer, worked with our students on this project and provided expert knowledge to help our students produce the best batteries possible.
Georgia College Early College Students Celebrate National Chemistry Week
8th Graders at GCEC celebrated National Chemistry Week and kicked it off with a "What is Chemistry" photo challenge. Students worked together to complete a photo challenge/school scavenger hunt to find everyday examples of chemistry in action. Table salt, or NaCl, was found in the purse of one group. The gumball machine was one group's example of a heterogeneous mixture while the contents of the vending machine served as examples of solutions, acids, or items containing electrolytes. The best photo of the day went to Ethan Wong, Jaila Reaves, Meyanna Reeves, and Aidan Kornn for using the tree as an example of chemical change.
Midway Hills Academy Celebrates Thanksgiving
Midway Hills Academy celebrated Thanksgiving by having students collaborate to create a large turkey! Each student was given a feather to decorate, and their artwork was beautifully displayed! This project was a team effort. Thank you to Mrs. Clyde and Mrs. Pope for their help in bringing this beautiful piece of art together!
Lakeview Primary Celebrates World Kindness Day
Lakeview Primary celebrated World Kindness Day on Friday, November 12th. Students wore cardigans and ties in memory of Mr. Rogers, who was known for his positive impact on children's ability to reinforce each other positively and to improve social interaction with other children and adults.
Midway Hills Primary Students Conduct Text Features Surgery
After weeks of learning about the text features standard (RI5), Mrs. Lester's and Mrs. Ross' class conducted a text features surgery as a culminating activity. over the standard. Students were assigned patients (printouts of a body template), surgical tools (scissors and glue sticks) and magazines and other forms of informational texts. The patients were labeled with various text features that students had to search for examples in the magazines. Once they located an example of the text feature, they surgically removed (cut out) the example and glued it to the patient. The students enjoyed the activity as they displayed their knowledge of text features and got to dress as doctors!
December 17
December 17
December 20-January 4
December 25
January 1
January 5
January 10
January 17
February 4
February 15
February 18
February 21
March 13
March 14
March 18
March 21
March 22
April 4 - 8
April 26
May 2
May 26
End of 2nd Nine Weeks/1st Semester
Early Release Day
Winter Break
Christmas Day
New Year's Day
Students Return from Winter Break
Reports Cards
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Midterm 3rd Nine Weeks
Progress Reports
Holiday for Staff & Students
President's Day Holiday
Daylight Savings Time Begins
End of the 3rd Nine Weeks
Early Release/Parent Conference Day
Professional Learning Day
Report Cards
Spring Break
Midterm 4th Nine Weeks
Progress Reports
Last Day of School/Early Release
BCSD Winter Fine Arts Schedule of Events
Baldwin High School 2022 Basketball Schedule
Family-School Partnership Program
Parents are hearing many different acronyms these days that students are learning at school. This week we would like to share the answers to some frequently asked questions about PBIS, our Positive Behavioral Interventions and supports, from the George Sugai National Center on PBIS Neag School of Education.
Infinite Campus is the Baldwin County School District's new student information system and gaining access is easier than ever before. Simply follow the link to two videos that provide step-by-step instructions on how to create an account and login. You can also find this information by clicking the "Infinite Campus" link under the parents tab on
Download the MyStop App Today!
Download the MyStop App Today!
Never worry about where your child's bus is ever again! Thanks to the new and innovative technology that the Baldwin County School District has invested in. As a result, parents of our students can now get real-time updates of their child's bus location through the MyStop app, which is available for download in the iTunes or Android marketplaces.
MyStop provides parents, and parents only, a live look at their child's bus while in transit using GPS technology. Parents can see the exact location of the bus as it's moving along its route and can even provide an estimated time of arrival.
Click on the following links to access district and school websites as well as all of the social media networks for our respective schools in the district. Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are the best ways to stay up to date with the latest news and happenings in all of our schools. Give us a like or a follow and help share all the good news that is happening in the district every day!
Click the links below to access our district's strategic plan, Baldwin County Board of Education Board Meetings, Blog, School Web Pages, and About Us.
110 North ABC St.
Milledgeville, GA 31061
Phone: 478-453-4176
Fax: 478-457-3327