January 7, 2022
Dear Trojan Family:
In our last COVID-19 update before the break we reported 19 positive cases for the entire year. We did not issue weekly COVID-19 updates during the break and will resume that practice beginning today. 
Over the last three weeks we have seen a spike upward in positive cases. Our positive cases over the last three weeks were:
12/18-12/24 4
12/25-12/31 9
01/01-01/07 23
With this increase in cases and our concern with the Omicron variant, we will continue to require all students, staff and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, to wear a properly fitted mask while on the Bishop Chatard campus. 

Bishop Chatard will continue to report positive cases of COVID-19 to the Local Health Department, State Health Department, and to the Office of Catholic Schools. We have been doing this since the beginning of the year and will continue to do so.
New K-12 guidance for schools concerning isolation, quarantine, and mask wearing was reported last week and will be updated on our website. We previously reported that the Health Department was including boosters when eligible in their definition of fully vaccinated. This has once again changed. Updated definitions are:
Fully vaccinated=must be 2 weeks (14 days) out from the last dose of primary vaccine series. 
Not fully vaccinated=less than 2 weeks out from last dose of a primary vaccine series or have not received all primary doses.  

If your child is symptomatic and/or tests positive using a home test kit, please keep your child at home and email medical@bishopchatard.org. A nurse or COVID-19 team member will be in touch to determine the next steps.
If a student is at home and coded as COVID, a synchronous Google Meet is available to them. Students coded as COVID include those who are symptomatic, close contact quarantined, or have tested positive. Absent students should make every effort to connect with teachers by email or via Google Meet during our daily Seminar period to talk about assignments and assessments.  

If you have any questions concerning COVID-19 please feel free to contact me at (317-251-1451, ext. 1900) or via email at jhansen@bishopchatard.org

Please continue to pray for the success of Bishop Chatard High School! 
Joe Hansen, Principal
Bishop Chatard High School