The Sonoma County 4-H calendar is now a viewable document on google. (*editable for Club Leaders)
County Council Meetings are now meeting in person exclusively.
4-H Events
February 2023
7 @ 7pm: County Council Meeting (YAL)
4: County 4-H Presentation Day
13: Lincolnโs Birthday (UCCE closed)
21: @ 6:30 Chicken Que Cmte Mtg (YAL)
20: Presidentsโ Day (UCCE closed)
23: @ 7pm Chicken Que Club Rep Mtg (YAL)
March 2023
7 @ 7pm: County Council Meeting (YAL)
10: Fashion Revue Participation Form DUE
15: Multiple Scholarship Deadlines
17: 4-H All-Star applications due to office by 3pm
21:@6:30pm Chicken Que Cmte Mtg (YAL)
23: @ 7pm Chicken Que Club Rep Mtg (YAL)
31: Cesar Chavez Day (UCCE closed)
Correction: Last month's newsletter included a mistake. YAL center is not offering Spring Grants. The YAL Foundation announced at the end of last year and at the beginning of this year that they will only be offering Fall Grants. Please note this correction.
Changes Ahead for Enrollment System
The University of California 4-H Youth Development program is increasing the focus of online system security, reducing our risk of security breaches and cyber-attacks. Our new UC ANR Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has updated UC ANRโs security standards, resulting in the need to identify a new 4-H enrollment system vendor that meets these updated requirements. We are pleased to announce we have successfully identified a vendor solution that meets our current security standards.
As such, this program year (2022-2023) will be the last year we will be using Registration Maxโs 4-H Online enrollment system.
Going forward into the 2023-2024 program year, we will be using ZSuite as our new enrollment system vendor.
To complete this exciting transition, family login level access to the 4-H Online 2.0 system will be turned off on June 23rd at 12pm. Families and volunteers will no longer be able to login to the enrollment system.
Families are encouraged to complete enrollments for the 2022-2023 program year prior to June 23rd. Families are also encouraged to delay re-enrollment for the 2023-2024 program year until the new system is open and they can complete the online self-enrollment process on or after August 15, 2023. If enrollment or re-enrollment is necessary during the interim period the system is offline, your county staff will work with you to complete the enrollment process.
Please note all dates listed are subject to change based on RegistrationMax, ZSuite and UC ANR 4-H needs. Any changes will be broadly communicated by the State 4-H Office.
๐ 4-H Council: President's Message
Time is moving so quickly, I can hardly keep up!
Both Presentation Day and the Livestock Judging events were awesome successes (I mean, I never doubted it, but it brings me so much joy and pride and gratitude to see our youth members coming out and doing such amazing things...!) Thank you to Lisa Schuldt, Kimberly Roberts and Susan Maners (and her helpers, too) for all the hard work and time you put into making these events happen. And I also want to thank all the 4-H youth and volunteers who helped at the Farm Bureau Crab Feed, it was wonderful hearing the public recognize your hard work and personalities and I loved seeing you all working so hard to help and represent 4-H with your positivity! You each did a great job!!
Coming up next is the Cloverdale Citrus Fair and then Fashion Revue; wishing all the participants good fortune and fun times!
Gold Ridge 4-H Club's Skate & Donate is happening at Cal Skate in Rohnert Park on February 16 (sounds SO fun!!) and I love events that bring all of our clubs together! Can't wait to see you there!
Please check out the upcoming Zoom Webinars to use the Spark Achievement Program, February 22, March 9 and March 22, there IS an RSVP link and you can find it in the Google drive. They are at 7 pm and will definitely help you be able to guide youth in their record keeping in the new system.
We are looking forward to recognizing our Senior Record Book Contestants accomplishments at the State level at the March CCC meeting, so don't miss it! Also keep your eyes out for more info on the now-annual Sonoma County Youth Poultry Showdown, one of the greatest poultry contests on the planet!.
Remember to tell your youth members about the YAL Foundation Scholarships (applications due in March!) and about the All Star Ambassador Program (applications due in March!) and also about the gardening community service opportunity in Sonoma (flyers in the Google drive and given to each CCC leader at the meeting February 7). There are lots of opportunities out there, ripe for the picking. And mark your calendars now for the YAL Foundation BBQ scheduled for August 26!
As always, I thank you for your volunteerism, your commitment to this program and our youth, and your enthusiasm. I would like to welcome Mr. John Tarca to his position as a Member at Large, we are so happy to have his input on council. Oh! And remember, we have two council positions coming up for election in May: President and Treasurer. Any interested parties are encouraged to contact us to learn more! Nominations happen at the April CCC meeting and Voting at the May CCC meeting. You can nominate yourself, we are open!!
Please reach out if you have questions (about anything, not just council seats!) because we are always here to help!
Happy almost Spring...
๐ All Star Ambassadors ๐
Hello 4-H families this is your All Stars Tammy Kelley and Alex Justus!
Last month and this month has been filled with many fun and
exciting events. On January 8th we had a blanket-making night at the YAL
center. This event turned out to be successful, we made many blankets to donate
to the living room. Also, this month was presentation day. This was a very fun
and exciting event to help at and attend. All of the presentations
were wonderful! We are going to be hosting some community service coming up so
watch for flyers on our stuffed animal drive. We are always open for more
suggestions on community service projects. If you have any ideas please email
~ make sure to check out
some of the cute pictures from Blanket Making Night! Thank You!
Your 4-H ๐All Stars,
Tammy Kelley & Alex Justus
๐๏ธSonoma County 4-H Camp
Sonoma County 4-H Camp Dates & Registration Coming Soon!
๐ Sonoma County 4-H Events & Announcements
North Bay Science Discovery Day
Add North Bay Science Discovery Day to your calendars!
๐ข State 4-H Events and Information
County Ambassador Essentials
Virtual skill building workshop series
The State Ambassador team will be hosting a workshop series for County Ambassadors, youth leaders (13 and up), and County Ambassador Coaches.
Upcoming workshops
Feb. 23, 2023, 6:30pm-8:00pm
Develop Your Back Up Plan
Livestock Judging, Dairy Judging, Poultry Judging
Hosted by UC Davis Field Day
Saturday, March 4, 2023 at UC Davis
The top Senior-level 4-H teams for all contests will qualify to represent California at national 4-H judging contests.
ยท Livestock judging: Enrollment in a livestock judging project is not required. Members can enter in either the Novice or Advanced 4-H Livestock Judging category. Only Senior 4-H teams in the Advanced 4-H Livestock Judging category will be eligible to qualify for a national contest. The first-place Senior 4-H team will qualify to compete at the National 4-H Livestock Judging Contest (Louisville, KY).
ยท Dairy judging: Members must be enrolled in a 4-H dairy project. Senior 4-H teams are eligible to qualify to represent California at the National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging contest during the 2023 World Dairy Expo (Madison, WI).
ยท Poultry judging: Members are not required to be enrolled in a poultry project to compete. Senior-level 4-H teams are eligible to qualify to represent California at the National 4-H Poultry Judging contest during the 2023 National 4-H Poultry and Egg Conference (Louisville, KY).
For 4-H teams and individual 4-H contestants, registration will be managed by your County 4-H office. Accounts were created for this purpose, and county 4-H staff must contact JudgingCard.com to activate them. Please have them email info@judgingcard.com to gain access to the account.
Registration Deadline
February 10th
For more information, contact Erica Pettey (State 4-H Animal Science Coordinator) at eapettey@ucanr.edu
Guide Dog Mini-Grant
Guide Dog Mini-Grant
Applications open February 1, 2023
Mini Grant Award: $500
Number of Awards: 4
Mini-grants will be awarded to Youth Members who are currently enrolled in a 4-H Guide Dog Project and who are raising a puppy for guide dog service.
The funds can be used for any expenses related to raising one or more guide dog puppies, including food, equipment, veterinary bills, medications, and/or transportation to 4-H and affiliate Guide Dog organization meetings and activities.
The supplies and equipment purchased are owned by the member.
Beekeeping Mini-Grant
Mini Grant Award: $300
Number of Awards: 4
Awarded to Adult 4-H Volunteer leading a Beekeeping Project in in any county. Project Leader must be an enrolled 4-H Volunteer.
The funds must be used to purchase beekeeping equipment, supplies and curriculum. Preference will be given to those wishing to purchase one bee box, one beehive colony and related start-up supplies to manage a hive.
The equipment is the property of the University of California. It must be held and used in the 4-H Unit that is hosting the project. The 4-H unit can be a club, camp, afterschool, in-school or VMO sponsored project. Boxes may be stored at the project leader's home; on a 4-H farm or property; or at a 4-H member's home who is enrolled in the project.
2023 California Avian Bowl
State Qualifier
Saturday, February 25, 2023
The 2023 CA 4-H Avian Bowl State Qualifier will take place at the Greater California Society of Poultry Fanciersโ (GCSPF) Show at the Big Fresno Fair Grounds. This contest is open to all youth, but the top placing senior 4-H team will qualify to represent California at the 4-H National Poultry and Egg Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. All members of a 4-H team must be current 4-H members for that team to be eligible for a national contest.
ยท Teams are not required to pre-qualify to enter the Avian Bowl State Final contest.
ยท Eligible teams must include between 2 to 4 youth members in the same age division (Junior or Senior). Each team may also include an alternate member.
ยท Multiple teams in the same age division can be entered from one county. A team can also be formed with 4-H youth members from different counties.
To Participate
ยท Avian Bowl teams must be pre-registered.
ยท Entry forms must be returned to the contest organizer, Dr. Francine Bradley (see instructions on entry form).
Entry Deadline: February 13th
Spark Achievement Webinars Continue
Spark Achievement Program Webinars will continue in 2023!
๏ปฟUpcoming dates:
Feb. 9th and 22nd, 7 pm
Mar. 9th and 22nd, 7 pm
Georgia Boot Trailblazer
Know a 4-H'er with an impressive project?
Tell them to apply for the 2023 Georgia Boot Trailblazer Contest. Georgia Boot is looking for four enthusiastic 4-H'ers to share their 2023 project journeys with the Georgia Boot audience. Take advantage of this chance to win a prize package valued at $500!
Interested in being a Georgia Boot Trailblazer? Simply fill out the form below and attach a picture of a current or past 4-H activity by February 24th, 2023.
2023 State 4-H Shooting Sports Match
Itโs time to sharpen up your shooting skills and start preparing for the 39th Annual State 4-H Shooting Sports Match, sponsored by the Siskiyou County 4-H Council. This is a postal shoot. Targets are shot locally and mailed to Siskiyou County for scoring.
Registration Now Open
*Forms Must be Postmarked by March 15, 2023
California 4-H State Field Day, May 27, 2023
If youโre not excited for State Field Day (SFD), you should be - mark your calendars for Saturday, May 27th, 2023!
SFD will take place at UC Davis this spring and will feature various competitions along with a day of picnicking and family fun.
Registration for individual contests will open by mid-March, and respective contest webpages will be updated by the end of February. The webpages for State Presentation Day and State Fashion Revue are currently up to date, but registration for them will open later in the spring along with the contests.
If you would like to receive updates specifically about SFD 2023, you can provide a family email address in this survey or keep an eye on the State Newsletter.
If you have any questions about State Field Day or qualifying events, please email 4hsfd@ucanr.edu.
Forms Must be Postmarked by March 15, 2023
๐ฅ Scholarships & Awards
Youth in Action Awards
Share your story of how 4-H made an impact on you and how you are using your spark to impact your community.
What's new
ยท You can choose from 29 different project areas instead of just 4!
ยท All applicants and their local 4-H Professional can join in a webinar on media training, April 16 & 17
NEW - Webinar for you and your parents
If you are thinking of applying join this webinar to learn more about the Youth in Action Awards and how to apply.
February 22, 6:00pm ET, 3:00 pm PT
SRJC Foundation Ag Trust Scholarship
for 2023 Graduating High School Seniors
๏ปฟThe Santa Rosa Junior College Foundation Ag Trust is happy to announce the establishment of a new scholarship program for local graduating seniors that plan to enroll at Santa Rosa Junior College in Fall 2023 with a major in the field of Agriculture or Natural Resource Management. Eight scholarships will be available at $1,500 each. Applicants are also eligible to apply for the Doyle Scholarship Program through a separate application process. The total of the two awards could amount to as much as $3,500.
๐ The application period opens October 1, 2022 and closes March 1, 2023.
๐ More information about the eligibility is available here:
๐ Application: ucanr.edu/sites/SoCo/files/373196.docx
Youth Agriculture Leadership Center Scholarships
YAL Scholarship Application deadline is Friday, March 10, 2023.
Richard M. Kunde Scholarship
The Richard M. Kunde scholarship is for a high school senior who will be attending a 4-year California college majoring in viticulture. The scholarship will be up to the amount of $20,000 over 4 years depending on continued eligibility.
Saralee McClelland Kunde Scholarship
The Saralee McClelland Kunde Scholarship is for a high school senior who will be attending a community college or 4-year college in California majoring any field of agriculture. The scholarship will be up to the amount of $20,000 over 4 years depending on continued eligibility.
Dr. Fred Groverman, DVM Scholarship
Dr. Fred Groverman Scholarship - $1,000, is available to Sonoma County 4-H members who have been active in 4-H a minimum of 4 years, including his/her Junior and Senior years of high school. Dr. Groverman is looking for an individual who has experience in agriculture and leadership. Applicants must be entering or attending a college or accredited trade school and majoring in Agriculture or a form of leadership.
Beverly C. Wilson Scholarship
The $3,500 Beverly C. Wilson Scholarship honors the memory of the late Petaluma businesswoman and longtime manager of the Sonoma-Marin Fair. Applicants must be a Sonoma County high school graduate or college student attending a four-year accredited university, preferably to study business or agri-business. Eligible applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and show a well-balanced history of community service and leadership as well as a motivated work ethic.
Menโs Garden Club
The Menโs Garden Club Scholarship - Two scholarships ($1,500 each) is available to Sonoma County residents pursuing a career in agriculture or Agri-business. Applicant must be entering or attending a college or accredited trade school.
The Saralee Community Service Scholarship
The Saralee Community Service Scholarship will grant $2,500 annually to a young person 21 years or younger who has demonstrated excellence in volunteerism and leadership and who is committed to making a difference in our community.
The Dempel/Johnson Scholarship
A one $2,500 scholarship available to Sonoma County residents pursuing a non-agricultural career. Applicants must have been active in 4-H a minimum of 4 years, including his/her junior and senior years of high school. They must be entering or attending a four year university or college. Recipients of this scholarship may only receive it one time.
American AgCredit Scholarship
The American AgCredit Scholarships are intended to support future farmers and ranchers. Two scholarships ($1,500 each) are available to Sonoma County residents pursuing a career in Agriculture or Agri-Business. American AgCredit offers college scholarships to graduating high school seniors going into college, community college transfer students moving to a 4-year accredited university, and college juniors and seniors.
Youth Ag & Leadership Foundation of Sonoma County Scholarship
Available to Sonoma County 4-H members who have been active in 4-H a minimum of 4 years, including his/her Junior and Senior years of high school. Applicant must be entering or attending a college or accredited trade school.
Youth Ag & Leadership Foundation Directors Scholarship
Available to Sonoma County 4-H or FFA youth. Applicants must be high school seniors and entering or attending a college or accredited trade school. Recipients will be selected based on their ongoing commitment to leadership in their field(s) of interest. Award recognition will be presented to the recipient at the Youth Ag & Leadership Foundation Annual BBQ Fundraiser on Saturday, August 26, 2023.
Travis Credit Union Community Impact Scholarship
Travis Credit Union has released a scholarship opportunity. Travis Credit Union has supported State Leadership Conference for several years as sponsor and by delivering Financial Literacy workshops. We look forward to a continued partnership for SLC 2023.
Travis Credit Union is awarding $2,000 scholarships to 20 current high school seniors bound for college in the fall of 2023! Apply in person, by mail or online by February 20, 2023. For more information go to traviscu.org/scholarships
California Dairy Princess
Special Edition Golden Clover Awards!
The State Incentives and Recognition Advisory Committee is releasing two mid-year Golden Clover Awards:
Brownlee Science Award
Two $500 awards for youth and/or 4-H Adult Volunteer
This category may be awarded to members and volunteers for utilizing science inquiry and experiential learning in 4-H work to help youth increase knowledge, skills and competencies and improve their attitudes about science. This category includes increasing science awareness and use in 4-H projects by testing predictions and making sense of observations. This can be awarded in any area related to science including computer science, animal science, citizen science, and more.
Clay Outdoor Adventure Award
Two $500 awards for youth and/or 4-H Adult Volunteer
This category may be awarded to either a member or a volunteer for 4-H work in camping and outdoor adventures including camping, fishing, hiking, shooting sports, rafting, climbing, GIS/GPS, snow skiing, and others. This category also includes outstanding achievement, leadership, and promotion of outdoor adventures.
๐ค Community Connections
One of my young chickens is turning out to be a cockerel. I was curious if any of your members were interested in him? He is very sweet and friendly, probably about three months old now. Unfortunately, we cannot have roosters within our town limits. Also, is your poultry program for showmanship? Iโd love for him to go to a family as a pet.
If you are interested please contact by phone at 415-948-7484 or via email chantalcarlon@gmail.com.
Thank you,