In what is a culminating event each school year, 35 JAG-K students traveled to St. Louis in mid-April for the JAG National Career Development Conference (NCDC).
Students who placed in the top three in their areas of competition at the state Career Development Conference in March were eligible to compete in St. Louis.
A three-person team from Junction City High School consisting of James Lamar, Jae’Lynn Dennard and Jaden Exantus (pictured left to right) took first place in the Creative Decision-Making event. The Junction City students gave Kansas its first win at nationals since the state registered three first place finishes in 2020.
Additionally, several representatives of the Kansas affiliate of JAG placed in the top 10 in the competitions.
Five Kansas programs - Augusta, Junction City Innovations Academy, Kiowa County, Minneapolis and Russell - were recognized as Outstanding Career Association Chapters, which honored chapter excellence in Leadership Development, Career Development, Civic Awareness, Community Service, and Social Awareness.
Read about the event and see the names of all the students who earned awards here:
News release from National Career Development Conference