The wonderful adventure of being part of CSL Kenya continues! We continue to celebrate all that is unfolding, and we are grateful for the opportunity to share once again with you what your generous financial support, your love, and your prayers make possible. When we come together with a clear intention and we each do our part, amazing things happen.
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Each year on the anniversary weekend of the 2020 conference, we hold a Meet Up to review the previous year. This year we met via Zoom on February 4, 2023, and what a wonderful 90 minutes of sharing and connection it was . . . a real love fest! It was a great time to reconnect with so many in our beautiful Kenyan community and with our wonderful North American and Global supporters. It was especially exciting to have so many of the reports on what’s happening in different areas presented by our Kenyan leaders. We celebrate our progress toward Connie’s vision of “A Centre in Kenya led by Kenyans.”
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Each year, Centers for Spiritual Living ministers, practitioners, leaders, supporters, and friends gather to share spiritual practices, receive reports and updates on what is happening in the larger organization, recognize those who have done exceptional work during the year, and celebrate together.
At this year’s VISTA first fully hybrid conference (providing participation both in person and through Zoom), our own CSL Kenya community was honoured to receive the Community of the Year award! Out of the more than 400 communities throughout the world, our exceptional community was recognized for our achievements, our growth, and the amazing work we’re doing to contribute to creating a world that works for everyone.
In addition to the Community Award, our own Michele Taylor, Lead Practitioner, Director of Education, and beloved teacher and mentor, was recognized by CSL for her work by receiving the CSL Educator of the Year award. This award honors her outstanding dedication, innovative ideas, and her commitment to making a difference in Kenya and the world. We thank Michael Kiragu, the Chair of our Conscious Living Foundation in Kenya, for nominating her for this award.
At the Global Services session of the VISTA conference, an inspiring video of the students in grades 7 and 8 at the Briton School was shared with all in attendance, introduced by Headmistress and Practitioner, Wilkister Orenge RScP.
What a gift to be able share our work with people around the world in attendance at this conference.
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In-Person Camp for our Youth
From January 10 – 12, our young people met at “Our Place” for our first in-person teen camp since the Pandemic. The statements of the young people themselves convey the powerful impact that this time of coming together had on their lives.
What I learned from camp is how to meditate and find peace and how to cope with my feelings and not take everything personally. I am really grateful for this camp.
I am grateful for the camp. My takeaway is that I made new friends, and learned new skills like setting up a tent and lighting a fire.
I am grateful for the camp, I learned meditation and I’m happy for meeting new faces.
I am grateful. I learned a lot. I learned how to interact with others and socialize. I learned about my life and others. And I learned that I am the face of God. God is in me and in you. I have a more positive view of life.
My take-away is to be kind to people. I am grateful for all the learning.
I am grateful for all the activities. They were so much fun, and the new friends I made. I am glad for learning how to do treatment properly.
I enjoyed the learning and how to do treatment and to think before you speak. I’m thankful for the hospitality. My take away; I should not to take everything others say personally and I can think before I speak.
Lisa Marie:
I am thankful for the experiences and the people I met. I learned how to do treatment.
I am grateful for the experiences and all the SOM things that I have been taught. I will teach my siblings the new games I have been taught.
Meditation was fun. We should not take things for granted. It was fun and happy to be here.
I am grateful for the experiences that I had, the people I met, and the good food. I learned about how to do treatment.
These are our future leaders!
We thank all the Kenyan parents, leaders, and teachers
who went above and beyond to lead this camp
and make it a meaningful, life-changing event for these young people.
Our big project now is to plan, organize, and book venues for CSLK’s 2024 Conference in Nairobi next February 2 – 4. Every day we're getting closer, and what an event this will be!
Not only will it be a inspiring 3 day conference but we have planned “come early” and “stay later” adventures to make this a trip of a lifetime.
Registration forms and all information are available on our website, There are discounts for registering early, and you have the flexibility to create your own adventure.
Three classes are coming to an end this month. Students are coming together to learn and grow as they share and discuss the ideas presented in “The Art & Science of Spiritual Mind Treatment,” “Exploring the Roots of Science of Mind,” and “The Bible: Metaphors for Our Lives Today.”
We’re looking forward to the Discovery class which will be beginning April 15, 2023. This is an introductory class for those curious about what we teach. Classes coming up for continuing students are “Visioning” and “Consciousness and the Creative Process.”
What You Make Possible
At this point, payment for our classes is on a love-offering basis. Our teachers at CSLK are not paid; they teach because they love SOM and are committed to our students.
It is the generous contributions of our donors that allow us to pay the required fees to Home Office for using the SOM curriculum and to provide books, materials, and when necessary, internet access for our students.
Rev. Barb and Rev. Melody
On Their Way to Kenya!
On March 17, Revs Barb Samuel and Melody will be on their way to Kenya for a three-week visit. Many special events are planned, including a board retreat, a ministerial weekend intensive, a community gathering, choir practices, and upcountry visits to Kisumu and Kisii.
Of course, we look forward to hearing about it all when they return, and seeing their beautiful pictures documenting their adventure!
We invite you to be curious, adventurous and intrigued as you set your clear intention today to join students and friends from Kenya, North America, and beyond to share and connect in a deeper and magnificent way at the 2024 Heart of Africa Conference in Nairobi in February 2024.
Ernest Holmes taught: “I am a center in the Divine Mind, a point of God-conscious life, truth and action. My affairs are divinely guided and guarded into right action, into correct results. Everything I do, say or think, is stimulated by the Truth. There is power in this word that I speak, because it is of the Truth and it is the Truth. There is perfect and continuous right action in my life and my affairs.”
We encourage you to allow the Living Spirit, your Divinity, to have Its way in your life, revealing Peace, Joy, Prosperity, and Love to you all. Know you are loved and blessed always.
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2.Mail your cheque or check to:
Centre for Spiritual Living Kenya
6311 - 109A Street
Edmonton, Alberta, T6H 3C6
3. “In Canada” you can etransfer to our email:
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