As tensions continue to rise, as soldiers on both sides of the conflict prepare, as mothers and fathers pray, let us pray for peace. Let us pray for the governments of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the United States and the European Union to seek all avenues for a peaceful resolution to the current tensions. And may we soften our own hearts and words in our own communities to de-escalate the tensions that consume our world. Lord, be with us, we pray. Teach us to be your peacemakers. Amen.
Join Us - All Welcome
This Sunday's schedule
CHOIR REHEARSAL: 8:30 am in the Sanctuary
CHURCH: 10 am in the Sanctuary
CHURCH SCHOOL: Children and teachers leave church together at 10:15 am
COFFEE HOUR: Following church in Fellowship Hall. Sign up to host here.
This week we'll celebrate the marriage of Max and Andrée!
Sunday worship is also streamed on South Church's Facebook page at 10 am. Services are archived in the video section of our Facebook page.
Our prayers are with ...
Henry Marroquin's family --for Julia's continued healing.
The Cadenhead family hopes you hold them in prayer during a challenging time.
Welcome, Margery Rossi!
Here is further information about our new minister, Margery Rossi, in addition to the announcement shared earlier this week.
Q. How long will Margery be at South?
A. She is serving in an interim pastor capacity with a one-year contract, renewable for up to three years. Continuation of service is something that will be considered each year. 
Q. Will Margery live at the Manse?
A. No, she will continue living in Peekskill. This option opens up the opportunity to consider new uses for the Manse that would serve the broader community.
Q. Is Margery full time?
A. She is working for South 30 hours a week. This includes preaching three times a month. Beyond providing pastoral leadership to South, her main responsibilities include:
  • Assisting the Session and congregation in the process of reinvigorating committees, reviving church school, as well as designing and implementing a stewardship campaign.
  • Creating space for church community to identify sustainable ways of using our campus that meet needs of our congregation and the wider community 
  • Building a more effective church organization in ways that include moderating and leading the Session/Deacons in their responsibilities; assisting with the development and planning of an appropriate program of activities; serving as Head of Staff on the Administration Committee and supervising the church office and campus.
Church School Spring Session
For children ages 5 - 12, now through Easter. More info here. All welcome. Questions? Ask Lenore.

Coming up:
Sun. March 27: loving ourselves and others + a check on the maple tree we've tapped
Sun. April 3: the gifts that money can't buy + coloring Easter eggs
Giving & Receiving
Your support sustains our worship and service opportunities, music and arts programs, and more.
We Stand for Peace
Dear friends, we have come to see that we need a different message on our front lawn. If you are interested in painting a banner for the peace and wellbeing of all, please contact Anne Day. – Session of South Church

Hi All,

I recently spent time contemplating the ‘We Stand with Ukraine’ plus Ukrainian flag banner that hangs in front of our church. I then contacted South's Session about it as it did not resonate with my hopes and dreams for our community. MORE
Faith, Justice & the Arts
An Appeal from Community Nursery School
Community Nursery School is hoping to raise $10,000 through this March appeal, foregoing their usual fundraising event. "With many thanks and memories of you all," Linda Jo Platt, Director

Despite protocols put in place you still hear children taking their turn at CNS, painting at the easels, playing house, building towers of blocks, erupting volcanoes, singing the Wheels on the Bus, each following in the ways of all children and families who value the experiences of a quality pre-school community. On the playground where we have spent the majority of our days, you can catch sight of the Mary Joan, a speedy boat heading to Africa and beyond, the old maple tree house with children’s whoops down the slide, the blacktop bicycles with small, sturdy legs peddling faster and faster, the sandbox dug down far enough to reach China, and the tenth generation bunny, UP, fed leafy greens picked by little hands from the bunny gardens or saved from last night’s salad. MORE
Ukrainian Easter Egg Workshop April 9, 1 - 3 pm
Learn about Ukrainian culture, traditions and folk art while expressing your creativity. Limited space available | ages 12 - adult | contact to sign up. There is no charge for the workshop. Donations will be accepted towards Ukrainian war relief efforts. 
Gretchen Beckhorn, our workshop teacher, first learned how to create pysanky - Ukrainian Easter eggs - from her grandma, whose parents arrived in the US from a town just west of the Ukrainian border. She is especially excited to bring this creative expression to South Church and is donating her time to share her experiences and art with us.
Roots & Wings CSA
Roots & Wings, the sustainable initiative of South, is thrilled to be offering a CSA again! Our partner, FABLE, is a farm and food hub, offering our members 18 weeks of local produce from organic farms in the area. Members pick up shares in the parking lot behind South on Sundays, 8:30 - 9:30 am. MORE
Are you composting yet?
For people who want to compost as well as those who love composting! Friends and neighbors will share their backyard composting routines, plus learn how groups compost together and hear from a new curbside food scraps pick-up service. Find the way that works best for you. MORE
Teen Scholarships for Service Trips / Projects
$500 scholarships available to teens in the Rivertowns to be used for service trips / projects. These funds were raised by South Church's teens at the 2019 Teen Benefit. MORE
From Our Community Partners
Common Ground Concerts
John Elliott, Sat. March 26
"I’ve been hosting Common Ground for 20 years, and I can’t think of a single songwriter I’ve presented whose songs resonate more deeply with me than John Elliott." - Carter Smith, founder of Common Ground. MORE/TIX
Open Gathering of HRP Queer on March 27 at 3 pm on Zoom
Join us in creating a safe space where youth, families, adults and allies can discuss the intersections of gender identity, faith traditions and spirituality in our congregations and communities. We are a gathering group of Hudson River Presbytery seeking paths for fully welcoming our Queer/LGBTQIA+ members, friends and siblings in all the ways in which we live and worship together. For more information visit or email us at Thank you for planning to join us.
Go forth with the compassion of Jesus, the companionship of the Holy Spirit and the creative love and justice of God.
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Our mission is to aid one another in the work of becoming more fully human, in the ways that God has given us.