The WEMO Youth Messenger

May 7, 2024

Episcopal Summer Mega Camp

Mega Camp is just around the corner and it's not too late to register!

Mega Camp is 200 Episcopalians in a safe, fun, Christian community. Camp Wood YMCA features a variety of activities such as horseback riding, archery, climbing tower, zip-line, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, water slide, mud slide, arts and crafts, and sports. There are different fun activities each night, like a carnival,

paint-the-counselor, and a talent show. The volunteer Episcopal staff provides Christian education, featuring worship, music, small group discussions, and prayer. This year's theme is "Linked by Love" and we will be exploring how God's love is manifest in the various relationships we have.

Becoming part of the diocesan youth community can help a young person grow in their faith, stay connected to the church through a developmentally tough time, and make life-long friends. We are an incredibly open, inclusive, welcoming, non-judgmental community where many young people find a home-away-from-home.

Open to those who have finished grades 3-12.

Camp will cost $575. There is a $35 non-refundable deposit due at registration. Payment plans are available. If you choose, UltraCamp will automatically divide the cost of camp over the remaining months between when you register and the start of camp. The full camp fee must be paid by the first day of camp. If you need assistance in paying for camp, you can fill out the scholarship application below. More information about camp can be found here.

Contact Fr. David Wilcox, Youth Missioner for The Diocese of West Missouri, for more information. We look forward to seeing you at Camp Wood this year!


Register Now! 
Scholarship Application

Other Upcoming Events



General Convention Trip

Limited space is still available for our trip to Genral Convention in Louisville from June 25-29. This trip is open to youth in grades 9-12.





Hosted at St. Margaret's in Lawrence, KS this Happening is a great opportunity for those youth who would be interested in being on Happening Staff in September.




Jerusalem Farm Service Trip

A wonderful opportunity for High School Youth to end the summer doing service in the KC area. This service trip will take place from July 28-August 3.


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Volunteers Always Welcome

Interested in becoming a Youth Ministry Volunteer? Reach out to the Missioner for Youth Ministry for more information!

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Volunteers Needed

We are in need of male counselors for this summer's Episcopal Summer Mega Camp if you or anyone you know may be interested in volunteering in this way, please contact Fr. David

General Convention Trip 2024

This trip is an opportunity for the youth of The Diocese of West Missouri to experience the inner workings of church governance at the global level with visits to both houses of General Convention, witness the election of the 29th Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church, connect with Episcopalians from around the world and explore the city of Louisville.

Registration is still open, and a limited number of spots are available. More information is available at the link below!

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Jerusalem Farm Service Trip

This trip from July 28-August 3rd is a way for high school students to give back to the community through a week of residential service in Kansas City's Historic North-East working alongside the residents of Jerusalem Farm, a Catholic Worker affiliated urban farm, to serve those in need in the community through home repair and environmental stewardship. The week is centered around the four pillars of Prayer, Community, Service and Simplicity.

To learn more about Jerusalem Farm, click here.

To register for the service week, click here.


Happening is a Christian Experience by youth for youth. It’s a weekend retreat, focusing on Jesus and what he taught. There are games, music, great food, and a chance to talk with peers about things that really matter. Students “go through” Happening only once, after that, they may come back and serve on Happening staff, recreating the experience for others.

The program, led by youth for youth, focuses on three big questions:

  • Who am I?
  • Where do I fit?
  • What difference can I make?

and what the good news of Jesus Christ can tell us about these questions.

We are bringing Happening back to WEMO in September if you would be interested in being on the leadership team for that retreat. please contact Fr. David.

Youth Leader's Corner

Check out these resources that can help you with your ministry.

Community Covenant

Why Youth Ministry?


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