Get your tickets for Envision Utah's 2022 Spring Breakfast today!
We're excited to announce that tickets for this year's Spring Breakfast are now on sale!

Join us for a delicious breakfast and keynote address from Ali Wolf, Chief Economist for Zonda, the largest homebuilding prop tech company in North America. Together we’ll discuss current housing trends and what the future could hold for Utah.
May 25
8:00 A.M. - 9:30 A.M.
The Little America Hotel
Be sure to mark your calendars and get your tickets soon—we can't wait to spend the morning with you!

Interested in sponsoring this year's event? Contact Melissa Langford for sponsorship opportunities. 
Weigh in and take our survey on post-secondary education today!
Envision Utah is looking for parents and guardians of Utah students to weigh in on our post-secondary education survey. We want to hear about your experiences in Utah as your children prepare for education beyond high school.

Take the survey today to add your voice and be sure to share it with any other Utah parents you know!
Check out our podcast episodes on earthquake resiliency!
With 85% of Utah's population living on top of or directly adjacent to the Wasatch Fault, it makes sense that a lot of us have been taught to prepare for earthquakes since elementary school. Ensuring Utahns know what to do during and directly after an earthquake is paramount to saving lives — especially with a 43 percent chance that the fault will experience a magnitude 6.75 or greater earthquake in the next 50 years.

But just because we're prepared for what to do during an earthquake, doesn't mean we'll be resilient in the aftermath.

Tune in to the Your Utah, Your Future Podcast series on disaster resilience to hear from the experts about the steps we can take to ensure that our communities, economy, and overall way of life will be able to bounce back, even after something as significant as an earthquake.
Disaster Resilience Pt. 1
The first step toward achieving resiliency is understanding the risk we face. In Part 1 we're talking with the experts about the science of earthquakes: what is an earthquake and why do they happen in Utah?
Disaster Resilience Pt. 2
Part two dives into two concrete steps we can take to become more resilient: strengthening our water infrastructure and investing in a feasibility study for an early earthquake warning system.
Disaster Resilience Pt. 3
We wrap up our earthquake series talking with the experts about how we can ensure equity in our disaster response and resiliency efforts. Plus, we look at the steps we can take to strengthen the most vulnerable buildings we live, work, learn, and play in every day: URMs.
Support Envision Utah
Like all of you, we’re worried about keeping ourselves and our families healthy, and we’re concerned about both the short- and long-term impacts of the current pandemic. But thanks to your generous support, we’re also able to remain focused on other critical long-term issues like air quality, water, land use and transportation, education, disaster resilience, and more. Thank you for your support!
Envision Utah | (801) 303-1450 |