Connections: February 6, 2023
We all process loss and change differently—as we see and feel so acutely. 

The challenges of transitions are many.

I am challenged to find words; what is right for some unsettles others. So I offer not my words, but those from Lamentations 3:22-28

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 
‘The Lord is my portion, says my soul, ‘therefore, I will hope in (God)’
The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks (God).
It is good for one to bear the yoke of youth, to sit alone with silence when the Lord has imposed it. “

I offer my prayers for clarity, comfort, strength, and renewal; in its time. 

—Rev. Melissa
Rev. Jorge Bautista’s Resignation
Last week Rev. Jorge Bautista announced to the Wednesday evening Spanish-speaking gathering and then to the Sunday morning English-speaking congregation that he has resigned from CCSM, effective March 1. (Click HERE for his announcement in the Sunday service.) Following Rev. Jorge’s announcement Julien Phillips, lead of the Latino/a Ministry, made these remarks:

Jorge, we fully respect your decision to resign. And for many of us, this is a very, very sad day.

A few of us at CCSM dreamed of a Latino/a congregation within our church for years. But it only came to life when you joined us — with your sustained work in building community connections, acting in common cause with our Latino/a neighbors, drawing a few people to a first evening service. Gradually attracting more people and cultivating community among them. Tending to their pastoral needs and helping them with their existential needs.

You sustained our Spanish-speaking congregation-within-CCSM through the pandemic, which had far greater impact on our Wednesday folks than on most of us. You accomplished this even when you yourself got Covid and — to this day — lived with long-Covid fatigue.

This fall, now that more in-person engagement is possible, you worked with Alicia, Reina, me, and others to hold two big cross-cultural events to bring together Spanish-speaking and English-speaking members of our congregation. And you helped us envision more in the coming year.

We are deeply saddened that you won’t be going forward with us, but grateful for all you have helped CCSM to accomplish. We will do our best to build forward from here.

My fellow Sunday congregants, I want to speak a little about the future. First, thank you for your sustained support for our Latino/a Ministry. Thank you to our Board of Directors for making clear that it continues to be a major priority, even in these difficult times financially.

I assure you that we in the Latino/a Ministry will do everything we can to sustain and build from this place forward. It will be a big challenge: our Wednesday folks are relatively new to CCSM and to progressive Christianity, and they have a deep love for Jorge, similar to the way many of us felt about Penny Nixon, and about Jim Keck before her. We hope that they stick with us and work with us to build an even stronger Spanish-speaking congregation-within-CCSM and stronger relationships between our Spanish-speaking and English-speaking congregants. But it will be their decision.

We actually start our work toward the future this afternoon with a Latino/a Ministry Planning Team of 8 people from our Spanish-speaking congregation-within-CCSM and 8 people from our English-speaking congregation.

Finally, there are two big ways we can appreciate Jorge before he leaves us:
1.   First, we will hold a farewell celebration for Jorge after church on Sunday, February 26, that will include people from both Spanish- and English-speaking congregations.
2.   Second, we will collect a ‘purse’ that can help Jorge and Rebecca with their transition. Donations to Jorge's purse may be made by:
-   Check to CCSM, marked ‘Rev. Jorge gift,’ mailed to Cheryle Matteo at CCSM, 225 Tilton Avenue, San Mateo, California 94401.
-   Online at selecting "Donation - Jorge's Gift" in the drop-down menu.
-   Text to the number 73256, the message CCSM JorgeGift <amount>. 

Of course, you can express your personal appreciation any time this month.

—Julien Phillips
Click on the video above for Sunday's worship service,
or click HERE for Rev. Melissa Douaire's sermon, "Wine Country."
NOW WHAT? Spiritual Conversations has a new book for discussion
How can we connect with people with whom we have significant differences? How can we be peacemakers and contribute to a kinder society? The book Now What? How to Move Forward When We’re Divided (About Basically Everything) by Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silver can help us become careful listeners, show mutual respect, and develop a deeper understanding of the Other.
Spiritual Conversations meets every other week on Monday evenings, from 7:15 to 8:45pm via Zoom. Our next discussion will be February 13.
If you’re interested in knowing more, please contact Chris Wuthmann at or Chase Montara at
Youth and Family Events
All Sundays: Weekly Sunday kids' spiritual program at 10:45, led by Shannon (they/them) and Elaine (she/her) in the Community Room. Pre-K care is offered by Lily (she/her). Youth Group is led by Elijah (he/him) in the Fireplace Room. 
Sunday, February 12: 10:45am - Mardi Gras fun! Our kids' program will have a special Mardi Gras theme today as we learn about that celebration and also prepare for the season of Lent. 
Sunday, February 12: 10:30am - 60 Minutes conversation for youth led by Mike and Sheryl. Each month, high schoolers choose a discussion topic. Middle schoolers will discuss the same topic either in the same or possibly a separate group, depending on the numbers. This month our topic is school! After church, high school youth are invited to join Sheryl for lunch and social time.
Saturday, February 18-Monday, February 20 - Mid-winter youth camp for those in grades 7-12 in Palo Alto. Please contact Sheryl for more information and sign up here
Wednesday, February 22: 7:15pm. Ash Wednesday. Families are invited to join in our special bilingual Ash Wednesday service. Kids will be in the Buckham Room for the first part of the time and will learn about Ash Wednesday and have some art activities before joining their parents for ashes and communion. Dinner provided! 
Sunday, February 26: 11:30am - Sandwich-making for Open Cathedral in the kitchen. Youth are invited to come help make a meal for those in need! 
Friday, March 17-Sunday, March 19 - Youth Retreat in Orinda! Our local UCC partners are again collaborating to offer Confirmation classes. However, this retreat is open to all youth in grades 8-12, even those who have already been confirmed (or who are not interested in confirmation). This retreat is a chance for highschoolers to learn more about progressive Christian faith, play games, and connect with other youth. Please let me know asap if you might be interested in Confirmation this year (or just the retreat) and I will share more information. 
July/August 2023 - Summer camp sessions at Camp Tamarack! Please check the website to learn more and to see which week is open to your age group. Please let Sheryl know if you are interested so I can help with carpooling, assistance with fees, etc. 
MUSIC & ART: Friday, February 17 at noon in the Buckham Room
CCSM’s own Tony Gallo will be the speaker and take us on a slide show and audio journey of Cuba’s struggles and the Castro Revolution and visit his childhood memories. Tony left Cuba in 1961 after the Castro takeover. Tony and wife Kathy returned in 2014 after a 53-year absence and celebrated with his Aunt Lina on her 91st birthday. Tony is a retired Semiconductor Engineering Director and teaches Chemistry at San Francisco State University. (Photo: Tony on his last day in Cuba with his grandmother, 1961)
Bring your own lunch; beverages and dessert are provided. Members and guests are most welcome, but PLEASE reserve your space with an RSVP to Susan Duty at: or by calling 650-533-6830.
Feb. 11: Casavant Love Organ Concert, fine wines, chocolate and snacks
Feb. 18: Civil War History party and eats  
Contact Diane Kalliam ( for more information. Thanks!!
Scholarships for high school seniors and graduate students

The Youth Ministry at CCSM is pleased to support high school seniors and graduate students with scholarships for the 2023-24 school year thanks to the generosity of CCSM members.

High school seniors and graduate students who are active members of CCSM are encouraged to apply for scholarship support. Information about the scholarships and application packets are available at the following links: for the graduate packet, go to, or for the undergraduate packet, go to Applications with supporting documents and letters of recommendations are due by April 15, 2023.  

The Congregational Church has been supportive of education through our denominational history. In fact, many of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious educational institutions such as Harvard and Yale Universities and Bowdoin College were founded by the Congregational Church. CCSM follows in that important tradition of helping to educate our younger generation with scholarship aid. 

Please contact Warren Long,, or Sheryl Johnson, if you have any questions. 
We hope that you have been enjoying the goodies during coffee hour. A few generous families have stepped up to help Linda Fenn with coffee hour during the past few months, and we’d like to continue hosting coffee hour; however, she needs families or individuals who can help with this on-going project.

Coffee hour is a lot to ask for one person (Lin) to do alone on a weekly basis (she already does the planning, organizing, and provides some recurring back up supplies). The greater the number of people who can help, the smaller the task is for each person.

It involves set-up, ensuring the trays stay filled, and then clean up—about an hour each Sunday both to organize prior to service and clean up afterward. While more hands make less work, any amount of help will be great, and everyone will appreciate having coffee hour continue.

If you can help out once a quarter (or more frequently if you would like), please email or call Lin Fenn ( or Melodie Lew (; 650.573.9765). Thank you in advance!
CPR CLASS, Saturday, Feb 25, 9am-1pm
in the Buckham Room
With the cardiac arrest of Damar Hamlin, Buffalo Bills football player, seen by millions on national TV and his miracle recovery, the ability to perform life-saving CPR and the use of an AED has gained national notoriety. We have had two AEDs on the church grounds for years so we are prepared to deliver this critical treatment to someone in cardiac arrest. The other important part of saving a life is for as many people as possible to be able to administer CPR as well. Join us Feb. 25. Cost is $70 (make check to Life Support Services). Please contact Genel Morgan for questions and to reserve your spot.
The "Blessing Box" outside of the entrance of CCSM is a project of the Ministry of Service and Justice, responding to the need for families in our neighborhood to access food and an expression of our call to be the "hands, feet, and face of God" in our community. The container will be in the narthex to collect food (canned, dried and boxed, no fresh food please! donations must be full UNOPENED containers, no fruits, vegetables, or bread) on any Sunday of the month. Thank you for your continuing generosity!
Thank you for your pledging for 2023!

A few of you have mentioned that you have not seen the new pledge amount withdrawn from your accounts. The stewardship pledge was not authorization for a new charge to your account. Please contact Cheryle Matteo ( if you have made any changes to your pledge amount and require her assistance. She needs your directives and permission to change any automatic payments or charges to your credit card or bank accounts. Also, please authorize her to make any retroactive payments that may be needed to bring your payments to date.

And don't forget to ask your employer if they have a charitable donation matching program to make your pledge go farther.
Pray for Ukraine Every Tuesday at 7:30pm

CCSM held a powerful live Prayer Ritual for Ukraine on March 6th. We have decided to premier this ritual ONLINE every Tuesday until the war ends. We hope you will join us online weekly to continue our prayers and heal our hearts. These are challenging times and this offering is a way to bring our community together and magnify our prayers.

Please share this link with your friends and family so we can extend this offering to as many people as possible.

Link for Prayer Ritual on YouTube:
225 Tilton Ave. • San Mateo, CA • 94401
Scan the QR code above or go to
to make a donation or pledge to CCSM.
Don't forget to ask your employer if they have a charitable donation matching program to make your pledge go farther.